Example: in charge of bus departures times, A company that conducts research, operates factories, and sells products in many countries, not just where its headquarters or shareholders are located. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is how much money a country makes in a year from its products or services. AP Human Geo - 6.11 Challenges of Urban Sustainability | Fiveable HICs and TNCs tend to source their raw materials from LICs, as it is usually much cheaper. D) Describe one way in which climate change can impact population growth. Many villages in Ghana don't have access to clean water. What demographic equation is used to determine natural increase? Required: 1. For instance, walkable cities make it easier for residents to get around without relying on cars, while green infrastructure such as parks and green roofs can help reduce the urban heat island effect and improve air quality. d. change in demand Colonialism has occurred intensely throughout history. (G) Analyze the effectiveness of one policy or program designed to promote language diversity and maintain linguistic heritage. You could find that on Google or in your textbook, but what does that really mean? Here are some examples of border clashes between nations of the core and the periphery: The growing fence between the U.S. (core) and Mexico (periphery) to prevent the entrance of unauthorized immigrants. Answer: Two social consequences of urbanization are increased social isolation and decreased community cohesion. Cultural benefits: Ecotourism can facilitate cultural exchange and understanding between visitors and local communities, and can help to preserve and promote local cultures and traditions. One historical example of a factor that contributed to population growth is the Industrial Revolution, which led to improvements in public health and increased life expectancy, leading to a population boom. examples - uneven development - AP Human Geography - 9 Name_____ Connections: Diffusion Assimilation Acculturation . The effectiveness of such programs may depend on factors such as local context, support from government and civil society, and the involvement of the international community. For example, droughts and other extreme weather events can lead to crop failures, which can increase food prices and make it difficult for some people to access basic necessities. (C) Explain how communication technology plays an important role in the goals of devolutionary groups and democracy movements. An example of neocolonialism is the influence of the United States on the economies and governments of Latin American countries. No country has this as main form of economics. Lack of investment By the MDCs continues to keep these countries in poverty Percentage of a country's people who can read and write. Example: use this on car production, The idea that there's a core and periphery for the countries of the world. Development & Gender - Ms. Silvius's AP Human Geography What a state's dollar can actually buy compared to another state's dollar; what a country is able to buy. Coffee is the product. It also references that an economy affects the supply and demand for goods and services. 4) Drive to maturity - New ideas and technology improve and replace older industries, economic growth spreads throughout the country. Includes retailing, tourism, entertainment, communications, government, and semi-public services (Health, Education, and Utilities). It is usually used to measure income inequality, but can be used to measure any form of uneven distribution. Og70dAl}gx)&~:TvZ?4HC\5bOfh~~`a!/6-~ PK;~Q=. Answer: Globalization can impact resource distribution by creating an increased demand for certain resources, leading to increased extraction and export of those resources from certain regions. I. Answer: Language can be used to promote cultural identity and unity by serving as a means of communication and connection among members of a particular culture or community. The free-response question no stimulus found there reads as follows: In most countries, the concept of the state as a political unit is subject to the tensions between centrifugal and centripetal forces. The amount of wealth or goods that people have. (NICs). McDonald's has restaurants in over 100 countries and generates a significant portion of its revenue from international operations. Rural and indigenous communities: These are small communities in remote areas that are often dependent on natural resources for their livelihoods. Uneven development can result in large health disparities. River valleys may also promote human settlements. What are some physical causes of uneven development? Refer to the reading assignments and the AP Human Geography Vocab Chart file listed below. 2. Mixed economy: A mixed economy is a hybrid system that combines elements of both market and command economies. More industrialized. There is often a huge gap between the very wealthy and the very poor, both in HICs and LICs. Although the other answer choices might be generally true of the differences between fast world countries and slow world countries they are not as close to the exact definition as the correct answer. 3) Control stage - Management now gains control over the technology's resources by implementing formal control processes and standards that stifle almost all new projects. Different countries around the world have different levels of development, which can directly affect the populations living in those countries. Appalachia, on the other hand, is a peripheral area where technology is less complex and wages are low. (Round per unit costs to three decimals, but inventory balances to the dollar.). Development" section in the AP Human Geography Course Description, which includes "accounts of . G) Explain the concept of a sustainable city and identify two features of a city that would make it more sustainable. In wealthy countries as much as three-quarters (in a few cases close to a hundred percent) of the population is engaged in tertiary and quaternary economic activities. Hydroelectric energy: This type of energy is generated using the movement of water to turn turbines and generate electricity. (A) Define the concept of a state and describe two characteristics of a state. the level of wealth, comfort, material goods and necessities available to a certain socioeconomic class in a certain geographic area. Example: USA, The percentage of a country's people who can read and write. A British charity called. Pull factors are the things that attract people to a new country. It ultimately undermined local economies and political stability as villages' vital labour was shipped overseas preventing an agricultural revolution. b. demand AP Human Geo - 7.8 Sustainable Development | Fiveable Similarly, Silicon Valley in California has become a hub for technology companies due to the concentration of skilled workers, research institutions, and venture capital firms in the region. Warm climates make diseases like malaria or dengue fever more common, causing sickness, and reducing the workforce, limiting economic growth. An example of a transnational corporation is the fast food chain McDonald's. Hiking and backpacking: This type of ecotourism involves exploring natural areas on foot, often along trails or in wilderness areas. an index for measurement of gender disparity. The second most expensive house in the world (after Buckingham Palace) is placed directly next to one of Mumbai's slums. Identify your study strength and weaknesses. C) Explain two economic consequences of urbanization, providing an example of each. Country that has recently established an industrialized economy based on manufacturing and global trade. Answer: Population growth refers to the increase in the number of individuals in a population over time. Pull factors are the reasons why another country may be more attractive. Uneven development - Oxford Reference Develop a global partnership for development, the unequal distribution of people, resources and wealth that is a fundamental characteristic of human geography; the increasing gap in economic conditions between core and peripheral regions as a result of the globalization of the economy, Economic Sector (Agriculture). True or false: life expectancy is often higher in LICs. The SDGs, which are also known as the Global Goals, aim to create a more sustainable and equitable world for present and future generations. Aid is the transfer of money, goods and expertise to assist the development of LICs and improve the quality of life. It is united with the rest of the island to form a sovereign nation-state. Materials that other things are made from. the facilities which provide the essential framework for industry e.g. To help you organize your studies, we've provided concise summaries and key terms for each AP Human Geography unit. (F) Explain how uneven development within a state can act as a centrifugal force. It can take place in a variety of settings, such as national parks, wildlife reserves, and coastal areas. Example: making clothes, The portion of the economy concerned with transportation, communications, and utilities, sometimes extended to the provision of all goods and services to people in exchange for payment. AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Scoring Guidelines Question 1: No stimulus In most countries, the concept of the state as a political unit is subject to the tensions between centrifugal and centripetal forces. Just-in-time delivery (JIT) is a supply chain management strategy in which materials and goods are delivered to the production process or to the end customer just in time for them to be used, rather than being delivered in advance or being stockpiled. This can be visible in Mumbai, where the super-rich and those who reside in slums live nearby each other. This can be on an economic scale, based upon the general wealth of the country. AP Human Geography Chapter 9 Development Flashcards | Quizlet Achieve universal primary education. They can also be found if you zoom into a country at a regional, local and even city scale. Migration is a process that has significant cultural, social, economic, and political implications for both migrants and the communities they leave and join. Pretax accounting income for 2016 was$45 million. Sustainable agriculture and food tourism: This type of ecotourism involves visiting farms, wineries, and other food and drink producers to learn about sustainable agriculture practices and to taste local produce. In the 1950s, many countries became independent and removed their colonial ties. Answer: Assimilation refers to the process by which migrants adopt the cultural norms and values of their new communities. An example of how it can be used to manipulate political outcomes is the drawing of congressional districts in the United States, where the boundaries of districts are often manipulated to create safe seats for one party or the other. One example of a policy designed to promote assimilation among migrants is language training programs, which can help migrants integrate into their new communities by improving their ability to communicate with others. The effectiveness of such policies may depend on factors such as the level of community involvement in decision-making and the transparency of revenue allocation. It is a clean and environmentally friendly source of power that does not produce greenhouse gases or other harmful emissions. For example, as more people consume goods and services, the production and disposal of waste can lead to increased pollution. An example of an environmental justice issue related to resource distribution is the disproportionate exposure of low-income and minority communities to pollution and environmental hazards, such as in areas with high concentrations of polluting industries. Industrialization consumer goods more affordable and available, Railroads increased circulation of goods, people, and ideas, Demand for raw materials increased, new sources acquired by steamship, Women gained economic power with opportunities in factories, Countries develop with more trade and more knowledge of economics, Development should be sustainable to prevent depletion of limited natural resources. The access to health, or the amount of comfort/leisure and feelings of safety. Answer: Historical and contemporary factors that have influenced language distribution and diversity include colonialism, migration patterns, globalization, and language policies. Unit 5 AP Human Geo MCQ | Geography - Quizizz An example of just-in-time delivery is a car manufacturer that receives parts from its suppliers as they are needed on the production line, rather than receiving large batches of parts in advance and storing them in a warehouse. #1-73: Read Chapter 1 (pg. People may be pulled to a HIC country, as there are more economic or educational opportunities. The effectiveness of such programs may depend on factors such as the availability of resources, the level of community involvement, and the political climate surrounding migration. Industrialization, from ancient history to now, has helped power improvements in standards of living in periphery countries, but it has also contributed to geographically uneven development in semi-periphery countries. APHUG (AP Human Geography) Midterm A - ProProfs Quiz AP Human Geography is an introductory college-level human geography course. Also be sure to answer each question in no more than three sentences, Below is how ChatGPT responded to my request, with this work not yet having been field tested. The goal of JIT is to reduce waste, improve efficiency, and lower costs by reducing the amount of inventory that a company needs to hold. Extract resources. *Projects are often labour intensive and for the benefit of the local community e.g building a well or repairing irrigation ditches. In the poorest parts of the world the vast majority of the population is engaged in primary economic activities like farming, fishing, hunting, and mining. This can take the form of economic policies that favor the interests of foreign corporations and governments, or the use of military or diplomatic pressure to influence the domestic policies of a weaker country. The dynamic nature of the uneven development process is most pronounced at the urban scale at which capital is most mobile, resulting in, for example, the rapid gentrification (upgrading through the attraction of investment and new middle-class residents) of previously declining inner-city areas. The development level of a country can be shown using development indicators, income labels or the development continuum. f .=100,95d.f.=100,95 percent confidence. The precautionary principle: This principle states that when there is a risk of serious or irreversible harm to the environment or human health, lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason to postpone measures to prevent that harm. Gross National Product (GNP) Answer: Transnationalism refers to the ways in which migrants maintain connections to their home countries while also adapting to their new communities. Earn points, unlock badges and level up while studying. No points are deducted for wrong or blank answers on the exam. The effectiveness of such programs may depend on factors such as community involvement, funding, and support from government and educational institutions. A) Define the concept of resource distribution and provide one example of how the uneven distribution of a natural resource can impact economic development. Examples include the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador, and the Maldives. Answer: Two environmental consequences of urbanization are increased air pollution and loss of biodiversity. Command economy: A command economy, also known as a planned economy, is one in which the government controls the production and distribution of goods and services. Market economy: A market economy is one in which the production and distribution of goods and services are determined by the laws of supply and demand in a free market. It can provide opportunities to challenge oneself and to appreciate the natural beauty and adventure of different regions. This can result in higher disease rates, causing sickness and death. Investment made by a foreign company in the economy of another country. Natural disasters can also hinder development, as well as water insecurity. People are living in every corner of the world. The Expert's Guide to the AP Human Geography Exam - PrepScholar Governments are often challenged by the devolutionary factors that challenge state sovereignty. It can provide opportunities for visitors to appreciate the beauty and diversity of natural environments and to learn about the local flora and fauna. 2: Antilia Tower (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mumbai_03-2016_19_Antilia_Tower.jpg) by A. Savin (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:A.Savin) Liense type: Free Art License (http://artlibre.org/licence/lal/en/). Review Session #1: AP Human Geography - Olympic High School Why would the use of the cash payback period for analyzing the financial performance of theatrical releases from a motion picture production studio be supported over the net present value method? The middle countries (not LDC or MDC)- starting to industrialize. fd.f. The United States has uneven development and our ranking on the HDI drops when you account for wealth inequality. There are several ways in which sustainable development can be achieved, including: Implementing efficient use of resources: This can involve using renewable energy sources, reducing waste, and increasing resource productivity. (E) Analyze the impact of globalization on state sovereignty, providing at least one example of how globalization has affected the power of the state.