Awful, awful in every way. Any good news would be welcome from anyone who studies astrology as I Make this terrifying leap into the unknown with a body that is unpredictable I was bedridden for the last two weeks out of the blue and could barely function. Transit Chiron Aspects - The Dark Pixie Astrology Then we know that this position has its full effect, and there is a huge range of different emotions in this person, and everything is constantly reduced to emotions, not on a parched practical level but higher. Venus in Scorpio does indicate betrayal in love for a woman, especially when young. Spend some time learning about, and meditating on, your Lunar Nodes. One lover here, the Jupiter lover, is the one that observes the world and the people around him very differently. Jupiter is the planet of abundance, good luck, and optimism. You will have luck in financial affairs, and you may receive some very positive offer. New investments usually fare well. Hi Jamie, thanks for your interesting posts. Venus Trine Jupiter Transit You're likely to become aware of fortuitous opportunities for expansion and growth in your relationships, your creative process, or your finances when transiting Venus trines your natal Jupiter. Is a Venus at 16 Aquarius conjunct Jupiter at 24 too wide? During this time, you will feel motivated to express your values in the wider community through some creative form. Im not over the top attractive, my Suns on Arcturus. You can get carried away by extravagances, lack of moderation and excessive financial expenses. You should feel warm and happy inside and will want to share the good feelings. May you be baptized and healed by the Holy Spirit. Woooo! Your increased physical and inner beauty makes you more popular in social settings. I left him in December, but I still resent him a bit for how he treated me to be honest. Venus-Jupiter Aspects In Synastry | Tea & Rosemary September 7, 2029, Hi Jamie, I was trying to find an old response of yours to a question posted on your general comments section, it was regarding best time for love in 2016, I think you said it was end of August (my DOB is 22/09/76, 7.30am in UK). It is not that you are particularly proactive about resolving disputes, as that would involve unpleasant arguments and bargaining. You appreciate good company as well, even if you're more of a homebody. They often here me talking when I am zoning out. Although everything that I read looks bad. I have mixed feelings here,i found myself often having a blessing in disguisebut that is just me telling me everything is still good. You feel very sociable and loving, but because you feel so good about yourself, you do not throw yourself into the outside world and ambition is restricted. Venus Trine Jupiter Aspects Natal and Transit | During the transit of this position, it is a known fact that there can be alterations in the behaviors of people, and there will be a visible difference in peoples behaviors, not just in your immediate surroundings but more. You will recognize these people by the book that is always in their hands. I have been so busy that I had no time to comment on your excellent posts although I am particularly thinking about this particular one. This makes it an ideal time to be active in any form of art, music, or performance. They simply despise being alone in the world. If transiting Pluto is now in opposition to my Venus, should I expect a major shake up financially? Venus trine Jupiter transit brings good cheer, optimism, and love. Jupiter is still only 2734 Virgo so hang in there Sam. You are not a nit-picking clean freak, but enjoy beauty in all its forms. Jacques Leroy de Saint-Arnaud 001, Marty Robbins 001, Johannes Kepler 002, Jada Pinkett Smith 004, dith Piaf 004, Antonin Scalia 005, Beck 008, Diane Luciferia 013, Queen Anne of Great Britain 016, Petrarch 020, Christine Jorgensen 026, Humza Yousaf 029, Eusapia Palladino 037, Van Morrison 037, Ian McShane 042, Larry Christiansen 042, Dane Rudyar 101, George Eliot 101, Dianne Feinstein 101, Angela Rippon 103, Natassja Kinski 111, Stu Sutcliffe 112, Kiefer Sutherland 112, The Astro Twins 113, George Michael 115, Phil Spector 118, Michael Milken 119, Snia Braga 126, Winston Churchill 132, Richard Nixon 148, Marilyn Monroe 155, Kesha 158. Could that eclipse activate all these conjunction? The solution can also arise now for some legal problem. Firstly, better late than never: many thanks for looking at my chart and explaining to me that my Pluto square Venus is probably the most important aspect! Try it now get your first reading for just $1.99. This is becoming more of an issue in the media. And also, it is very likely that in this period, many of us will receive unexpected recommendations or presents that will change our lives (for the better, of course). Today, you lack both common sense and practical sense, so you must be disciplined in your actions. You must stay balanced with yourself and others. In one-to-one situations, you should notice more interest, especially from your partner or potential partners. (PS, anyone interested in judging me for being an ungrateful person, you can save your breath. Jennifer Jason Leigh 001, Sbastien Grosjean 003, Halsey 005, Tom Waits 006, Julie Newmar 007, Kenneth Williams 010, Henry Winkler 013, Erin Sullivan 014, Michael Hutchence 017, Trent Reznor 037, Jane Birkin 047, Agnetha Fltskog 048, Eric Burdon 048, Patty Duke 049, Philip II of Spain 049, Jerry Lewis 050, John Belushi 053, Matthew McConaughey 055, Roman Polanski 058, Bernard Boursicot 059, Barry Gibb 059, Rita Wilson 101, RuPaul 101, Steven Spielberg 101, Uri Geller 131, Lee Majors 137, Ritchie Valens 138, Jeff Bridges 140, Liz Greene 145, Stephen Fry 146, Garth Brooks 159. Transiting Venus trine or sextile your natal Jupiter. It is a favorable time for romantic getaways such as taking a trip on a cruise line or visiting a secluded south pacific island. This is a great time for weddings, parties, and large social gatherings such as graduation ceremonies. You feel relaxed, and everything is pleasant in your environment, be it people or circumstances. I wish I could feel Jupiter, but cant recognise anything really. I agree you have Moon opposite Saturn but it is not a very strong influence in chart at over 5 degrees orb. You feel good, and other people want to be around you. There must be some reason Im still here.). If lord of the 7th, this is a good time for a marriage proposal if so inclined. September 2015 solar eclipse conjunct my Jupiter, March 2016 solar eclipse opposite my Jupiter, and now my Jupiter return. Its one of the best possible manifestations of a Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Virgo. You hit the jack pot! I really think its luck that we need on our side in life, especially when weve had so many setbacks and that of a Saturian nature like Saturn return and chaotic transits in general that seem to place havoc in our lives! Would be interested to know. I truly have paid a massive price for daring to stand up for my dignity after a lifetime of being groomed to accept her and other peoples abuse, I am surprised I have not entirely collapsed or died, either by a terminal illness or my own hand. April 30, 2022 You can also be forgiving and generous so that charity work would appeal to you. Your goodwill, talkative nature, and bright vision is whats going to grab everybodys attention and compel them into being around you. This transit will happen at 1 of my ascendant (2821) tightly conjunct to natal pluto (2753), and opposite by 1 to my vertex (26pis). 2019-2020 HoroscopeJoy Joy Carter All Rights Reserved. They are people who have suffered a lot in life, but who see each of their mistakes as a new life lesson, and they want to spread that word further into the world. So he often oscillates between practicality and romance, and when a Venus lover comes, things change drastically. So your venus is also 4 Leo, so anything happening now? As it was, I felth the square strongly, as waves of exhostion and body ake, like the flu. My oils are better than what I can buy! The Jupiter Saturn conjunction will oppose my natal Venus this year. We have now survived the major huge lessons of the big boys. You are doing great, you have to keep taking it till you do stand up and look them in the eye. You enjoy not only cultivating your own contentment but also bringing joy to those you care about. Friends and colleagues at work will surely benefit from your charismatic and compassionate aura and will feel at ease around you. With transit Venus sextile or trine your natal Sun, you're compromising, caring, and seek harmony in all of your relationships. alone, pain. It also produces self-indulgence and laziness, and so much desire to have fun that you can waste your resources, money, and be irresponsible. This transit can signify the beginning of an important love relationship, and it has a huge impact on how you feel about yourself. But its vexing, because resources are political. You serve a very good vegetarian chile, and are not indisposed by a Leos charm(Venus) or Sagittarius perception(Jupiter). What about the somewhat dark side of this aspect? Follow the advice for this in your yearly and monthly horoscopes. All of your interactions and dealings should be cooperative and satisfying. 10 Oct 2016 Rx Thanks as always Jamie! A peaceful mood is prevalent. But when Pluto squared my Mars I started standing upto a lifetime of abuse by her, realising love is NOT abuse. It is well past by Jupiter sextile Sun transit on October 30 which lasts a few weeks to cover the start of the new job. I also have natal venus sextile natal saturn but I must say that in the last 4 years income has not been stable at all could it be due to neptune in transit opposite my second house? If Jupiter is lord of your first house, you are likely to be very self indulgent during this period and end up gaining some weight as a result. But, caution is necessary here-this is only plausible if neither Venus nor Jupiter make bad aspects with the natal planets. Could be change in career or where you live (IC): So if 8 is too wide I am hoping that a 5 degree conj. Anything to inject hope and courage so I dont give up on this journey. Most often it is like a parallel universe of me and the kids at home doing normal stuff. This may affect the diet, especially with sugar, but problems may also arise with addictions that could get out of control and be self-destructive. When transiting Venus is sextile your natal Jupiter: This transit brings opportunities to expand your social life and grow as a result. Then you realise that you allowed it. Marriage may be essential, and you would expect the same loyalty and devotion you give. can natal saturn limit the positive things? If you cant be kind or helpful, I am not interested. Yet you are also very generous and may not have the strong desire and determination to make the rich list. Jupiter thus expands your love sector during this time and increases your opportunities for romance. I love the sound of that geomerty. It makes you seem more attractive and allows you to relax and express your personality's more affectionate and welcoming side. The transit of Jupiter square your natal Venus produces a need to express affection and love towards others but, unfortunately, it also makes you very passive and you expect things to come to you on their own instead of you going after them. will he come bck will he commit after this transist his dob 10.11.1994, Hi Jamie, I have Venus at 22 degrees capricorn.. Yes, and try to work out what influence that had on the relationship. Jupiter Conjunct Saturn Natal and Transit: Great Opportunities, Venus Trine Uranus Natal and Transit: Spiritual Awakening, Moon Square Jupiter Natal and Transit: Bringing Justice Wherever Needed, Sun Conjunct Mars Natal and Transit: Responding to Challenges, Mars Conjunct Pluto Natal and Transit: Overcoming Difficulties, Moon Trine Jupiter Natal and Transit: Doing Your Best Socially, Mars Trine Pluto Natal and Transit: Becoming Stronger, Mars Conjunct Uranus Natal and Transit: Social Interactions. Its helped me a little. ie. November 9, 2028 They are ideal times for a rest or to take a few days of vacation. If you make purchases, you may buy items that you do not really need, or that are too expensive. Yes there were so so many opportunities in life for me to make bigger things happen,either in fashion,music and designknowing a lot of different people from all over the world and good connections who were just waiting on me to make it happen ( it is in aries in the ninth house with venus and mc there as north node as well)but i was simply chasing all these connections and made nothing real happen cause i just couldnt decide what would be the best for me,now i am a jill of all trades actuallyand i still struggle to stop my haunt for experiences,i was simply happy with that short experience and was thirsty for more,even so much i hated to sleep cause i thought i will miss out something good in life while i am sleeping lol I can not be around people that are trying to bring my thirst for fun and action down,i get depressed and sad thinking why people behave so limited ( while i know everyone got their own reasons but i always try to cheer someone up,i learned moderation cause sometimes i overdo things) but i still see opportunities,i think this is a good aspect when you are young and got a support system(family friends etc) who are on the same path as you. The candidates coming under this . Not sure what the outward manifestations may be, but I am enjoying the energy at least! This is one of the most non-threatening planetary aspects. I am here to spread LOVE. Transit dates: 23 January 2020, 14 December 2020, 10 April 2021, 28 October 2021, 28 June 2022, 04 January 2023, 05 May 2023. Continue with Recommended Cookies. 1. a conjunction is stronger than a square This transit is perfect for trying out your luck in getting into a relationship if you dont already have one, or even engaging in new friendships. Ive just briefly looked at your chart Jupiters going to be conjunct your MC in a couple of months! Uranus is really complicating my life as its also making an oposition to natal mars (ruler of MC) today! Im also now reflecting upon my self worth, realising that Ive accepted quite unacceptable behaviour from this friend for a very long time. As such, these people would do well to indulge in careers oriented towards this domain. If lord of the 9th, this is an excellent time for a pleasure trip. I am amazed to see the abuse has also lessened in the last week. You may act arrogantly with some people, as if you did not need them. Also, extra attention should be paid to avoid any exaggeration or excessive anticipation that will arise in many of us. This is a good time to say "yes" to new opportunities. While they rarely offer help out of their initiative, if need truly be, they waste no time in providing aid.
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