A crystal that could be found in many colors. It is used for bringing strength,protection, beauty, luck and for a good memory. Hecate can be honored with this representation. And when you program your stones with your intentions this sends a clear message to the guides, angels, and spirits around you that you are ready to receive their help. For red, there is rhodochrosite, zircon, garnet, tourmaline, jasper, bloodstone, agate. Multicolored jasper represents all the elements. For yellow we have citrine, zircon, amber, and maybe tigers eye. She was worshipped by the Greeks as a protector of travelers, especially those traveling alone. Hecate represents the three phases of womanhood: The Mother, the Maiden, and the Crone. If we want to add crystals close to the candles of the circle I suggest the following: For using a crystals healing properties, cleanse it, ask Hekate to bless him, do a circle and raise energy to charge it and then ask Hekate to charge him too. This will help you look back on the reading later and review the insights you received. This tarot spread can help ground you and bring yourself back into focus, with guidance from Persephone. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. When I was 20 years old, my teacher in Wicca and I were discussing books aboutMagick. Amber is fossilized tree resin and has strong connections with the earth. HEKATE (Hecate) was the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts and necromancy. It is said that Hekate helps us to overcome obstacles and challenges that stand in our way, and to achieve our goals. Goddess Hecate Blessed Be Magick Things made from Yew can be used as an apotropaic offering to ward off evil, death, and bad fortune. It really is old carbon. Hecate Hekate is a goddess who bridges the worlds of light and dark, known for her powerful magic and ability to unlock secrets. It amazes me how so many traditions follow these ancient protocols and roles, Copyright 2018 Crossroads Witch All Rights Reserved, Programmer: Constantinos Nterziotis. For water, there are aquamarine, quartz, selenite, moonstone, and faerie stones. Use pieces of Jasper when you perform moon rituals for raising your vibration and accessing the wisdom of the divine feminine. It also reliefs reumatism. However, people forget shes a goddess of birth and life, too! the difference between Hecate and Morrigan It helps the eyes. Highly recommended! This is also a property of Hekate. Often called the Mother of Witchcraft, Hecate is closely associated with magic, the Moon, doorways, and creatures of the night, such as Jet is associated with Cybele, who is a friend of Hekate. This shows you what can remain hidden at this time so that energy is depleted or wasted if something more serious is going on. I am an eclectic witch - I've been practicing since 1974. For water there is aquamarine, quartz, selenite, moonstone and faerie stones. These crystals have unique energies that help you open, Amethyst, Green Aventurine, Black Tourmaline, Clear Quartz, Selenite, Carnelian, and Amazonite are among the best crystals for driving test success. It creates sparkles. Red jasper is good when dealing with poison (snake is a symbol of Hekate). Lily of the valley is said to have been used by witches to attract love and prosperity. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. When I was 20 years old, my teacher in Wicca and I were discussing books aboutMagick. Selenite and moonstone represent the energy of the moon. Selenite and moonstone represent the energy of the moon. It can be used to find answers in the shadows or to transition through a difficult time. This crystal can be found in a shape of a sharp knife. She is a goddess of herbalism and teaches plant lore to her followers. Wear them to awaken the Witch Goddess within. Crystal Deals of the Day $5 Labradorite Crystal - 1 Day Only PROMO (8) $5.00 $24.00 also has an ancient association with royalty and is greatly representative of power and respect. Agate, amethyst, jasper, quartz, tourmaline and zircon are for general use. The magical associations of mandrake root include love, fertility, and sexual potency. Red jasper is a powerful protective stone. With these powers, she bestows blessings and wealth, and her help is often sought for protection and justice. It promotes the energy of the moon, divination, meditation, healing, beauty, young, sleep, protection, soothing, internal development, self-esteem, etc. Its appearance and apt name mimic its purpose; it gives the wearer a bold nature, bright focus, and cat-like patience and luck. It brings calmness. It is a protective stone, it helps in battle, promotes courage, and gives physical energy. The parents of the Greek goddess Hecate are Perses and Asteria, Perses alone, Zeus and Asteria, Nyx alone, Aristaios alone, or Demeter alone. Darker colors are more powerful than lighter. Dandelion is used in magic to help heal the body. In the end, I have written my suggestion for selecting the appropriate crystals for rituals. WebSmoky Citrine Quartz a combination of Citrine and Smoky Quartz, characterized by dark brownish-yellow patches in clear crystal; excellent for removing blockages from ones spiritual path, and for enhancing metaphysical abilities It can help you connect with them when you are trying to face difficult decisions and receive insight from multiple realms. It has many uses of enhancing the magick in a circle.It is used to cleanse the body, to bring power, money, protects in a circle etc. Candle Colors: Purple: Items you may associate with Hekate include rope, daggers, keys, and torches. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. For earth chrysoprase, black tourmaline, red agate, red jasper. Black is a protection stone. Divination balls are made of obsidian. The problem is that agate has many colored brothers. As the Goddess of Witchcraft and with her being one of the older deities, her wisdom isnt to be ignored. In some myths she is associated with magic, darkness, and death and she is often portrayed as having three heads. Ensure to ask permission before just blindly sending your cards across in a message and saying what does this mean to you? as your friends may not have the energy or have a boundary with this sort of thing manners cost nothing, and this is especially to note if they are a professional tarot reader who normally gets paid to interpret readings. It is used as an altar material because it has protective powers. Crystals It is a protective stone, it helps in battle, promotes courage, and gives physical energy. It can be used in protective magick and to protect something physical. This crystal has pretty interesting colors. And she is sometimes represented as a three-fold figure standing at a crossroads, with a torch in hand, as she looks in all directions at once. In witchcraft, Mullein is used to banish evil spirits. Wearing Amber jewelry is an effective way of signaling to the Universe that you are in need of strength and courage, as well as the nurturing, supportive energies of Hecate and the Goddess. brings wealth, happiness, is good for psychic abilities. She is the Queen and Mother of Universal Force, offer her love and she will bestow upon you innumerable blessings. When you have your intentions set down clearly, place the stone on the paper and lightly cover it with your palm. This is a project I did for the CoH Santuario de Hekate Thethys Krataiis. Lava, obsidian, and flint represent mainly the energy of fire. To begin, shuffle your tarot deck and draw a card for each position in the yearly tarot draw as shown in the below layout. In the end, I have written my suggestion for selecting the appropriate crystals for rituals. It brings self-control, endurance and reduces nerves. Hecate Malachite heals the whole body as well as the nonvisual bodies. This crystal is also related to blood. Obsidian is a kind of lava. And was later accepted into Greek mythology as the bringer of light and truth seeker. For many modern witchcraft traditions, Hecate is a Dark Goddess and is associated with the spirits of the dead, ghosts, the dark of the moon, baneful herbs, In the past, it banished bad spirits and ghosts. She helps women at all stages of their lives to step into their true power. Lets see the colors that are associated with Hekate. It brings courage and removes negative thoughts. This crystal was worn by warriors. WebTo protect her, Artemis turned Amethyst into a statue of crystal. Your email address will not be published. Jet draws out negative energies and alleviates unfounded fears. The purpose of this spread is to help alleviate any contemplation or brain muddling that is going on and to guide you in making your next move. Wearing them as jewelry keeps you focused on what you really want to attract into your life. It can cleanse emotions that hold the person back. I hope they help you find the clarity and insight you are looking for. Red tourmaline gives energy to the body, promotes courage and it is protective. It helps in healing blood diseases, it stops bleeding, it gives power, helps with law problems, gives courage etc.This crystal was worn by warriors. Honor Hecate by setting up an altar for her in your home. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". This may be in the physical/personified A correspondence is essentially any object that is spiritually attuned to the energetic forces of the universe. Brown jasper is good for centering magical energy in rituals. Agate gives strength, courage, protects and heals, those properties are also associated with Hekate. Poison: Yew, belladonna, hemlock, mandrake, monkshood, wolfsbane, and opium poppy. Colors associated with Hekate are black, silver, royal purple. It is an extremely nurturing and comforting stone and can be used in conjunction with Amazonite in group situations when you want to bring people together in harmony. Bloodstone also protects embryon and eases childbirth. I have written 44 poems that uniquely explore the upright and inverted meanings of the Major Arcana cards. Red jasper is a powerful protective stone. Crystals It is also a money crystal. When it is close to the crown chakra it expands comprehension and expands the mental horizons. She was the only child of the Titanes Perses and Asteria from whom she received her power over heaven, earth, and sea. Place a Hekate card in the centre: (Queen of Swords/The High Priestess/Death). It is pragmatic in its approach to lifes problems and will help you to differentiate between wishful thinking and what is truly needed.