Your email address will not be published. In theory, fighting drug addiction in Thailand is a sensible idea. Chain pharmacy's like Boot's pharmacy is an international British pharmacy they do everything strictly by the book. I would like to visit Thailand for 30 days, then on to India for 30 days, then back to Thailand for a final 30 days or so. Although I'm quite sure nothing is going to happen to you carrying for these tablets, I can only tell you what the law is and as a responsible person writing online I have to advise that you abide by the law. better not buy viagra without a prescription. Can I take my prescribed tramadol into Thailand? Carry a medical prescription issued by a Doctor identifying the medical condition of the patient as well as the necessity of the medical treatment, the total amount of the dosage and the name, address, license number of the doctor. So do not, in any circumstances, say anything negative about Thailands monarchy while youre in the country. Category IV: Narcotics which consist of chemical used for producing narcotics of Category I or II such as acetic anhydride, or acetyl chloride; Category V: Narcotics which are not included in Category I-IV such as marijuana or Kraton Plant. Any given year, there are between 20-60 Americans in . However, birth control pills would be no problem, UTI would be fine, I'm sure. So if you decide to buy marijuana while on holiday in Thailand, youd better be certain it contains only the lawful amount of THC. Use the link in the post. hello , I wanted to know if the daparox ( paroxetine ) is illegal in Thailand ! Bring a letter with you from your doctor that details your condition. Chain pharmacies like boots and watsons sell prescription medicines but they make you consult with the pharmacist , they do not carry generic sidegra but carry the brand name viagra by Pfizer , its hellishly expensive. They will most likely give you enough to last the rest of your trip to save you going back again. I'll give you kratom; my bad. Will I be able to bring them as I am in severe pain without them. She is prescribed Sertraline in the uk along with inhalers for mild asthma. PDF Thailand: Time to abolish the death penalty - Amnesty International Yes. Rapes: the U.S. has 4 times more than Thailand per same number of people. You can Google the drug you have been prescribed to determine its ingredients, or ask your doctor for confirmation, then use the official drug checker linked in above. Thailand is known to be strict when it comes to drug related cases. You can come into Thailand with a prescription from your home country, but check with customs in your home country if you are bringing these in from Thailand, as there may be specific requirements for a legitimate prescription. Contact us for full details. I honestly don't know what to do. Thailand Criminal Penalties | - CountryReports You will need the IC2 certificate and a prescription, as per the following law:The following documents must be submitted: Sorry, by documentation do you mean I HAVE to get a permit - or do I just need a doctors note. Please help. is she allowed to bring enough sertraline to cover her trip of 74 days? I don't take any risks when travelling. Ive searched through all the internet, and the links you posted, but I couldnt find any info about Phenibut maybe you know if I can take it for my personal use and if its even legal in Thailand? A pharmacist has to be licensed to sell FDA approved steroids in Thailand and is only able to issue them on prescription. In the United States I could buy aspirin and naproxen over the counter for arthritis. Take your prescription with you and it will be no problem. And if caught what do you think would happen? Thanks for the reply, looking forward to the holiday, the response begs the questions what (sort) of places and how easily? Cheers. Commonly known substances falling within the ambit of the Narcotics Act include the following: Under the provisions of Psychotropic Substances Act, the penalties are as follows: Under the provisions of the Narcotics Act, the penalties are as follows: Imprisonment not exceeding 1 month or a fine not exceeding 2,000 Baht for consumption. Hello, thank you for taking the time to have this very informative site. asks me to buy some for them I am just not sure whether it'll be alright to carry 10 bottles of the capsule. Do I need any ? Antibiotics generally need a prescription. I am going to Thailand tomorrow and will be carrying prescription oxycontin. But that means I cant get a ligitamite prescription with paperwork for Thailand it seems. Is it legal to bring sildenafil citrate ( viagra) and depoxitine with me. Thailand Fights Drug Abuse. Great to hear that! I have generalized anxiety disorder. My advice don't do it don't let ruin your holiday. Which has codein and paracetamol in it ? I guess if you're a doctor you'll be okay with a prescription. Probably nothing but I cannot advise to take risks on medication without proper prescription. No matter what other tourists tell you about the leniency regarding underage tourists and alcohol, the Thai law is the Thai law. However, bringing it into your home country in such a large quantity may be against the law. "Have a wonderful day in your world of judgement. In the case of morphine, opium or cocaine, 3-20 years or a fine of 60,000 400,000 Baht if the amount is under 100 grams, or 3-20 years or a fine of 500,000 5,000,000 Baht if over, Up to 5 years or a fine not exceeding 100,000 Baht or both for possession. Doesn't sound like you would need a permit for that. Do you have the slip from the doctor or hospital where it was issued?To be honest, I'll bet my house that no one is going to question you over 5 sleeping pills. I assume the online form is just asking for a copy of the passport; uploading a photocopy, right? Ahh, sorry, I missed this one and guess you flew already. Of course it is, but being retired from U.S. federal law enforcement, I know that the U.S. is not exactly a safe place. Thanks! I will no longer reply to comments asking whether specific prescription drugs are allowed into Thailand. Thanks. What do they mean by: "certificate issued by the competent authority that the patient has authority to carry the medication"? They tear off one half and should give you back the other, which has your name, address and details of the prescribed drug on it. I can tell you it is not. For "narcotics" are they really strict about having a permit from the Thailand FDA or can I just have a not from my doctor and my original prescription, and will that suffice if I do get stopped? Under the Narcotics Act of Thailand, narcotics are classified into five categories such as: Category I: Dangerous narcotics such as heroine; Category II: Ordinary narcotics such as morphine, cocaine, codeine, medicinal opium; Category III: Narcotics which are in form of medicinal formula and contain narcotics of Category II as ingredients in accordance with rules prescribed by Minister and published in the Government Gazette. I am going to Thailand tomorrow and when I asked my GP he said I wouldn't need a letter or form or anything. They will check carryons if your layover is more than 90 minutes. Where a defendant accused of drug use or possession for personal use is not on trial for another offence that is liable for a term of imprisonment, the Court may issue an alternative sentence, e.g. I am not a pharmacist, so why would you expect me to know by memory the name of every single possible medicine available and whether or not it is allowed into Thailand. Long-standing concerns with the state of drug treatment and rehabilitation provision in Thailand abounds, as highlighted again this year by the discovery of wide-ranging abuses against people detained as part of a drug rehabilitation programme in a temple in Kanchanaburi province. prescribed for the patient's treatment Im flying to Hong Kong and London then sweden. Personally I wouldn't take it anyway; it's designed for those suffering narcolepsy and studies have disproved its effectiveness for cognitive performance. Also, a doctor's prescription doesn't show my condition, just the drugs. The person who posted this made too many spelling errors. What is the situation with sending xanex and viagra back to the UK? I wont advise against something that is law. Also consider that the majority of Thais strongly object to recreational drug use, and as such will call the police on a condo or house where they suspect drug use is taking place. You could always just bring a doctor's letter to confirm the condition and the meds required. This system was codified in 1805 during the reign of King Rama I and remained in place until Thailand transitioned to a constitutional monarchy following a bloodless revolution in 1932. But I needed them. + Get Health Insurance I hope you're not taking those when diving!? If it is okay, are you limited as to how many can be taken in. 27 June 2022. 72 tonnes of a chemical called propionyl chloride arrives in a remote region of Laos. Required fields are marked *. From everything I've seen it's on the list of drugs that equate to: try to enter with this and enjoy your prison cell. Yes, no problem. Thai woman accused of murdering 12 friends in cyanide poisonings You will need this to be cleared using the relevant documentation as noted in this post before coming in with that. You have entered an incorrect email address. My wife and I are travelling to Bangkok in January for 11 days, Then flying down under to my sons in Oz. I would assume so. What type of slimming pills? Call your local doctor and they will offer their professional advice.For your medication you probably just need an official prescription, doctor's letter and no more than 30-days worth. I'm flying tomorrow. I'm sure you'll be fine to bring in 2 month's worth on your first trip, as no one will know the difference. ); Triazolam (Halcion), Schedule 4 Alprazolam (Xanax); Diazepam (Valium); Lorazepam (Ativan), Category 1 Heroin;Amphetamine; Methamphetamine; MDMA (Ecstasy); LSD, Category 2 Cocaine; Codeine; Methadone; Morphine, Category 5 Cannabis; psychoactive mushrooms; Kratom Plant, Imprisonment of 5-20 years and a fine of 100,000-400,000 Baht for production, importation or exportation sale, Imprisonment not exceeding 5 years and a fine not exceeding 100,000 Baht for carrying across borders, Imprisonment of 1-5 years and a fine of 20,000-100,000 Baht for possession, use or consumption, Imprisonment not exceeding 5 years and a fine not exceeding 100,000 Baht for production, importation or exportation sale, Imprisonment not exceeding one year or a fine not exceeding 20,000 Baht or both for possession, use or consumption, Up to life imprisonment and a fine of 1,000,000-5,000,000 Baht for production, importation or exportation, unless for the purpose of disposal, in which case the penalty is death. Youll just get a small fine, they may say. Is it ok to bring in any sort of herbal into Thailand in small quantities? I very much doubt anyone at immigration would question that or make an issue of it. I'm guessing a Thai doctor can't give me a prescription if it's not FDA approved. And though neighbouring countries still have problems with a troublesome .
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