Guidance: You should always: Park in a . How to Successfully Prepare Your Personal Injury Claim, Top Reasons to Get a Lawyer Before Writing a Demand Letter, Determining Damages in Your Personal Injury Claims, Understanding Washingtons Slip and Fall Laws and Regulations. My gripe isnt with the signs themselves. If a sign is placed on the structure, it may be a rectangular shape (W12-2a) with the appropriate legend (see Figure 2C-5). Standard: If you are driving on a dead-end road, yield to traffic going from the left and right. 04 In the case of an arch or other structure under which the clearance varies greatly, two or more signs should be used as necessary on the structure itself to give information as to the clearances over the entire roadway. At face value, C makes the most visual sense to me, but Id use the longer dashes from the current W4-2 instead of the dots. The distances for Condition B have been adjusted for a sign legibility distance of 250 feet, which is appropriate for an alignment warning symbol sign. Some drivers let those entering the freeway have . I will admit that the comically small right lane that is ending in comparison to the left lane used to befuddle me, but I also realized that the sign doesnt change whether 2 lanes become 1 or 5 lanes become 4. How does a drivers diet affect their driving performance and risk of crashes? Drivers already on the highway have a responsibility to allow others to merge safely. Redesign Ideas for the W4-2 Road,,,,,,,,,,, Excerpts and links to latest episodes and articles, Periodic, exclusive updates on 99PI goings-on. The BRIDGE ICES BEFORE ROAD (W8-13) sign (see. Appropriate advance warning signs in this Chapter should be used. But solid lines alone are often used to show possibilitiesrather than imperatives for instance, they let drivers know about forks and crossroads, but provide no instruction about which path to take. Option: Do you plan to receive medical treatment? Four car washing mistakes to avoid at all costs. 01 The Hill (W7-1) sign (see Figure 2C-4) should be used in advance of a downgrade where the length, percent of grade, horizontal curvature, and/or other physical features require special precautions on the part of road users. Standard: Get a free case evaluation below: Merging is a common time for vehicles to crash. Update: the saga of this sign doesnt end here for more, including the poll results and other redesign ideas, click the link below: Thank you for finally addressing a design problem that has bugged me for years. But back to topic, option B seems to me to be the most graphically informative. On longer grades, the use of the Hill sign with a distance (W7-3aP) plaque or the combination distance/grade (W7-3bP) plaque at periodic intervals of approximately 1-mile spacing should be considered. 04 The use of the One-Direction Large Arrow sign shall be in accordance with the information shown in Table 2C-5. No border shall be used on the Chevron Alignment sign. Use caution and move to the right in your lane as you approach the top of a hill. W4-1 works well when it can be placed between the lanes that are merging, so any driver knows where they are on that image. 02 The LOW SHOULDER (W8-9) sign (see Figure 2C-6) may be used to warn of a shoulder condition where there is an elevation difference of less than 3 inches between the shoulder and the travel lane. Standard: this is slightly off topicbut concerns signage around lane drops. 9% grade that is more than 500 feet in length. 05 If used, the One-Direction Large Arrow sign shall be installed on the outside of a turn or curve in line with and at approximately a right angle to approaching traffic. 01 A Two-Way Traffic (W6-3) sign (see Figure 2C-8) should be used to warn road users of a transition from a multi-lane divided section of roadway to a two-lane, two-way section of roadway. If you dont properly yield right of way, you run the danger of causing a collision with pedestrians, cyclists, or other vehicles. Support: Option: The shutterstock link from Nickky is the clearest of the proposals. Standard: In this case, the signs dashes are shortened to dots and the dotted line is shifted more toward the center. The insurance company wants to determine liability so it will not have to pay out for claims that they are not liable for. A Merge sign may also be installed on the side of the entering roadway to warn road users on the entering roadway of the merge condition. My wife is from Maine. 01 The Slippery When Wet (W8-5) sign (see Figure 2C-6) may be used to warn of unexpected slippery conditions. Yeah Daniel, I was thinking the same thing of matching the pavement. 07 A warning beacon may be used with an Advance Traffic Control sign. 03 If the access to the playground area requires a roadway crossing, the application of crosswalk pavement markings (see Section 3B.18) and Non-Vehicular Warning signs (see Section 2C.50) should be considered. Technically legal as the code allows passing on the inside on multilane highways. Arrows add an element of movement and are found across theW4 series (and other sign sets) denoting both routes and directions. Chevron Alignment signs shall be installed at a minimum height of 4 feet, measured vertically from the bottom of the sign to the elevation of the near edge of the traveled way. 08 Intersection Warning signs, other than the Circular Intersection (W2-6) symbol sign and the T-intersection (W2-4) symbol sign should not be used on approaches controlled by STOP signs, YIELD signs, or signals. 07 Among the established engineering practices that are appropriate for the determination of the recommended advisory speed for a horizontal curve are the following: 08 The 16, 14, and 12 degrees of ball-bank criteria are comparable to the current AASHTO horizontal curve design guidance. Chevron Alignment signs shall be installed at a minimum height of 4 feet, measured vertically from the bottom of the sign to the elevation of the near edge of the traveled way. 02 A Two-Way Traffic (W6-3) sign with an AHEAD (W16-9P) plaque (see Figure 2C-12) should be used to warn road users of a transition from a one-way street to a two-lane, two-way section of roadway (see Figure 2B-14). And finally, it appears Maine drivers have never been taught what a passing lane is or how it works. Do some of the lanes end at a junction but some continue? Also used to remind drivers they are on a two way road. Step 1: Accelerate to match the speed of highway traffic as you travel on ramp. Guidance: Option: Merging is where you join an existing lane of traffic or where two lanes become one. 634. But the way drivers use them, the way they are signed and described and possibly the way drivers are taught makes a big difference. If used, a supplemental warning plaque shall be installed on the same post(s) as the warning or regulatory sign that it supplements. See Section 2C.06 for roadways with less than 1,000 AADT. 07 Lane Ends signs should not be installed in advance of the downstream end of an acceleration lane. Some drivers will travel to the end of the merge lane and then attempt to enter the through traffic lane . 03 The Merge sign should be installed on the side of the major roadway where merging traffic will be encountered and in such a position as to not obstruct the road user's view of entering traffic. I cant tell you how many time Ive nearly been sideswiped by a jackass assuming merge right means they can just move over without looking first. These signs may also be used at intermediate points along the ramp, especially if the ramp curvature changes and the subsequent curves on the ramp have a different advisory speed than the initial ramp curve. 03 If used, the RIGHT (LEFT) LANE ENDS (W9-1) sign should be installed adjacent to the Lane-Reduction Arrow pavement markings. 01 The signs and plaques described in this Section are intended to give motorcyclists advance notice of surface conditions that might adversely affect their ability to maintain control of their motorcycle under wet or dry conditions. When used to mark obstructions more than 8 feet from the shoulder or curb, the clearance from the ground to the bottom of the object marker should be at least 4 feet. Advisory Exit Speed (W13-2) and Advisory Ramp Speed (W13-3) signs (see, If used, the Advisory Exit Speed sign should be installed along the deceleration lane and the advisory speed displayed should be based on an engineering study. 02 These locations might be relatively confined or might occur randomly over a segment of roadway. The RIGHT (LEFT) LANE EXIT ONLY AHEAD (W9-7) sign (see. Uncontrolled intersections dont have traffic lights or stop signs, so you dont have any guide. Signal earlier and give positive indications about where you intend to merge so that other road users arent in doubt. Right lane ends. 03 The Chevron Alignment sign shall be a vertical rectangle. Guidance: A subsequent survey of elderly drivers in the U.S. and Canada found that fewer than 40% of participants could properly understand the sign. 02 The NEW TRAFFIC PATTERN AHEAD sign should be removed when the traffic pattern returns to normal, when the changed pattern is no longer considered to be new, or within six months. The Type 4 object marker may be used in instances where there are no alternate vehicular paths. If someone is pushing their way in, simply give them room. How Much is the Average Car Accident Settlement? Step 2: Be aware of your surroundings by checking mirrors and blind spots. By showing you in advance how the roads join each other, the signs let you know when the road you are traveling on does not continue . 14 A supplemental WHEN FLASHING (W16-13P) plaque (see Figure 2C-12) may be used with any Vehicular Traffic Warning sign that is supplemented with a Warning Beacon to indicate specific periods when the condition or activity is present or is likely to be present. The officer will investigate the crash and try to determine fault. Guidance: The Intersection Warning sign should illustrate and depict the general configuration of the intersecting roadway, such as cross road, side road, T-intersection, or Y-intersection. If used, the combination Horizontal Alignment/Advisory Speed sign shall be installed at the beginning of the turn or curve. I think it picks up some of what Daniel Barkalow noted, although it needs to lose the extra lane and maybe fatter arrow for the continuing lane for consistency. Vehicles should merge like a zip for the most effective traffic flow. In alignment with both of its predecessors, the thicker solid lines are left in place for continuity. The signs below show types of intersections. Guidance: Option: By submitting above, I agree to the privacy policy and disclaimer and consent to be contacted by an agent via phone call or text message at the phone number(s) listed above, including wireless number(s). The effectiveness of the placement of warning signs should be periodically evaluated under both day and night conditions. 04 The minimum size for supplemental warning plaques that are not included in Table 2C-2 shall be as shown in Table 2C-3. A Truck Rollover Warning (W1-13) sign (see. 05 The relative importance of the intersecting roadways may be shown by different widths of lines in the symbol. According to the California Driver Handbook, drivers must enter the freeway at or near the speed of traffic and should not stop before merging into traffic unless it is absolutely necessary. This made the lans seem more like a merge for some reason and at least hinted at the softer lines common with the arrows on other W4 signs. 01 A variety of horizontal alignment warning signs (see Figure 2C-1), pavement markings (see Chapter 3B), and delineation (see Chapter 3F) can be used to advise motorists of a change in the roadway alignment. 05 The curved arrow on the Truck Rollover Warning sign shows the direction of roadway curvature. Type 3a striped marker, 12 x 36 inches, consisting of a vertical rectangle with alternating black and retroreflective yellow stripes sloping downward at an angle of 45 degrees toward the side of the obstruction on which traffic is to pass. If a Type 2 or Type 3 object marker is used to mark an obstruction adjacent to the roadway, the edge of the object marker that is closest to the road user shall be installed in line with the closest edge of the obstruction. If used, the combination Horizontal Alignment/Advisory Speed sign shall not be used alone and shall not be used as a substitute for a Horizontal Alignment warning sign and Advisory Speed plaque at the advance warning location. If a minimum size is not provided in the Freeway or the Expressway Column, the Oversized size should be used. 01 A One-Direction Large Arrow (W1-6) sign (see Figure 2C-1) may be used either as a supplement or alternative to Chevron Alignment signs in order to delineate a change in horizontal alignment (see Figure 2C-2). 04 Table 2C-4 lists recommended advance sign placement distances for deceleration to various advisory speeds. Guidance: 02 To provide additional emphasis, a Type 1 or Type 3 object marker may be installed at or near the approach end of a median island. Standard: These signs should also be installed for steeper grades or where crash experience and field observations indicate a need. 06 When used to mark obstructions more than 8 feet from the shoulder or curb, the clearance from the ground to the bottom of the object marker should be at least 4 feet. 04 The advisory speed displayed on the combination Horizontal Alignment/Advisory Speed sign should be based on the advisory speed for the horizontal curve using recommended engineering practices (see Section 2C.08). When two lanes reduce to one lane, the car trailing behind (Car B) must give way to the car ahead (Car A) Intuitively or otherwise, as stated by commenters above. Option: 08 In dropped lane situations, regulatory signs (see Section 2B.20) shall be used to inform road users that a through lane is becoming a mandatory turn lane. 10 Because changes in conditions, such as roadway geometrics, surface characteristics, or sight distance, might affect the advisory speed, each location should be evaluated periodically or when conditions change. If used, the Advisory Exit Speed sign should be visible in time for the road user to decelerate and make an exiting maneuver. Standard: Guidance: Vehicles that are getting on the highway must yield to all traffic that is approaching them from behind. Option: The W9-7 sign shall be a horizontal rectangle with a black legend and border on a yellow background. 02 These signs may be supplemented with an Advisory Speed plaque (see Section 2C.08). Be prepared to change lanes, or to allow other vehicles to merge smoothly into your lane. Even more complex junctions can be mapped out with a clear sign; like lane 1 for turning off, lane 3 for staying on, lane 2 for either: Option: Here are some of the different kinds of intersections that you may encounter and how you should proceed. If used, the One-Direction Large Arrow sign should be visible for a sufficient distance to provide the road user with adequate time to react to the change in alignment. Option: 06 The Merge sign should not be used where two roadways converge and merging movements are not required. If the solid black lines are meant to show the edge of the road then having it look like two lanes are becoming one and only one lane in Option C is also misleading if there are in fact more than two lanes to start with. The curved arrow on the Truck Rollover Warning sign shows the direction of roadway curvature. 04 Word message warning signs other than those provided in this Manual may be developed and installed by State and local highway agencies. 04 An educational plaque (see Figure 2C-9) with a legend such as ROUNDABOUT (W16-17P) or TRAFFIC CIRCLE (W16-12P) may be mounted below a Circular Intersection symbol sign. 08 A BE PREPARED TO STOP (W3-4) sign (see Figure 2C-6) may be used to warn of stopped traffic caused by a traffic control signal or in advance of a section of roadway that regularly experiences traffic congestion. 03 Vehicular Traffic Warning signs should be used only at locations where the road user's sight distance is restricted, or the condition, activity, or entering traffic would be unexpected. The cars in the right lane just keep driving along at full speed - it's not their problem. Despite itssimplicity, the modified W4-2 solution seems incomplete. If used, Chevron Alignment signs shall be installed on the outside of a turn or curve, in line with and at approximately a right angle to approaching traffic. Object markers with stripes that begin at the upper left side and slope downward to the lower right side are designated as left object markers (OM3-L). You acknowledge that any information you have provided above can be sent electronically to potential independent attorneys who pay a fee to subscribe to this website. When you enter the lane of traffic, dont slow down or stop. 02 If used, the Depth Gauge sign shall be in addition to the ROAD MAY FLOOD sign and shall indicate the depth of the water at the deepest point on the roadway. 02 If used, Reduced Speed Limit Ahead signs shall be followed by a Speed Limit (R2-1) sign installed at the beginning of the zone where the speed limit applies. 06 The FALLEN ROCKS (W8-14) sign (see #figure2C06) may be used in advance of an area that is adjacent to a hillside, mountain, or cliff where rocks frequently fall onto the roadway. 03 At locations where the cross street does not have a name, the W14-1a or W14-2a signs may be used alone in place of a street name sign. 01 In situations where there is a need to warn drivers to watch for other slower forms of transportation traveling along the highway, such as bicycles, golf carts, horse-drawn vehicles, or farm machinery, a SHARE THE ROAD (W16-1P) plaque (see Figure 2C-12) may be used. Lane Ends Merge (Left or Right) Warning Signs Lane Ends Merge Left or Right Warnings signs give advance notice to motorists that the lane is ending requiring traffic to merge left or right. Standard: Option: The Emergency Vehicle (W11-8) sign, or a word message sign indicating the type of emergency vehicle (such as rescue squad), may be used in advance of the emergency-vehicle station when no emergency-vehicle traffic control signal is present. 04 The Truck Rollover Warning sign may be displayed as a static sign, as a static sign supplemented by a flashing warning beacon, or as a changeable message sign activated by the detection of an approaching vehicle with a high center of gravity that is traveling in excess of the recommended speed for the condition. 02 If a Type 2 or Type 3 object marker is used to mark an obstruction adjacent to the roadway, the edge of the object marker that is closest to the road user shall be installed in line with the closest edge of the obstruction. 02 Additional emphasis should be provided by the use of object markers, delineators, and/or pavement markings. Speed bumps limit the speed of traffic more severely than speed humps. Your donations are vital to keeping us independent and strong! Standard: Those operating vehicles on the smaller road should yield to vehicles that are on the larger road. 08 An Entering Roadway Merge (W4-5) sign with a NO MERGE AREA (W4-5P) supplemental plaque (see Figure 2C-8) mounted below it may be used to warn road users on an entering roadway that they will encounter an abrupt merging situation without an acceleration lane at the downstream end of the ramp. I like B and C, but I think B encourages zipper merging more. Guidance: Unless otherwise provided in this Manual for a particular plaque, supplemental warning plaques shall be mounted below the sign they supplement. 03 If a Truck Rollover Warning (W1-13) sign is used, it shall be accompanied by an Advisory Speed (W13-1P) plaque indicating the recommended speed for vehicles with a higher center of gravity. Standard: Sign vandalism was prevalent in the rural area where I grew up, and that sign would definitely become a person, or be given specific anatomy. 07 The minimum size for all diamond-shaped warning signs facing traffic on exit and entrance ramps should be the size identified in Table 2C-2 for the mainline roadway classification (Expressway or Freeway). 01 A Divided Highway Ends (W6-2) sign (see Figure 2C-5) should be used in advance of the end of a section of physically divided highway (not an intersection or junction) as a warning of two-way traffic ahead. 04 The FOG AREA (W8-22) sign (see Figure 2C-6) may be used to warn road users that foggy conditions frequently reduce visibility along a section of highway. But not necessary if the driver was considerate. Option: A TRAIL X-ING (W11-15P) supplemental plaque (see Figure 2C-10) may be mounted below the W11-15 sign. Drivers who encounter a merge sign are warned that two separate roadways will converge into one lane ahead. When you report the accident to your insurance, the insurance company will also investigate the crash. Note: Required means that the sign and/or plaque shall be used, recommended means that the sign and/or plaque should be used, and optional means that the sign and/or plaque may be used. 5% grade that is more than 3,000 feet in length. Option: Maybe if we took an extra 3 minutes when learning to drive it really wouldnt matter. The combination Horizontal Alignment/Advisory Speed sign may be used to supplement the advance Horizontal Alignment warning sign and Advisory Speed plaque based upon an engineering study. Be prepared to adjust speed and always check your blind spot to avoid contact with another vehicle. Guidance: Supplemental plaques (see Section 2C.57) and larger signs should be used for emphasis or where special hill characteristics exist. To turn left on multi-lane streets and highways, start from the left lane. Why do drivers get pain, and what can they do about it? If traffic can pass to either side of the obstruction, the alternating black and retroreflective yellow stripes (OM3-C) shall form chevrons that point upwards. Intermittent obstructions might include foliage or parked vehicles.