(An attempt on a realistic portrayal if someone actually woke up in the insane situation of suddenly becoming Cersei. Welcome to another ASOIAF quest, this one set entirely within Westeros and the wars over it, in the vein of my prior quest. With luck and bullshitery Oisean will survive long enough for his newfound magic to make a difference, and all the world will know the new Laughing Mage. So great was her desire to learn of him, that upon turning thirteen years of age, she asked her father bid her leave to enter the Dawn and speak to the Spartan. Nevertheless, soon enough, King Aegon caught wind of Princerss Cortanas now-famed beauty, and many believe he came to lust after her as he had so many other women of noble birth. This marriage pact would be remembered as the Second Pact of Ice and Fire, which Cregan had, as history so ironically recalls, rejected so many years before. Torrhen met him with half that number, but the sight of the Spartan, his fabled war machines, and the fearsome arms and armors of the North, gave Aegon pause. Catalyst Chapter 1: Prologue: A Jump in the Deep End, an a - FanFiction The Spartan would remain in the Riverlands, seeing to its defense and overseeing shipments of food, supplies, and munitions being sent from the Dawntown down the Kingsroad. What will he do to not only survive but thrive in a brutal realm like . Aemon, out of honor, did likewise, and the two battled long and hard with the utmost conduct of chivalry. Regardless of the veracity of such reports, it was known that on that day, Maegor did indeed mount Balerion one more, the first time the great dragon had been ridden since its defeat at the hands of the very enemy Maegor now intended to face. (story translated with google translate). He told the Spartan of how Cole would take the capitol if he did not intervene, and of the butchery Coles men would undoubtedly mete out upon the inhabitants of the city if they breached the gates. But Princess Cortana herself swayed him to allow her to leave, for the sake of sustaining good relations with the Iron Throne, under the condition the Spartan would go with her as a deterrent to any possible advances on King Aegons part. Or will his genre savvy self and love of literary criticism by Northrop Frye doom him to instead satirize the genre of self-insert stories? It was during a small skirmish with a band of robber knights that your story begun. King Rickon offered the Spartan a place in the great fortress-palace, but the Spartan contented himself with a small abode within the city, as humble and unassuming as legends say. Thus, he sent his sister-wife Visenya, astride the mighty Vhaegar, to treat with the King in the North, stating he would render him the same lesson he did to the Kings of the Rock and Reach at the Field of Fire unless he bent his knee and swore fealty to Aegon. Indeed, it would not be until the Mad King murdered King Rickard and his son, Prince Brandon, near three hundred years later, that the Targaryens would eventually fall. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. Jaeherys surveyed the landscape as they stepped off the boat onto Dragonstone Island. While Aegon himself had decreed his son by Rhaenys, Aenys, would inherit the throne after him, there was considerable tension in the court over the matter, particularly due to the controversy caused by Aegons issue. On Dolls: The maester had cleaned Stannis wounds with boiled wine, but an infection had set in. Though Aegons dragons were mighty, their fire could not melt the Spartans mount, nor could their claws and teeth repel it. Even worse, the horses were frightened by the noise of the cannons, and crashed into one another in panic, causing terrible disorder and killing many in the charge. Theon Greyjoy, she corrected. Men cried out. He is Drogo, and he is the man that will win you back your throne.. For on the lips of the smallfolk soon chanted a single wordthe same word that they had shouted when they opened the gates of the city in the Dance of the Dragons, the same name they had proclaimed their savior when he had ended the tyranny of Maegor the Cruel'SPARTAN! When the smallfolk of the Westerlands cried out for the Spartan to come and save them, however, Johanna relented, and called for his aid in halting the Iron Fleet. MC gets frustrated at how Game Of Thrones ended and it just so happens that a certain entity entered his body at that time, reincarnating him into the world of GOT. Right now you're in some kind of white space and- is that a black hole? She was also known to greatly cherish the lives of even the common people, and would daily walk out into the streets to sing to the smallfolk of Winterfell, and see to the needs of everyone she met. U could have waited a few more years for the death to happen . In the years to comes, the tenuous peace they bought for the Seven Kingdoms would be lost to wars and petty fighting, and the Andals faith would spread over the South, but the memory of the terror and awe he inspired nevertheless kept the Andals from crusading and conquering, and the Ironborn would not dare send another longship to plague the North for near a thousand years. Truly he would have been just as at home among the Wise Masters of Astapor. It was not apparent during those first years, when Aegon sat the Iron Throne. Tearing her bonds with his own hands, he picked her up in the crook of his arm, and rescued Cortana Stark before the flames could reach her. The truth of what had happened was that the riverlords, on their march, had turned to pillaging many villages to sustain their army, as well as sacking whatever holdfasts had not declared for Rhaenyra, even burning fields to deprive the greens of crops and food. Ha. But I did, and now, I want to stay a live for as long as possible in a story where Death has his scythe closely carresting my neck and everyone, and I'm one of the character's who pushes the others onto the blade. At this point in the Dance of the Dragons, Rhaenyra had just suffered a defeat at the Battle of Rooks Rest, and had planned to ship her two younger sons off to the Free Cities for their protection. The only thing more noticeable than his soaked person was the immense pain that wracked his body, rivaled Threadmarks: Succession CrisisChapter One: The Afterparty. When Grand Maester Gawen protested this, Maegor beheaded him with the Valyrian sword Blackfyre, and held the royal family hostage. More than ready, Sansa thought and gave her sister a nod. It must have been by no means an easy decision for the King in the North, who was reluctant to involve his people in another squabble in the South. Aegon then shouted that there would be war between them, and that as long as he lived, he would not rest until both the Spartan and Cortana Stark were dead. Wildly he swung his sword in the air even as he fell, attempting to land a killing blow on the Spartan, but it was for naught, as even Blackfyre in the hands of Maegor had failed to breech the Spartans armor. Link to my Venmo if you feel like sending me something, http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_SniTwfm5BwE/TN7cr_nFGXI/AAAAAAAAC_0/Za-Q7s9SUtk/s1600/Westeros%2B-%2BEurope%2BComparison%2BSize.jpg, http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-5WXLWORzRHs/UZgmUhSYxGI/AAAAAAAACyk/kyB1Y6Sr-wA/s1600/alberswworld.jpg, Leveling the Playing Field - an ASOIAF Self-Insert. Privacy Policy. The greens mourned little when he dispatched them as he had all the dragon riders before them, as the dragonseeds were not much loved by them, and they themselves were terrified of the Spartans fury, and the green army disbanded. Nagiten: Jon probably saw the Lannister army marching. The boy, no older than ten, pleaded that the Spartan rise to defend them, for all other hope had seemed to die in that dread hour. The crowd was struck silent, stunned as they watched Aemon the Dragonknight triumph where the likes of Maegor the Cruel, even Aegon the Conqueror himself and the countless armies that had faced the Spartan before had failedhe had wounded the invincible Master Chief. You fed him, I imagine?, Of course Ifedhim, Dany snapped. Rumors even circulated that he had dreams of conquering the North, though this was never confirmed. 11 notes. When a self-insert enters a new world, they choose to embark on an adventure not many would. what could also work well are artificial fish ponds as used in hawaii. Once the city was in good order, he then marched his army west to confront the green army camped in the ruins of Tumbleton. I'm withholding any relationship tags or archive warnings to avoid giving too much of the game away. But, of course, even this is not enough to put a stopper to the Game of Thrones, and Gladius!Robert may find himself somewhat out of his depth As AlternateHistory.com requires an account, the fanfic can also be found on Spacebattles. King Jaehaerys would reign the longest of any Targaryen king, and while he sat the Iron Throne, the realm knew a time of unrivaled prosperity and unabated tranquility. Bravos is a city of seafarers men, of master swordsmen, whose wharfs sparkled with the lanterns of hundreds of ships. The Iron born are dying. Not my work (copy/paste) just an attempt to shed light on something decent that has been on hiatus since 2018 It was only after restoring order to the city that Daeron allowed himself to he crowned, and immediately set about to righting his fathers mistakes. They had been commissioned by an unknown employer to produce a great cache of wildfire, and that some hapless apprentice had allowed some to burn. "No stopping, no stopping ever, NO ONE STOPS." And that is about all I can say. Maegor, tormented by the wounds the late Jon had prior inflicted upon him, could not match the Stark Kings ferocity, and would have perished there had his men not riddled Rodrick with crossbow bolts, killing the King in the North even as he held Ice aloft to deal the killing blow. Many Years Ago -The Griffin Lord After ensuring the Gullet was safe, and the sorry remnants of the enemy was well on their way back across the Narrow Sea, he then left without another word. Aegon came with his two remaining dragons, his sister-wife, and sixty thousand men to bring Fire and Blood to the North. I sat on a bed and stared at the words floating in front of me. It's a pity that we won't be seeing the all of the old favorites. Am I keeping you from another mud puddle? he wondered, watching as her jaw clenched and overly thick eyebrows knitted together. Was it even possible he was unaware of the atrocities his formers lords had committed in this very castle? She shifted her eyes to the high table, wondering if the queen could see this occur, when she smacked right into someone. Eventually, a daughter of House Targayen would be promised to a son of House Stark. Armed with the secret arts of steelcraft and the Spartans terrible might, the Starks soundly crushed every Andal army that dared challenge them, and swore to fealty all who did not. King Aegon seethed and trembled with rage at this, causing his morbidly obese body to quake with a hideous quiver. It doesn't make sense the replicant she cared for like her own cut her down Well, not aaaall of them. Publicly, Cregan never endorsed the Spartans actions, indeed decrying it as an unlawful and unauthorized move on the Spartans part, though many believe he may have had a hand in the events, as he made no move to stop the Spartan, nor punished the men who had followed him into war. As oft said, "When you play the Game of Thrones you win, or you die." Instead, he challenged the Spartan to single combat, stating that they should decide the outcome of the battle with a contest of arms rather than sacrifice thousands of men. Informational: Hollow Wolf (Ned Stark SI). To ensure a riot did not break out among the already-riled smallfolk, Prince Daeron instantly ordered his fathers men to stand down and assail the Spartan no further, stating that his father had indeed been in the wrong by trying to have Princess Cortana executed for simply defending herself from his advances. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Do you have anything to ease stomach pain? she asked simply. While Cristen Cole and most of his army were indeed bathed in dragonflame, the Spartans armor proved impervious to the dragons fiery breath, and while he had been separated from his Steel Bird and his thunder weapons, he would demonstrate then and there that he had no need of it. You are using an out of date browser. There were also old blood stains everywhere, and all the herbs in the world would never block out the cloying scent of rot in the air. Shortly after, he made a pact with Kermitin exchange for the young lord putting up his sword and disbanding his armies, and allowing his men to return home, the Spartan would release Kermit as well as all other prisoners taken, and would march south to defend the Riverlands from the greens, who would doubtlessly seek to consolidate the Trident for the cause of Aegon, and put the riverlords to the sword for siding with the blacks. Yes, I am well aware., Ah, so you dont know. He shook his head. But for all the knowledge, fame, and love she received, Princess Cortana held from her earliest days an insatiable curiosity of the Spartan, and of the Aglow Lady, and of the mythical Forward Unto Dawn; always eager to hear tales from her father of the great deeds and epic legends which concerned them. Dany reached out and patted his arm, thanking him. Ah, said Arya, her eyebrows rising and falling. He put on a brave face burying his disquiet, And dear uncle Emmon? Tyrion asked, Does he remember as well?, Aunt Genna snorted in a very unladylike fashion, Emmon is cowering under his bed, she pursed her generous lips in annoyance, Though whether hes hiding from Arya Stark or the Dead is anyones guess. she explained in disgust. It was in the Two-Hundred and Eighty-First Year since the Conquest, during the reign of the Targaryen King Aerys, the Second of His Name Lord of thunder (SI-ish) new thread. It would prove to potentially save the city from great destruction, as the entire guild would minutes later erupt with such intense force, it shook all of the capitol. A fact that I still thanked the old gods for every morning, because what limited knowledge of the series I retained was primarily focused on the Starks and the North. The Longest Day Do you know what this sword is? she asked Arya. We were Seven before we were One. She resisted the urge to wrinkle her nose against it. Shes amazing, said Arya, her eyes still flicking over Sycorax. He had not meant it as a slight, she had to remind herself. Prince Aemond, though, believed that the Spartan had to be dealt with, to ensure he did not interfere further in their war, as well as to prove the strength of the greens over the blacks by dispatching the enemy that the riverlords had failed to overcome. His home was a proper city, the wealthiest, and arguably the most powerful city in all Essos. Her sweet Jessamyn smelled of lilacs and lemon cakes and sex. she screamed. Slow the army as much as possible, and all the while you must figure out how to kill the Others.. He invited the Stark princess to his court, allegedly to hear her harp music and to share the knowledge she had learned from the Spartan with the Souththough King Rickon feared this was little more than a veiled attempt for Aegon to try and ensnare his daughter, as he had heard of the Targaryens debauchery. Yes, lets go.. Definitely slow-burn. MC is reborn in Essos and makes it his goal to change the fate of his waifu Daenerys, and fortunately, whatever reincarnated him, granted him unique abilities that he could use to his will. Oh, a black holetalking, very normal (proceeds to fall into unconsciousness) There is a wildling SI in spacebattles. To seal this Pact of Ice and Fire, Torrhens daughter would wed Aegon, and she would be his new queen. Therefore I am. This will hopefully be the first of many stories I plan on writing. Within a few hours, the Spartans army caught up to their leader, and with their help, the Master Chief quelled the riots, restored order, and peacefully occupied the city. But the infamous death of Rhaenyras second eldest son at the hands of Aemond Targaryen, and the retaliatory murder of Aegons eldest son and heir, would shatter any notion of peace between the Blacks and Greens, and soon all the South was awash in dragonflame as the dynastic dispute transformed into a war of annihilation. But she had more pressing matters to attend tothe Hightowers had taken the city of Tumbleton with the aid of two turncloak dragonriders, while Kings Landing itself was being laid siege to by Criston Cole. Killing a man under a banner of peace? Send some cavalry, mounted archers mostly, past the Wall to hit the fringes of the dead army. It could also serve as the start to a ranger-esque order that could be a great way for Casper to deal with bandits long-term. In the year 1857 AC the journal of the king that solidified the rule of the Baratheon dynasty was found. While there was no indication that it was anything more than a close partnership, perhaps even a friendship, it nevertheless filled the people with thoughts that the Spartan would wed the princess, and from their union would bring a golden age for all, as the Starks would join their house with the Norths fabled champion of yore and form a doubtlessly matchless alliance. It gives me no pleasure to tell you this, he began, with pleasure in his voice, but the man youve taken into your bed is a murderer. the Reborn Dragon will shake things up and change the Game of Thrones. What can be written of King Mychel of a Hundred Titles that a thousand other learned men have not already said? One civil engineering project at time. Sycorax took flight then, moving away toward the south to hunt. . But he did not deny King Torrhen as his greatest rival. The realm was once more brought back from the brink of war, thanks to the efforts of the Spartan, Princess Cortana, and King Daeron. Inversely, Rhaena was nearly as pious as her brother had been, and had shared his belief that all should come to worship the Seven-Pointed Star. But undoubtedly the most incredible of these cities was known simply to the Northerners as the Dawntown, which surrounded the fabled Forward Unto Dawn. This Maegor exploited when he unexpectedly returned from the Free Cities with an army of his own, quickly seizing control of Kings Landing and declaring himself the rightful heir of Aegon, seizing the Iron Throne in direct opposition to the laws of succession, which stated that Aenys son, Aegon, should inherit the throne. Gone are the mistakes I made in my reign, gone are the hunger and thirst, the blood and the sickness, only the glory and honorable deaths are left. When a self-insert enters a new world, they choose to embark on an adventure not many would. And mostly to get some constructive criticism and get an idea of where I want to take this.). For her kindness, charm, and wit, she was soon so beloved by all the North that she was hailed The Joy of Winter. Among those few who were captured was Kermit Tully, son of Elmo, and, with the death of his father, the new Lord of Riverrun. Maegor, in hopes of restoring Balerion the Black Dread from his crippled state and into his former glory to face the Warrior Made Flesh, had allegedly used the blood of his own kin and the burnt body of Quicksilver in some dark sorcery. King Jaeherys was quick to restore relations with the Starks and the Faith, and would be remembered as perhaps the greatest ruler of the Targaryen dynasty, and together with King Brandon, helped to rebuild Westeros from the years of bloodshed of Maegors reign, and bringing about a golden age of peace and prosperity for the whole continent. Inside, she was found clutching a dagger close to her, her garments half-ripped, and the king was found writhing on the floor in agony, with blood seeping out between his legs; King Aegon was so fat that they could not see it at first, but it was later confirmed by the Grand Maester that he had been emasculated in his entirety. The Spartan flew his flying machine right into Aegons camp, and with him was King Torrhen. To the shock of all, Aegon and Belarion both survived the fall. What had been at first an ache within her chest, fit for bursting, had receded until now it was a tickle along her throat Prologue: When Ser Willem Darry had smuggled young Dany and Viserys to Essos from Dragonstone, it had been Stannis that they were running from. Many suitors came, from Sunspear to Last Hearth and even from the Free Cities, to beg her hand in marriage, some offering lavish sums of gold, others great swaths of land, rare gifts of exotic origins, and even promises to conquer cities in her nameall of which were refused. Sansa was the beautiful one, she always had been. Taken to his bedchambers and locked inside, it is widely believed Aegon attempted to seduce, or possibly even rape herbut the guards outside burst in when they heard King Aegons screaming. Asides from private life, I returned to what I had published for a mass edit. Also I have no idea how to write smut, so there's that Awww f**k my head is banging and I don't and I feel like it is splitting right down the middleopening my eyes I found myself in a tent and that is really wierd last thing I remember was me trying that new joint in my apartment so how did I get here. Thus began the Second War of Ice and Fire. So clever and intelligent she became, that by the age of two-and-ten, she sat on her fathers council, and advised him in sundry affairs of state and law. That's just a fact of life. While he set about to reform his fathers court and ridding it of its corruption, the Spartan and Princess Cortana furiously flew back and forth between Kings Landing and Winterfell, and ensuring that Aegon the Unworthys foolish actions did not lead to war between the Starks and the Targaryens. You know what was done to him, what was done to all the prisoners here. The problem was I am in Westeros where people are falling dead like flies. The smallfolk and the Faith rallied behind him and many shouted him to be named king. Many thought the boy king craven for doing so until he reemerged with the Spartan and his companion, the Maiden of Light, at his side. Daenerys found him an altogether distasteful creature. There Threadmarks: World Map Introduction: Part 1 (7 Kingdoms of Westeros). My life in general was about as good as I could have expected it to be. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. While they did prevent him from summarily executing her, and instead have her put on trial, they found the trial to be entirely in Aegons favorlater it would be confirmed that Aegon had rigged it so she was assuredly found guiltyand he summarily sentenced her to be burned at the stake. Here, the Spartan and the Maidens influence is felt most strongly. As Lord Paramount of the Stormlands can I keep my head attached? Out of those, here are my personal favorites: The Bastard of Highgarden (author -> bastard son of Stannis Baratheon) . He eyed her up and down in a way that was not entirely appropriate. Thereafter, Aemon and the Spartan would be known to practice and train together, and many accounts wrote of how the two formed a deep respect for each another, perhaps out of a shared sense of martial honor and nobility. Rickon and Rhaenas relationship was strained in their first years of marriage, primarily due to their differing religious beliefs. Disclaimer: I don't own any of J.K. Rowling's works of Harry Potter or George R. R. Martin's works of Games of Thrones, except my own SI-OC characters. Regardless, the Starks maintain that the Dawntown is wholly independent of their rule, though the city-state had nonetheless sworn allegiance to the Starks. "The Kings Justice!" The Red Kraken at first only laughed when he heard the Spartan was coming to stop him, not believing in the legends of how the Spartan had summoned a great storm to sink the ironborn in ages long past. Who is he, this Khal I am to marry?. King Jaehaerys had learned from the tomes the Maiden had left him that the cleanliness of a city was paramount to making it prosperoushe had only to see the difference between the Norths cities and the Souths to see that truth. The greens, upon hearing of these accounts, were wary as to the intentions of the Spartan, and could not discern to which side he had taken in the warfor while he had come to the blacks aid in the Battle of the Gullet, his victory over the riverlords had doubtlessly aided the cause of the greens. And many believed he would, for his victory over the Starks had seemed so complete that his army could likely march unopposed at the very place his father had been defeated.
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