We call our kids were-puppies, baby werewolves. Fashioning basic sharpened stakes from hardwood or bamboo, they would line well-camouflaged pits or trenches with dozens of punjis. A work program should be the only way in!!! A lot of the loose kids are older, teens, and in Mexico a teen is supposed to act like an adult. Its a whole set of problems just getting worse by the day. The report goes on to recommend that human and animal waste be removed and burned to help maintain clean water and prevent dysentery which was widespread among U.S. troops in Vietnam (particularly new arrivals in-country). Sometimes the sticks pointed downwards at an angle, with soldiers stepping into a pit unable to remove their leg without causing further damage. Hundreds of different Punji trap prototypes were conceived . A female can eat food scraps but males should be let out at night, before dawn to hunt. DO NOT CONSTRUCT OR PLACE ANY TRAPS even on your private property. Growing up on a farm and ranch, I like natural methods. Punji sticks, also known as punji stakes, were an extremely common booby trap deployed by the Viet Cong.The sharpened bamboo or wooden stakes were often coated in feces or urine, with the goal of . In that application, a pit was a guaranteed man-getter. These Oh wellits not a big deal for me personally because I may not be around to see the Social Security fund go broke in 2035 like theyre predictingbut its a big deal for my children and grandchildren who have worked a job and paid into Social Security & will never see a penny of It. But then, Mexico does have well over 8 million slaves, according to the CIA and Trump screwed them by fighting the dnc. Leave this for thieves or sex predators lol. She shut up, but still has the dog. The retreating Vietnamese would fashion traps from crude spikes, grenades, wires, and even memorabilia. Punji sticks have a long history of horrible pain and agony it causes to anyone who walks right into the traps. this is why Pelosi backed off forcing Greene (GA R) out of office. Wolfberries, native goji, are nasty, but look good. In contrast, American troops were from the wealthiest, freest country on the planet. In fact, any attempt to movethe pole or flag set off the booby trap. At first glance, the Vietnam War appears to be a ridiculous mismatch between a global superpower, rich in technology and industrial production, and a small third-world nation with barely enough resources to equip an insurgent force with modern small arms. Viet Cong Punji Traps of the Vietnam War - YouTube Placement of the traps is the most critical component since a poorly placed trap will be bypassed. The disclaimer reads, in the absence of government and law enforcement., So once the government becomes a tyrannical entity it is no longer for the people, or citizens of the country and all other local and national agencies, bureaus or any organization that acts as an authority to uphold and protect its citizens will be fair game to this cool little contraption. The presence of punji sticks may be camouflaged by natural undergrowth, crops, grass, brush or . Backfill with plenty or logs and thorn brush, dirt and so on. You can modify this style as needed, increasing length or width to accommodate different areas. Cost: 35 Wood. Coyotes fear them, and with good reason. Live The Armory Life. The Viet Cong will police up everything, including spent casings to use against us. Minimizing casualties from NVA/VC boobytraps is a matter of great concern for all of us. While digging, dispose of the excavated dirt by carting away in a bucket or wheelbarrow. In her spare time, Rosemary enjoys spending time with her partner, her cats, and her horse, or sitting down to read a good book. Punji sticks would be placed in areas likely to be passed through by enemy troops. As such, they rigged them with similar explosives, so that if the US troops wanted to take anything from abandoned camps, the explosives would detonate, causing additional casualties. On the home front, a slow-going war fought mainly against booby traps left by an elusive enemy does not make for exciting news or compelling talking points for politicians. Firm believer, nature needs to eat too!! A tripwire would undo the catch on a rope, releasing a plank weighted with barbed metal spikes. They dont have to be close together even, just close enough that the approaching bad guy has to step very carefully to avoid stepping on the punji stick. Punji Trap - Rising Storm 2 Vietnam Wiki on soldiers, greatly reducing morale. Why You Should Never Put A Tall Fence Around Your House? He was leading his unit when his right leg fell into a shallow hole; his foot was pierced by the stick. Viet Cong units used mines from a wide range of sources. come after the monsoons. The Punji stick trap was made infamous by the Vietnam war, not only because of the harm it inflicts on its victims but the simplicity of its construction. They get as big as German Shepherds and are as wiry, but not crazy. The snakes were nicknamed "three-step snakes," because three steps was all you could make before the venom kills you. Hidden gardens, thorny fruit trees, cactus, weedy meadows of grain and so-called 3 Sisters (which were more like 27 plants, all grown in the same beds). 5 Terrifying Booby Traps American GIs Encountered in the Vietnam War However, Id need my wifes permission! Oops, there's been an error. Vietnam has been called a war of booby traps. The jungles of Southeast Asia are naturally dangerous, and the Viet Cong used many locally sourced ingredients for their traps to make the natural environment of their home turf even more deadly. The sharpened bamboo or wooden stakes were often coated in feces or urine, with the goal of causing an infection in the victim. Sometimes known as Toe-poppers these were small arms cartridges such as bullets that were placed within a bamboo tube and over a nail, and then camouflaged in the ground with the tip protruding. she copied it, posted it in every church and synagogue, magazines, and two newspapers. Visit our. Privacy Policy Agreement * Its part and parcel for them, a tradition now. See Saw Trap - Punji stake traps -IMG_5311 - Flickr Punji stick booby trap with bamboo spikes Cu Chi tunnels. Actually, any little dog that (example stated or chihuahuas) are a great alarm system. Not only were these traps cost effective, but the bamboo used to construct many of them didnt register on the mine detectors used by the US. G.W. Many were designed to maim instead of kill not only did this mean other soldiers were required to remove their wounded colleagues which hampered operations, but it also meant the traps were a psychological weapon as word about them spread. LCC: Hang on and keep that boot inserted in liberal ass. Assume all areas are boobytrapped even if friendly troops have previously cleared the area. 1. When a US soldier broke through the flimsy cover over the hole, they would land on the spikes at the bottom and suffer injuries to their feet and legs. Even if fixed, hell always come home. It worked. This trap is just large enough for a Medium-sized character's leg. Spear and arrow launchers (trip wire activated), Anti-personnel mines on either side of trail, A booby trapped log connected to a 250-pound bomb, Several camouflaged bunkers and spider holes, Carefully inspect rocks or other unusual items placed on a trail, When one booby trap has been found more are likely to follow, Keep off trails, especially in an area known to be booby trapped, Punji stakes are indicative of boobytrapped areas and often are placed to channelize troops into a booby trap, Have local inhabitants precede American troops through a village. Punji sticks are usually deployed in substantial numbers. I imagine they are trying to sweep up as many lost souls as they can to keep their numbers high. Booby traps were cheap and relatively simple to make, and the Viet Cong used them to devastating effect. Snake pits were a trap primarily used within the Viet Congs tunnel systems. She was 5-2, him 6-2 and a war vet niio. Viet Cong guerrillas would often carried Bamboo Pit Vipers in their packs to (hopefully) kill anyone who searches through them. A round of ammunition would be set with a nail underneath, to act as a mock firing pin, and a board placed overtop the hole to prevent enemy soldiers from detecting it in advance. In the early years of the Vietnam War, the Viet . Smart people learn from everything and everyone, average people from their experiences, stupid people already have all the answers. (Image Credit: NARA / Public Domain). The Viet Cong had found a way to test Americas resolve in a long war. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Yeah, the liberals gave us another border crisis. Red Unfortunately the rest of the country is now highly aware and learning all about crooked political election practices. The garden wall is growing bigger, and better. These mines were normally set off electrically by an observer, delivering a massive blast of pellets into a tight kill zone, exploded at the exact moment that it would inflict the maximum number of casualties. Exposed punji sticks can be used to direct traffic into a fire zone. They will readily point out enemy booby traps, Never bunch up. You must read and understand these laws, bylaws, rules, and regulations before you go around digging pits lined with spikes. Best of Luck to You and Yours. A Punji stick trap is a pit lined with sharpened sticks, then covered up and camouflaged. I am not talking about where there are police but they just are sitting on their hands due to an out of control situation or a political situation where they are proscribed from acting by so-called government but a world where best case, the police have disappeared worst case they are among the bad guys. I got mine when I was 12 years old and started a job at the local movie theater running the movie projectors. Snares 10. The goal of the traps was to maim not kill as this required soldiers to deal with their wounded comrades, slowing them down. Movie Photo: Live for Life-8x10 Promo Still-soldier-unfortunate Victim YOU MIGHT GET TRAPPED, CC: Some said, Pelosi is drowning. The punji stick or punji stake is a type of booby trapped stake. Even as the VC dealt with maddening logistics, the situation worked in their favor as it forced American troops to deal with a dangerous wide array of mines to deactivate. When the Bamboowas released, so was the snake right onto the enemy. Bamboo Whip Traps The bamboo whip booby trap swung violently into the legs and torsos of those who stepped on the tripwire to initiate the attack. Spider Hole Tactics to Defend Against Looters. After that, dig an appropriately sized pit. A human-sized pit may seem like a good option, and in some cases, it may be, but it will be time-consuming and difficult to dig, construct, and camouflage. People in Kali-fornia are doing the same. Along the fence line is fine but you have to make sure that the punji line ends far enough from the fence that making a flying leap from the top of the fence presents significant danger of being impaled. It was an affordable way for the Vietnamese to wage war, and the VCs ingenious use of mines and traps had a tremendous effect on American morale, creating a significant distraction, and reducing the U.S. militarys technological advantages. The presence of punji sticks may be camouflaged by natural undergrowth, crops, grass, brush or similar materials. . The latest content straight to your inbox plus an automatic entry to each of our monthly giveaways! Hopefully that situation will not devolve until I have departed for greener pastures and my progeny and their progeny are left to deal with the remnants of what used to be the greatest country with the greatest freedoms of expression and freedom to live your life as you desired. You need to know how to spot booby traps to avoid becoming a victim. Leaving spoil around the trap will be a clue to intruders that a trap exists. At home in America, they enjoyed luxuries that most Vietnamese couldnt even dream of. One international travel is fully back up and running, I expect we will have even more problems on the way. Most nests have hundreds of ants. Should you have a welder and know how to weld, you can make a fiendishly diabolical device known as a caltrops. Punji Trap CR 1/2. 3. Pelosi and Waters both will be recounted. Did the Wars of the Roses End at the Battle of Tewkesbury? This type of trap could either be constructed with a single can and a stake, or with two cans. In 1965 alone, this number was at 70 percent. If they are truly seeking something better. Send the dad so he can rack up some cash and then go back. We have perfect natural defenses like manzanita, which can deter a tank because it grows so crooked and springy. The use of punji sticks in any act of conflict is banned from use under the 1980 Geneva Convention. Shotgun Blank Trap 9. The pole had spikes on it, so when the tripwire was triggered, whoever tripped it would be impaled by the spikes on the pole as it whipped forward. Wild thing to do, but with the southern border being flooded with illegals not a bad idea!! I like the cholla along the with the prickly pear growing along the length of our six foot horse fencing. 6 Best Homemade Booby Traps and Tripwire Alarms Punji stakes were often coated in plant-based poisons, animal venom, or human feces to poison the victim after their skin was punctured. Our sense of normalcy and logic and values do not apply! It is a simple spike, made out of wood or bamboo, which is sharpened, heated, and usually set in a hole. A visible trap together with a couple of covered traps will serve as a significant deterrent. Here in Arizona, you will need a frigging backhoe to dig, even a small hole, in most places. The wounds inflicted were messy, and sometimes fatal. The design was simple (an interpretation of the US M14 mine): a .50 caliber casing was filled with gunpowder and scrap metal, and then sealed with wax. A 173rdAirborne Brigade report offered the following good advice in 1967: The Viet Cong studied their American opponents well their strengths, their weaknesses, and perhaps most importantly, their habits. Absolutely lovely!! However, they were known to kill those who refused to support them. When these extra stakes were added, it was difficult for the victim to get themselves out without causing further damage. so, were ready to go all natural, all legal. 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His regular misadventures with Wally, his young Tibetan Mastiff, remind him that life must be enjoyed full-bore, at least until you are ready for a nap. Or you can just scatter broken glass around to make a less than threatening scene that you might credibly think up an excuse for that still is a fairly effective barrier to invasion by foot. The bow trap was a simple, yet effective booby trap employed by the Viet Cong during the Vietnam War. What the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army lacked in the way of firepower they made up for in ingenuity. As the saying goes, praise the Lord and keep your powder dry. You want the minimum number of stakes that will cover the maximum square footage. Punji sticks were also used in Vietnam to complement various defenses, such as barbed wire. Snakes were also hidden by the Viet Cong in soldiers packs, and sometimes tied into the branches of trees by their tails at face height. These devices are designed to inflict grave and serious harm and the deployment of these devices in any manner constitutes a criminal offense in most jurisdictions. When she gets loose, people find a few dead coyotes around town, then she comes home all happy. The goobermint sold social security to the masses on the basis that the numbers WOULD NEVER BE USED FOR IDENTIFICATiON PURPOSES as we had seen what was going on in Europe even though we had the head in the sand attitude that it really wasnt as bad as the press made it out to be and they were only Jews anyway, so it didnt matter that much. NO LIBERALS. Bamboo Pit Vipers were a common snake used by the Viet Cong. these harassment allegations are not worth the time of day and nothing much to squawk about. The Viet Cong were on their home turf and used this to their advantage when it came to creating and laying booby traps. Dems are desperate to own us, but if these ballots are counted right, were one more nail in the dnc coffin. Dont plan on installing punji sticks. Remain standing and take your chances with being a bigger target or flop down and take your chances with being seriously cut in a world without organized medical care. They could also be coated with poisonous substances from animals and plants. Great comments,Brother Patriot! It was Roosevelt and the dems who refused landing to ships already full of Jewish refugees from Europe. This could be useful to misdirect people toward an area with no persons or resources. Man I loved that job!! The author does not condone the use of these devices and assumes no responsibility or liability for anyone who disregards this disclaimer and the rule of law in the unlawful deployment of any trap or device described within this article. The trap was triggered by a tripwire and set to whip across narrow trails at chest height. Dick move not a trap camp, nor are drop, acid pits, or underwater spawn points. Bamboo whips were another brutal booby trap employed by the Viet Cong. Spikes were placed over a long bamboo pole, which was pulled back into an arc using a catch attached to a tripwire. Encountered a "trap camp" where the dude was just waiting and - Reddit One could always set it up to re fill the hole once um used, ahem! During the Vietnam war, the spikes were sharpened bamboo, but here in North America, we will use other materials in place of bamboo. They would also tie the deadly snakes to bamboo and hide them throughout their tunnel complexes. Similar to the mace, the tiger trap consisted of a weighted, spike-studded board. Leaving spoil around the trap will be a clue to intruders that a trap exists. Snake pits were encountered by US tunnel rats, but the Viet Cong would put snakes in other locations, too, such as in their bags or in old weapons caches. First, get rid of the governor, and witnesses say hes getting freaky cursing and shouting at people over the recall. Sometimes they do false alarms too, but the criminals dont know that! No question about illegality in a situation where there is still some semblance of rule of law. Yes, bees can recognize individual people. bidens slave jails are at 768% capacity, with kids taking turns sleeping on bare concrete floors. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to use this website. We have those same Trespassers will be shot; survivors will be shot again! sign!! Out enate had to pass a law to force dems to give them up, and state troopers collected them. The regular weight of someone walking on the cartridge would drivethe nail into the primer, turning the nail into a firing pin and firing the bullet upward through the unsuspecting victim's foot. Im always making a new bed or planting something. Mine warfare instructors of the 4thInfantry Division advised: Nothing that can be of value to the enemy should be left behind. You can fabricate the spikes from green branches found in nature, metal round bar, large nails, or anything else you can imagine. All devices shown within this article were fully dismantled and the area returned to its natural state immediately following their construction. This article, I hope, is for the latter situation where all government is dissolved and it is every man for himself. They were thin, sharpened stakes of bamboo or wood placed at an angle in the ground and frequently used in areas where US troops were likely to be passing through while on patrols and combat missions. He is a former combat photographer with experience in politics, entertainment, development, nonprofit, military, and government. Most jurisdictions have strict laws regarding booby-trapping your home and property. I havent bothered to figure out what the optimal distance between stakes is but it isnt brain surgery. When a soldier tripped the wire, the grenade would detonate. The Viet Cong quickly learned to booby trap not only items that were of military importance but also items such as flags and other war trophies. Many military historians dont give much credence to the effectiveness of the Viet Congs booby trap and mine warfare tactics. Right now, Arizona is counting Maricopa ballots. Based on a tripwire, once the wire was triggered, a large metal or wooden ball with spikes would swing down from a tree. This is more fun than the tome Nana (granny) broke a bat over Uncle Bobs back for saying a naughty word to her. Instead, consider traps that are only large enough to have a foot or leg fall in and become impaled on the spikes. Activated by a pressure plate, this improvised trap springs a spike board into the unfortunate victim's face.". Foot and larger man-sized traps were commonly placed along trails and suspected approach routes. They were often incorporated into various types of traps; for example, a camouflaged pit into which a soldier might fall (it would then be a trou de loup). Product prices mentioned in articles and videos are current as of the date of publication. Please continue sir with sage advice. You can also use shards of glass partially buried in the sides of the hole to inflict more damage. an infection in the victim. In this big city. Most of the fighting took place in dense forests which made it ideal for installing booby traps. With a passion for historical learning and historical education, her writing interests include social history, and war history, especially researching obscure facts about the Second World War. Punji Trap. this is stray dog season. Firstly, locate a site for your trap. You can always smear fecal matter on the points if you want to add to the psychological impact. The new Punji traps now conceal two victim steps on the trap the wire snaps and rows of iron spikes pierce his leg above the boot and enter his leg muscles from two sides. Mighty Networks, 2023. Rosemary Giles is a history content writer with Hive Media. They were mostly made out of bamboo (though sometimes metal) in varying lengths and width, and had a simple sharpened spike on one end to impale its victim. ClergyLady: Will the larger pads varieties survive up there? Contrary to popular belief, neither the North Vietnamese Army nor Viet Cong guerrillas could match the U.S. forces toe-to-toe during the Vietnam War either in skill or of firepower. The punji stick also known as spike pit, was a type of booby trap commonly used in the Vietnam War. Red Not just the elderly. I think they even developed one that blooms all summer. Unless your property is quite large and your home sits in the middle of your property, you can still be subject to deadly gunfire from outside your property line. Quarter inch rebar should be more than satisfactory for your purposes here. DONT BE A BOOBY Plenty of soft spots develop, holes under the surface inhabited by scorpions and spiders, centipedes, and our killer mouse, the Grasshopper, who can bite thru shoe leather. Lowes and I am sure Home Depot, although I have not checked them out for the product, carries rebar in various thicknesses and lengths. People in GA were screaming madGreene is very popular in GA. Pelois, word is, was again caught with her hand in the tax payer cookie jar. Football season for most starts in late fall. A bamboo pole was attached to a tripwire and pulled back with a lot of tension. All around the house are pits filled with brush and logs, then dirt for garden beds. It is not necessary to dig pits. tripped by a hidden vine or wire to whip into and impale the victim. I would NOT put out punji sticks unless it were truly a world without rule of law. Find six hardwood sticks that are as thick as a pencil and as long as your forearm. When the Viet Cong were forced from their bases, they would rig their flags with explosives, which detonated when the US troops took them down. One of the ways they did that was by using creative methods to rig booby traps to injure or kill U.S. troops. Mark Kelly here is next. Ill be 70 this summergood Lord willing and the creeks dont rise I think my SS card is in a safety deposit box at the bank so I havent checked to see if mine says that on itlol. Punji stick | Vietnam War | Fandom They were already fighting in difficult, The bow trap was a simple, yet effective booby trap employed by the Viet Cong during the, , also known as punji stakes, were an extremely common. Plenty of cactus and jujube, citrus, wolfberries, and so on all covered with thorns. Left Coast Chuck Id marry you if you were a girl! Booby trap vietnam war Stock Photos and Images - Alamy The weight of a soldier stepping on the trap would set off the cartridge and explode it into the bottom of the victims foot, causing painful and debilitating wounds. They tend to rust, or rot, or become unstable. Honestly why send the damn kids? The fruit is food, jam, syrup and wine and we eat young pads too. The Viet Cong also developed a form of modern caltrop, something that many American troops called Toe-Poppers. . Terrifying Booby Traps Used In Vietnam War, That Scared US Soldiers LCC Well, so far they only report catching four known terrorists crossing into the US at the southern border. Editors Note: Please be sure to check out The Armory Life Forum, where you can comment about our daily articles, as well as just talk guns and gear. Punji stick - Wikipedia My social security card has stamped on it in red caps NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES Thats how old I am. For sure we are dealing with another world at the border, i.e., what they refer to as the 3rd world. For the Viet Cong, there was no relief from the Vietnam War, there was only victory or death. This particular booby trap could be made worse by not only placing sticks pointing up from the bottom, but by installing them at a downward angle, along the sides of the hole.
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