Indeed our free will determines whether or not grace will flow into our hearts. Why not cite some more statements from HLM, and give me your interpretations of them? Every Catholic already can be in the presence of God before the tabernacle at their church and even receive Him in Holy Communion. the teaching of the Church is that Mary is the Mediatrix of all graces; all graces flow through Her Immaculate Heart. Let me quote again from Catholic Apologetics: Is not fidelity to the true teaching of the Church to be given. Someone said that such compelling evidence of positive fruits proves this is from God. You are mixed up, Elizabeth and you need a good Catholic priest to help you think things through. Many bishops DO APPROVE and are actually involved in HLM. If these folks dont yet have any internal warning flags going up at this point, argument isnt going to do it. You say that Disobedience to Church authority is one of the premier hallmarks of a false vision, etc.. when there are those in Church Authority themselves that are disobedient to the Pope and the Magisterium. Este sitio tambien tiene articulos del famoso Padre Fortea, exorcista en espana. Those at Holy Love Ministries have openly rejected it. I hesitate to call it from the devil only because I think its equally possible, or even probable, that its simple a case of either an emotionally imbalanced woman (Sweeney) or a shrewd woman seeking notoriety and a very comfortable lifestyle. He told me of local corruption of the priests and said, What else could we do? I pointed out that Jesus would certainly have his way with his Church, so I did not believe a true apparition would be forced out of the Church. Bishop Lenon might have a hidden agenda. But, we dont consecrate ourselves to the Cross. You have every right even a duty to suggest caution, as you did in your article. And what did Padre Pio do when the Bishop ordered him to stop? I know my Catholic Faith well in all its purity, its beauty, and its authentic mystical depth. There is a you tube video on the internet formulated by Lennons Cleveland flock. Again, Madame, an admonishment IS a warning and a warning and/or admonishment (Same thinglook it up in the dictionary) is NOT A FORMAL COMMAND OF OBEDIENCE and does NOT NEED TO BE OBEYED. May Our Good God Bless All Those Who Read This and may their eyes and minds be opened. Those in love with God naturally crave closeness to Him. Heck, I didnt even say the rosary with all the other thousands gathered ther. I sat in the private chapel on the propertywhere the eucharist was kept (totally against what the church ordered by the way). However, its my understanding that St. Joan refused to lie by saying that she was not hearing voices. (11/27/12-ST. JOAN OF ARC) I know others also. I never heard of the holy love ministry but its obvious that they dont teach the faithful correctly since everyone that is defending them is mainly using emotions rather than reason. You just looked up how obedience is defined in the CCC. I used to wonder why the devil would have a hand in false apparitions when they inspired so many faithful Catholics to increase their prayer life and devotion to God and the Blessed Mother. My story is quite unusual, perhaps. abortion. Well we are in the middle of 2015 and there has been nothing. Apparitions of the Virgin Mary and Jesus - Catholic Planet Our destiny is in our own hands. If he is silent on the issues mentioned above this would explain his aversion to HLM which teaches the Catholic Faith in its traditional wholeness. His most recent communication is a Decree, admonishing the faithful.November 2009. Menu and widgets. If you obey the heresy of unfaithful bishops, you are not being faithful to the Church. But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth (John 16:12-13). 9/3/93 from Our Lady: My little messenger, what I most wish to convey to you is how much Jesus It is called bitterness. Heres a good article from the the Catholic Herald in the U.K. about Marian apparitions and disobedience. Thought you would like to know. Or are you so out of it that you do not see that? Messages of Our Lady of Anguera - Jesus & Maria Site After all, He is the one who founded the Church and gave it authority. Now, some-, the things commanded by a Superior are against God. We have NOT fulfilled Our Ladys requests to honor her on the Five First Saturdays. When was the last time any Catholic heard a Bishop or a Priest condemn the evil of contraception from the pulpit? Do you not know that it is through our free will choices that we sin? This site also has articles by the famous Spanish exorcist Father Fortea.). The messages also portray the Father as saying that He (the Father) is the Holy Spirit: "I am that True Holy Spirit" (God The Father, March 5, 2010). I really dont advise these places for most folks. In that video, attorney Charles Feliciano, diocesan lawyer for the Cleveland Diocese for many years, goes so far as to allude to murder not being beyond what this bishop and his minions would do. He has first hand experience of Bishop Lennons illegal and immoral practices and deeds. The sole purpose of Holy Love is to bring people closer to God, but all she does is find fault. God can use all things for good. In general, if it is not church approved (Lourdes, Fatima, etc. Not all are holy. In the meantime I really cannot understand how this ministry that promotes. her eyes are so blinded and all I can do is pray and mention it now and then Mother Teresa was in a diocese once where the bishop insisted that she and her sisters sit after receiving Holy Communion. When a bishop does not uphold the true Faith, ac cording to Deitrich von Hildebrand, he loses his authority to represent the Church, and instead represents his own novelty. He continues to explain that those Catholic who oppose heretical bishops are the true members of the Church. what might be going on at all these apparition sites is being done as Amos the the prophet stated in ch 3 lines 7&8.. read read read. 3) s/he firmly believes that s/he is hearing the actual words of the saints, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Jesus, and God the Father. Most of the people who attend Mass now are elderly. Holy Love Ministry - Heavenly Messages In 90 Languages - Translation . There are none, nor could he name any. We should always be disposed to believe that that which appears white is really black, if the hierarchy of the Church so decides. St. Evidently there is fuller need to elaborate further, Kevin. Vatican Two told us that, and the new head of the CDF has told us that failure to accept the TRUE teachings of Vatican Two is heresy. [I marvel at the protection of the (created and uncreated) Immaculate Conception!]. 3221 believes that St. If this is of God, it wont go away, as we are told in scripture. Translation: I like to practiceits also an avenue for those who cannot understand the English well. If we CHOOSE (use our free will) to REJECT Gods grace, it cannot flow into our souls. Interesting enough, it was also a no show for Marino. In all the various approved apparitions throughout the centuries, does the Blessed Mother or Jesus talk of worldly events, the economy, politicians and the U.S. economy? He obeyed the Bishop because he knew that obedience to his Bishop and the magisterium are required by God. There is nothing contrary to our Faith at HLM. Please read the few quotes of some recent messages from HL in my post just before Kevins recent post. Sister Adele cautioned the Bishop that he would be responsible for the souls lost due to the lack of proper religious instruction. But she obeyed the Bishops command. The error is in hearts that oppose the gospel and the graces which support it here.. If only she would medidate on the messages. (Someone above has a way you can bring the document up on the internet.Scroll up and find it.)) I noticed that the conversation is stuck on the Bishops wording, etc. Not your opinion nor the will of any other non-believer will stop this ministry. Any of the saints when they were ordered by their superiours to do something or not do it, they obeyed, obedience is a mark of holiness. The Church is very very slow to either affirm definitely or condemn definitely any apparition, knowing full well that they could be twarting the Holy Spirit. EXCELLENT and apropos quote from the revelations to St. Margaret Mary. Faith is greater than obedience. this will be hard, but it will be the only way not to participate in the constant deception in which that corrupt body engages. . Rather, it has brought out the apparition mockers full force. Am also not responding to a number that shall go nameless! The rcspiritualdirection site was founded by Dan Burke, who works for EWTN and is executive editor of National Catholic Register EWTN newspaper. There are genuine miracles from Holy Love, and Ive had very powerful miracles there, With assistance from very conservative priests AND an exorcist,, these things proved to be genuine and not diabolical. His judgement is NOT the definitive Voice of the Church. In November of 2006, I wrote an article for Catholic exchange exposing the Holy Love site. 1) Maureen Sweeney-Kyle professes the Catholic faith. We are free to heed it or not heed it, as it is not a formal canonical command to obedience. Exactly. June 2019: The devil wants to deceive you. What draws me to defend Holy Love Ministries, and which motivates me to write to you, is that I see there full, authentic Catholic doctrineand a depth presentation of that doctrinepromulgated there. The maxim is usually something along these lines: there are bad people in the Church today.. I pray that one day his eyes will open, but no amount of logic will convince him of the truth. In the end, we really will get to see both Him and His mother. Whether or not you can find the source, it is a true a account. You also are so obsessed with Church law that you are missing what the Church is suffering.. Again, I learned this from Aquinas, The Church is where the true Faith is. Lest I be accused of quoting Thomas of Aquinas from the messages of Holy Love, let me assure you that I used only his words and ideas from his great work the Summa theologica. It doesn't leave you in the doldrums. Conscious of their own responsibility, the Christian faithful are bound to In my November of 2009 article, I said, Despite all the usual Catholic trappings chapel, statues, rosaries and religious bookstore, not to mention the throngs from across the country and globe the purported visions by Maureen Sweeney-Kyle have been condemned.Although the word condemned is the old term for a private revelation that received the constat de non supernaturalitate judgment andmy readersmay have been better served by my simply reporting what the bishop said, the point remains: The conclusion of the bishops evaluationis that if there are any apparitions going on there, they are not from God. That is exactly what it equals. The point, for me at least, is that the Bishop of the diocese has issued a decree admonishing the faithful to stay away. I just dont see the Blessed Mother doing this. My sources of reference are the great St. Thomas of Aquinas and the highly-esteemed orthodox theologian, Deitrich von Hildebrand, called by Pope Pius X11 a 20th century Doctor of the Church. Who should God Himself obey if He has no superiors? The fruits will show that this is from heaven and the good that comes out of it will yes, indeed, SAVE SOULS! We need all the help we can get now and may the author of this sad He is succeeding in making people such as yourself to turn away from the Church and convincing you all that YOU are the faithful ones! It behooves each of us to be fortified in the knowledge of what our Faith really teaches. These are the pearls that are consistently in evidence at this apparition site. For without charity and unity with the Church, there can be no salvation for Catholics. God will bring out the truth. Fr. 8/9/93 from Our Lady: There is no peace, save in the grace of My Heart. This is contrary to our faith. 5 You pray for any religious leader who does not speak out. The idea of being privy to messages from heaven can be intoxicating and raise ones spirits even closer to heaven. Souls are lost because we do not pray for them, we do not offer ourselves in union with Jesus so that we can through our union with Jesus win the grace these souls need to turn to God. So, you would also accept a metaphor of a God with multiple human arms and hands like some of the Hindu gods? Heres one from St. Catherine of Sienna on Nov. 18, 2009: Do not be fooled to believe you are not allowed to come. I figured that the tens of thousands of pilgrims in Fatima who witnessed the spinning of the sun and had their soaked clothing dried in an instant when the Blessed Mother appeared as predicted had less to go on than we did. This is defiance on the part of the bishops against Christs Church. (4) There is no peace, save in the grace of My Heart. I admonish the faithful of the Diocese of Cleveland to cease gathering for any religious, liturgical, spiritual or devotional purpose on the site ofHoly Love Ministries and declare that the Confraternity of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary is not an approved association of the Christian faithful in the Diocese of Cleveland and may not legitimately use the name Catholic or represent itself as a Catholic group, Lennon said in his decree. Nonetheless, Bishop Lennon and his expert have serious concerns about Holy Love Ministries for Catholics. There is an old adage in Scholastic(?) Let it go, Mary. I love your site. When God told Adam and Eve not to eat the apple, dont eat the apple, even if just an apple. After the above comes specific rulings in 4 parts (conveniently numbered): 1) Lennon declares Sweeney-Kyles claims to be not supernatural in origin. I admonish the faithful of the Diocese of Cleveland to cease gathering for any religious, liturgical, spiritual or devotional purpose on the site of Holy Love Ministries and declare that the Confraternity of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary is not an approved association of the Christian faithful in the Diocese of Cleveland and may not legitimately use the name Catholic or represent itself as a Catholic group, Lennon said in his decree. And from our Lord himself on Nov. 13, 2009: My brothers and sisters, tonight confusion may have entered your hearts concerning certain statements from the diocese. However, once the Church has condemned a site and declared it off limits to clergy and laity, its a different ball game. There are some seventy references to conscience in the Catechism and none of them affirm the primacy of the conscience, but repeatedly state that an authentic conscience is one that has been submitted to God, to the Gospel, and to the truth. Once they are off course, the messages can take over and Catholic priests and bishops may even be seen as the enemy for rejecting or ignoring the messages. The saints took the opposite road. Youre adhering to a false church of Maureen Sweeneys (or the devils) own making. Guard me against all evil. Take what I said in all my responses to your points and show them to any theologically sound priest and you will find out that it all is clear Catholic doctrine. Too often, if an alleged apparition is condemned people feel betrayed and give up on God and the Church. Maureen held my hands and gave me a message. We are not God. and in fact, the Holy See was consulted on this matter and appears to be with Lennon. Cover me with the Precious Blood of Your Divine Son. The above is justification enough for Lennon to issue his Decree as Sweeney-Kyle preaches a different Gospel. One woman credited her fathers conversion from a Sunday church grumbler to attending Mass and saying the rosary daily even two years after his visit to the site. May God be with you; Ive said all I have to say. As soon as I started reading the web site, I had , deep in my soul, the feeling I get when I know something is false. Priests United in Holy and Divine Love - Holy Love Messages Mary Speaks To Her Priest Sons - Messages The Lord Warns His Sacred Servants In The Christian Church Words From Jesus - Messages For Chosen Sons - Catholic Priests Heaven Speaks To Victims Of Clerical Abuse Heaven's Medicinal Plants WELCOME Featured / a soul which indicates that it is free will that keeps a soul from holiness! At Holy Love Ministries the lay faithful have an opportunity to learn the depth mystical theology of Catholicism in all its rich and pristine clarity,as well as in its orthodox consistency, but Bishop Lennon expects obedience simple because he is the bishop. You also accused me of being angry and bitter, but it is you yourself who referred to me as an idiot in an earlier post. 4) An HLM organization may not use the name Catholic and is not approved by Lennon. (3)the only thing that keeps a soul from holiness is free will. Read all about it in The Rite The Making of a Modern Exorcist by Matt Baglio. Finally, the Church has spoken authoritatively on Holy Love Ministries and its 83-acre site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine in Ohio. 3221, if you do not see this, there is no purpose in further communicating with me on this matter. daily Mass, rosary, weekly adoration and love of all is so frowned apron. Have mercy, Lord, have mercy! Questions remain. The bishop is wrong to discourage anyone from going here.It was never properly investigated and the resultant miracles were ignored. Can you repost the link? we have known about holy love since the 80s and we believe in those apparitions. I asked why the Blessed Mother would be operating outside the Church. One bishop has warned against HLM. Now the Vatican is discerning Medjugorie and no one has accused (or admonished) those who go there, nor told them to cease and desist. 3221, back up and read what you just wrote. I will say a prayer for you. But until then, we just have to be patient. Our Lord and His Mother lead us into the Church, not away. my healing started in medjugorje the last week of the marian yr in 88, the finger of the lord touched my soul and the divine mercy devotion gave me the courage to face my sinfullness yrs later. The Bishop has a right, a duty in fact, to oversee anything Catholic within his diocese. Many of them do go and believe in Holy Love apparitions. The Bishop of the diocese has requested that no Masses be offered on the property of Holy Love and he has requested that the priests under his jurisdiction do not go there. Yes, saints obeyed their superiors by accepting punishment (whippings, imprisonment, etc) for the fact that they would NOT stop publicizing the Truth. HLM is the most exquisite display of the solid mystical theology of the Catholic Church. Nothing of such exists in any messages. Ill just say this. What Canon(s) specifically refer to the act of condemnation as a canonical act? Blessed Mother is helping her children to return to God before its too late. If he himself is not addressing these issues, it would go a long way to explain his aversion to HLM. You have the document that proves condemnation. We, as Christians, need to stop segregating ourselves and look for the true meaning in Christ HOLY LOVE = the 2 greatest Commandments- Honor God above all else and love EVERYONE else. NO legitimate apparition in the history of the Catholic Church has EVER told/ordered/directed someone to go outside of the authority of the Church in order to make itself known. First of all, Jesus DOES DEPEND on us to help Him save the world. I guess you have never heard of Joan of Arc, who was condemned by the Chuch authorities. You may enjoy this one: It is offensive. The ministry has literally changed my life. Call it the Holy Spirit or my Guardian Angel, but I dont think this is a true Catholic organization. I would love to, Ive been going thru a dry spell and I think this could be the very thing I need right now, I believe I have this book I just need to find it. Holy Love Ministries is an ecumenical lay apostolate committed to living and propagating the Holy Love, Divine Love and United Hearts messages. I can read St. Thomas too, and you are misreading him. However, alleged visionaries, mystics and those who follow them MUST obey and follow the authority that Jesus established in His Church. We learn (in Church history) that St. Athanasius disobeyed Pope Liberius, St. Godefrey of Amiens and St. Hughes of Grenoble disobeyed Pope Pascal 11. Therese of Lisieux ((Doctor of the Church) told her novices Pick up a pin and save a soul. It is 3221s responsibility to have the information handy. May they rest in peace. Yet it can happen that moral conscience remains in ignorance and makes erroneous judgments [CCC 1790]This ignorance can often be imputed to personal responsibility. On the surface, everything about the site appears to be Catholic, but they are not Catholic. To join, go here:, And, to look at the first post which gives the reading assignment, go here: Again, I ask you, get SPECIFIC. He is a very sick man. When in the history of the Catholic Church have approved apparitions consisted of a Blessed Mother going freestyle outside the Church? I know from experience that its easy to look only at the surface and miss obvious problems. It did not. After reading through the explanations of why certain messages must be regarded as false, it helps readers to be more discerning. For Catholics, this should be the end of the story. Finally, the Church has spoken authoritatively on Holy Love Ministries and its 83-acre site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine in Ohio. It has never been the Churchs position that the Blessed Virgin Mary needs our prayers. I cant and because of this I will continue to pray the Rosary, spread it, follow the messages, go to Mass, go to confession and adoration as much as I can. @LizEst I could not go on the link to join the book club it doesnt work. It was the published messages from Marino that inspired our prayer group to form. He boils the whole of the place down into ONLY the two greatest commandments. It is NOT from God. Later the DEFINITIVE Voice of the Church made her a saint. The second part is the point about all grace flowing through Marys Immaculate Heart. I would ask that you speak in specifics. Thank youand God bless you and yours Elizabeth, and all readers here, with a Blessed Advent and Christmas season, as well. If Holy Love Ministries is real, it will submit to Church authority and ultimately the Lord will be vindicate it. Peace be with you! If he refuses to listen even to the church, then treat him as you would a Gentile or a tax collector. concrete evidence of why he has made this decision makes me very skeptical of his decision. He cites canons 212 and 214. and now you cannot even keep your own argument in order. That is what the local bishop issued in the case of Holy Love. Do not take what St. Ignatius says out of context. Needless to say, he backed down.). In addition, there are a number of followers in the area where I live who were irritated by my observations. (6)What I most wish to convey to you is how much Jesus depends on souls who have sincerely consecrated themselves to the Cross. It all seems very clear to me. God the Father Messages about President Trump - Holy Love Ministry Bishop Lennons statement said it was a warning and that is what is wasa warning. We become obedient to the Church and Her officials only when we become obedient to the constant teachings of the Church, as taught by the Magisterium through the ages. It is not a condemnation. recently Pope Benedict XV1 applied pressure to the Bishops when he stated that no monies should be given to organizations not in line with Church teachings. (5)The door to the soul is free will. Evidently you are one of the many who does not know what the Catholic Church teaches. The organization has been at odds with the Catholic Church almost from the start. Von Hildebrand reiterates this. Christ has done that for us. The remnant are those who adhere to the Holy Eucharist, adoration, the Magisterium, the rosary. Let me tell you something else, Kevin. You will not be able to do so.The charism of HLM is the preservation of the true Faith. Our Blessed Mother would lead her children to understand that the virtue of obediencetrue obedience as opposed to false obedienceis obedience to the true and full Faith, not to a bishop who is preventing that Faith from being learned. Medjugorie is now being examined by the Vatican, well after the local bishop (Bishop Zanic) stated that there was nothing supernatural occuring. Is it possible the Bishop is wrong about Holy Love? Since Holy Love moved to their latest location in Elyria, Oh. Jesus Is Condemned To Death. No one, absolutely NO ONE has been able to provide any evidence that Bishop Lennon is a heresiarch. Even though the messages, purportedly from Jesus and Mary, encourage Catholic devotions, they have declared that this ministry is ecumenical and therefore, does not have to answer to Catholic authority. Our Lady with the bowl in her hand and using the baking of a cake to put forth her message. This tells me the depth of your discernment if you see the piece that Kevin cited as worthwhile. God bless you all. The problem, however, comes later when/if the predictions fail (like Conyers and so many others), the church disapproves of the messages and gatherings, the visionaries disregard the church, lawsuits come forth (like, again, Conyers, between Our Loving Mother whatever and Nancy Fowler), etc. This kind of stuff is EXACTLY whats contained in a great number of the so-called messages. "Before you condemn someone else for a wrongful act, check your behavior and see if you too, have committed an act similar or even worse than the act that person has done. The Journalreported that Kyle responded to Lennons decree by stating: This, fellow Catholics, should have been the red flag that immediately exposed the apparitions long before an official proclamation. I am so sorry that I so disturb your peace. she was betrayed by one of her own. We have brought this on ourselves, allowing 60 million unborn babies to be slaughtered in the womb. The Bishops decree against the so-called apparitions at Bayside (Vernoica Leuken) never uses the word condemned. It says no credibility can be given. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR, Libya and the Doctrine of Justifiable Rebellion. Unfortunately, those have cultish devotion to things like HLM tend to brook no logic. I am willing to bet neither can you. 80% of Catholics today do not understand Who the Holy Eucharist is. At one point during the investigations, Bishop Melcher commanded Sister Adele to close the school and the Chapel, and bring him the keys to both. He was obedient even to death on the crossand where He is, there also will His servant be. When bishops fail in their teachings and in safeguarding the fullness of the Faith, they are not to be obeyed so that one may be faithful to the Church. Whether or not an organization is under the authority of a diocese it still is free to share Catholic doctrine. The devil can quote Scripture and encourage people to pray as it suits his larger purpose. I repeat: Bishop Lennon has only advised warned and counseled his disapproval of HLM. He was also my father, Thomas T.s, spiritual director. Good luck with your efforts here. Doctrinal fidelity as a mark of authenticity is sometimes an obvious sign, sometimes not so obvious. Both her ignorance of Catholic doctrine, as well as her inability to think clearly became obvious for all to see. The topic is disobedience to the Bishop. If people were inspired or received what they believe to be miracles at this site, then praise be to God! I genuinely did believe that I was at a legitimate site and thus prayed earnestly. Certainly not. They often are not obedient to our Holy Father and his Magisterium, They have many times misled the faithfulremember, it is the Catholic vote that re-elected Obamaand they are largely responsible for the moral confusion and defiance to Rome that plagues the United States. She is the Spouse of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit, Who is One with Her through grace FLOWS THROUGH HER. Furthermore, another consideration on alleged good fruits is what people bring to a place. You are so worried about HLM drawing people away from their Faith. Yes, Holy Love is a very dangerous place. Have a nice day,Harr. If he would be transparent on his reasons I would support him 100%. The question now is, will those that were enthralled with this Shrine, accept Church authority or continue to follow a ministry that has officially been condemned? He may hate the rosary but he loves people rejecting Catholic Church authority which is what he is getting out of this deal. Read the Decree here: Do you think these many unethical bishops in the Church todaythese ravenous wolves who control most of the operations of the NCCBare going to roll over and play dead when Pope Benedict XV1 goes Home to God? The claims are not supernatural in originthus says Lennon (and apparently the Holy See). Or maybe St.Thomas Aquinas? If anything, HLM has brought me to a deeper understanding of the ancient truths of my Faith.