right: 0; if (this.moduleToolbar.toolbarTools["title-module"] != null) { //only update toolbar field if there is one margin: 0 auto; .sl-column-container__width-34 { padding-left:5px; .horizontal_form_elements .jsAjaxAccordion .form-field-label .field-required { this.dialogArea.dialog("close"); contentClassName: this.contentClassName,//this.contentClassName, this.editorHandler.addLinkDialogHandler(event) } __classvars__: { } }, .sl-cms2-admin-bar__sl-logo { display: inline; context: this, /*padding:10px 0; */ }, }, block_id: listOfLinksBlockID, this.fieldID = fieldID; jQuery("#" + this.urlField).trigger("change"); background: rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.6); var BasePlayerHandler = Class.$extend({ this.stopped = true; actionHandler: function (ev, data) { this.editorHandler.saveSubtitle(data.subtitle) }); this.createDialog(dialogArea); background-position: 0px -4300px; color: #fff; } outline: 3px solid aquamarine; var Popup = Class.$extend({ margin-top: 5px; //jQuery(parsedHTML).find("a").each(jQuery.proxy(this.processATag,this)); .sl-cms2-ui-tabs .sl-cms2-ui-tabs-nav li.sl-cms2-slides-tabs__tab { }, border: 1px solid transparent; url: "/pf4/cms2/setRoleOnPage", .sl-cms2-menu-alt-vertical__item-title--alert { open: function (target) { background: #fff; /* } .classroom_edit_assignment_button_area .main-title { width: "1024px", .sl-chrome-sitemap__fa-long-arrow-left { if (event != null) { display: flex; } else { font-size: 12px; justify-content: center; notesPublishHandler: function () { } jQuery.ajax({ jQuery.extend({}, vex.dialog.buttons.NO, { e.preventDefault(); cursor: pointer; return result; this.block_id = options.block_id; display: none; .form-optional-toggle { var navSelected = target.attr("name"); jQuery.ajax({ }, list-style: none; .sl-cms2-table-style__both_header th { } align-items: flex-start; (gif|jpg|jpeg|png)$/i); } .sl-cms2-page-modules__icon-button--template-footer { this.button = this.jsToolbar.find(".jsVideoSelectType"); editorHandler.movingChildHandler(block_id, targetId); box-shadow: 1px 1px 0px 2px #ddd // this happens when ckeditor triggered the event } } jQuery("#" + this.id).data("rich_text_editor", this); } color: #003387; embedLink: function(ev) .sl-cms2-dropdown-menu__color-list-content { edit_form_data: this.getFormDataID(), A negative rapid antigen test is recommended but not required to return day 6-10. hide: "fadeOut", } } this.button = this.jsToolbar.find(".jsBackgroundImage .jsLockerSelect, .jsBackgroundImage .jsRemoveBackground"); border: 1px solid #ccc; this.hideDropdown(this.container) Student & family wellness: (213) 241-3840 autoGrow_minHeight: 300, color:#575757 .cms2-editor-dialog__table-style-picker__link img { } color: #000000; .sl-chrome-prototype-area { if ( ElementQueries.pageInstance != null ) "rss-options": "RSSOptions", this.ajaxCallAttributeSetting(options); + AccordionDropdowns.buttonClass; .sl-chrome-show-locking-locked { font-size: 20px; margin-right: 10px; CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true; } height: 16px; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #fff 0%,#f2f2f2 100%); /* W3C */ } .sl-cms2-page-modules__icon-button--50-50 { cursor: pointer; sl.addAjaxScope(variables); this.setFormID(formID); justify-content: center; var dropzoneEffect = new DropzoneEffect(dropEffectsOptions); attributes: attributes, } } var attributes = { __init__: function (fieldID, clickableID, popupURL, idField, titleDisplay, initialValue) }, .cms2-editor-dialog__table-style-container .cms2-editor-dialog__table-style-picker--footer { itemTemplate: this.jsProgressItemTemplate, editor.saveModule(this.blockID); font-size: 13px; this.getFormArea().empty(); } this.aTagList.push(jQuery(element)); line-height: 20px; .sl-cms2-link-list__link--file { } //
this.setAttribute(attributes); var image = jQuery('.image-holder'); this.iframePreviewID = options.iframePreviewID; this.slideshowControllerInstance.update(); "make-district-module": "MakeDistrictModule", jQuery("#" + id).keydown(jQuery.proxy(this.keydownHandler, this)); .sl-cms2-admin-bar-container { initDropzoneEffect: function () { resource_id: resourceID, That photo is too large. .sl-cms2-locker-tree__folder-ui-icon-triangle { type: "GET", font-style: italic; } flex-direction: column; editor.updateBlock(this.blockID); if ( this.timeoutTriggered == false ) attributePrefix: "" flex: 0 0 auto; if (this.fileStatusMap[name].data().data && this.fileStatusMap[name].data().data.state() != "resolved") { background: url("https://cdn.schoolloop.com/release_1.0.61/pf4/img/attach_file_blue.png") no-repeat scroll 0 0; } margin-left:5px this.addLinkDialog.createDialog(); var isVisible = this.toggleDropdown(); * height: 100%; __init__: function (toolbar) { .sl-cms2-toolbar__icon-button--link { text-decoration: none; /* iframe.width(width); } } this.editorHandler.updateBlock(); background-color: #fff; align-items: center; } /** Los administradores proporcionarn un kit de pruebas de deteccin rpida por antgenos para que el estudiante con sntomas se lo lleve a casa. /* } } .jsDropdownCheckbox .jsDropContent { data: variables, url: url, margin-right: 5px; } */ margin-left: 190px; } * * Copyright (c) 2004-2018, School Loop, Inc. All Rights Reserved. .sl-cms2-bg-wrapper_footer .sl-cms2-bg-accent_light { border: 1px #b2d6db solid; variables["http_link_form_data"] = this.formDataID; }); this.jsToolbar = toolbar.getModuleToolbar(); height: 24px; this.addLinkFromLockerURL = addLinkFromLockerURL; -moz-border-top-right-radius: 10px; Students will arrive at school at 8:00 AM. }, padding: 0; }, -o-transform: skew(0deg, 6deg); var options = { }, width: 125px; align-items: center; } this.blockElement.append(jsMoveHandle); input.date-input-display { user-select: none; /* Non-prefixed version, currently text-decoration: none; /* ADD PAGE MODULES - SN */ "css_class": cssClass contentClassName: "sl-dialog-wide", cursor: pointer; jQuery.extend({}, vex.dialog.buttons.YES, { padding: 0; this.saveSubtitle(); font-weight: bold; //N.B} jsDropdownInline must be first class .sl-cms2-page-modules__icon-button--template-header--district { .sl-cms2-title-bar__link-div { this.moduleID = options.id; flex-direction: row; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url(https://cdn.schoolloop.com/release_1.0.61/pf4/img/insert_marker_horizontal.svg) no-repeat 0 -0px; { */ variables["field_value"] = value; /* END tree view */ La red proporciona a estudiantes, padres, maestros y a la comunidad datos importantes en tiempo real sobre la calidad del aire exterior de su localidad. display: inline-block; text-decoration: none; margin: 0 0 20px 0; color: #fff; .sl-cms2-bg-wrapper_footer .sl-cms2-bg-accent .sl-cms2-text{ text-align: left; .horizontal_form_elements .form-label-aligment label { contentClassName: "sl-dialog-medium", box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px #888888; jQuery("#link_" + initialSelection).toggleClass("on"); } position: relative; formData:formDataUpdate, color:#002f60 } background-color: transparent; } selectResource: function (resourceID, title, url, embedURL, isGoogle, externalID) { display: inline-block; }, background-color: #fff; The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have approved Pfizers COVID-19 vaccine for 5- to 11-year-old children. elementClone = element.clone(); margin-bottom: 10px; url: response.url, }, list-style: none; }, }, transition: background-color .3s ease-in; this.$super(toolbar); if (path == "portal" || path == "") {//close because being returned to homepage - isn't needed now we have a DONE button } this.editModuleArea = this.jsModule.closest(".jsTextAreaEnclosingDiv"); top: 0; __init__: function (options) { .hover-input { .sl-chrome-sitemap__dropdown { .sl-button--orange { this.button = this.jsToolbar.find(".jsCopyModule"); }); } } var url = "/pf4/cms2_sl/block_info" var target = jQuery(event.target); } this.containerClass = "jsCMS2Block"; border: none; if ((this.title == "") && (titleElement.hasClass("jsPersistentTitle") == false)) { width: auto; font-size: 18px; } width: 100%; } } display: flex; font-family: Lato, Arial, sans-serif; margin-left: 0px!important; dropBodyTimeoutEnd: function () { additonalData: variables .recurring-settings input { var options = { var newField = field.clone(); title: title, type: "POST", /*styles for user sites publish/unpublish, Jikko #7555*/ .sl-cms2-module-picker-footer { Units are deployed nightly to disinfect all administrative areas, classrooms and support spaces. height: 160px; jQuery.ajax({ }); width: 75%; } .sl-cms2-attachments__link--from-locker { } } color: #fff; }, width: 200px; border-color: #000; font-size: 12px; this.$super(toolbar); */ }, -webkit-border-radius: 2px; -moz-border-radius: 2px; } background-position: 0 0; this.saveHandler(null); border: 2px solid transparent; .form-field { flex: 0 1 auto; button.removeClass("sl-cms2-dropdown-menu__buttoncurrent").blur(); }); this.ajaxCallAttributeSetting(options); .sl-chrome-sitemap__508-msg { cursor: pointer; jQuery("#" + this.nothingSelectedDisplay).show(); var button = jQuery("#" + buttonID); background-color: #000; var variables = { } border-style: solid; } var targetModule = this.targetModuleFromTarget(target); previewInNewTabHandler: function(event) { padding: 5px 10px; .sl-cms2-toolbar__icon-button--delete { if (data != false) { } font-size: 16px; background: #0066cc !important; .css({ .sl-cms2-bg-theme_header .sl-cms2-bg-accent_light .sl-cms2-minustext{ -webkit-border-radius: 2px; display: flex; jQuery.ajax({ .sl-cms2-toolbar__icon-button--font-color { this.dialogPopupContent = "#" + fieldID + "DialogContent" } this.editorHandler.updateBlock(); } type: "GET", margin: 15px 0; this.button = this.jsToolbar.find(".jsTwitterName"); margin: 0 auto 5px auto; .form-button-bar button:hover { height: 30px; cursor: pointer; fixupAccordionsWithoutTitles: function () { } flex-direction: column; { jQuery(document).on("click",".jsFileSubmitButton", jQuery.proxy(this.submitHandler,this)); "z-index": 12, .sl-chrome-admin-center__table-container { "aspect-ratio": "AspectRatio", sl.log("submit",e,data); border-bottom: 1px solid #eeeeee; display: inline-block; selectImage: function(imageURL,width,height) } editor.setIsDragging(false); } .filter-label { /* attachements */ sl.log("handleLoadedContent") padding: 3px; display: none; 'keydown': function(event) left: "-6px", padding-right: 50px; background: #244301;