Consequently, the haplogroup is often observed in the United States populations in men who self-identify as African Americans. Chapter This page has been accessed 678 times. Also downstream of CTS1096, the Y14891 and Z21018 clades are typically found among people of Jewish ancestry, while PF6391 and Z21421 are found in the Levant (Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan) and the Arabian peninsula. like the Levant or the southern Arabian Peninsula could have served as an incubator for the early diversification of non-African uniparental haplogroup varieties like Y chromosome DE-YAP*, CF-P143* and mtDNA M and N . Weale ME, Shah T, Jones AL et al. They published a joint paper that created a single new tree that all agreed to use. E1b1b's gradient in the maps shows in Levant its 24% in Palestine, 17% Lebanon, 14% Syria, 10% Turkey so it should have been say 4% in extreme southern . His real name is Nicolas Kim Coppola, and his paternal great-grand-father emigrated to the U.S. from the South Italian town of Bernalda in Basilicata. Haplogroup E-V38 - Wikipedia Whilst E1b1a reaches its highest frequency of 81% in Senegal, only 1 of the 139 Senegalese that were tested showed M191/P86. Z830, M310.1's brother clade, is almost exclusively Middle Eastern. Cruciani F, Santolamazza P, Shen P et al. [25] Jode was of Sub-Saharan African ancestry and carried haplogroups E1b1a-CTS4975 and L2a1a2c. [30] E-M10 was found in a single person of the Lissongo group in the Central African Republic and two members in a "Mixed" population from the Adamawa region.[12]. E1b1a and E1b1b are PN2 clade lineages. Future studies that examine variation in the NRY E1b1a clade in Bantu-speaking population groups representing the East African coast will help to further elucidate the late eastern EBSP. All modern carriers of this lineage descend from a common ancestor who lived only 1,200 years ago, and all are Ashkenazi Jews. (Y-DNA Haplogroup E and its Subclades - 2012) There is no backflow of E1b1a into North Africa until Trans Saharan slavery and that's in its mutated form of E1b1a7. Nowadays, the FGC18412 (aka Y5412) clade is the main variety of M123 found in Europe. The following research teams per their publications were represented in the creation of the YCC tree. To obtain Whilst E1b1a reaches its highest frequency of 81% in Senegal, only 1 of the 139 Senegalese that were tested showed M191/P86. F1382 appears to have expanded during the Iron Age from the Levant to the Arabian peninsula, where it is almost exclusively found today. Haplogroup E1b1a7 (defined by M191) is modal in most groups in countries from Ghana to Mozambique and only at slightly lower frequency in South African Bantu speakers (33.8% compared with E1b1a8* at 37.8%). Almost immediately afterwards, CTS5856 split into six subclades, then branched off into even more subclades in the space of a few generations. Anthropology, archaeology, linguistics and, in recent decades, genetics have been used to elucidate some of the events and processes involved. It is also suggested that although the Bantu-speaking agriculturists may have replaced, to a substantial extent, hunter gatherers in their path, they have also, in some places, co-existed and interbred with the original inhabitants.2. The table below brings together all of these works at the point of the landmark 2002 YCC Tree. New York: Columbia University Press, 1987. But that percentage very certainly increased after spending several centuries in Central and Southeast Europe and assimilating Proto-Slavs and Balkanic people before invading Italy. E1b1a2 E1b1a2 is defined by the SNP mutation M329. Gusmao L, Sanchez-Diz P, Calafell F et al. What is even more surprising is that these subclades do not show any consistent geographic pattern. All of the groups characterised in this study speak a Niger-Congo language, except for the Anuak in south-west Ethiopia who speak a Nilo-Saharan language. According to the results, Canaanite ancestry is a mix of indigenous populations who settled the Levant (the region encompassing much of modern Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian . It is known from a single carrier in Mali. Newman JL : The Peopling of Africa: A Geographic Interpretation. Genetic and Demographic Implications of the Bantu Expansion: Insights Google Scholar. Ann Hum Genet 2001; 65: 439458. Haplogroup E1b1a is an ancient brother to E1b1b, but has left a completely different fingerprint on the world today. Proc R Soc Lond B 2002; 793799. The publication transposes M116.2 with M116.1 in Table 1. E1b1a in the Levant? - YouTube Mol Ecol 2011; 20: 26932708. Whether these E-M78 samples came with Neolithic farmers from the Near East or were already present among Mesolithic Europeans is unclear at present. Lyndon B. Johnson (1908-1973), the 36th President of the United States, was identified as a member of haplogroup E1b1b1 through the Johnson/Johnston/Johnstone DNA Surname Project. The major finding of these studies was that genetic distances (FST) among all EBSP groups are much less than the average FST among West-African and Nilo-Saharan groups, indicating a considerable level of homogeneity among EBSP groups. The absence of E-V13 from Central Anatolia does not concord with a diffusion linked to Neolithic agriculture. [26] West Africans (e.g., Mende of Sierra Leone), bearing the Senegal sickle cell haplotype,[29][26] may have migrated into Mauritania (77% modern rate of occurrence) and Senegal (100%); they may also have migrated across the Sahara, into North Africa, and from North Africa, into Southern Europe, Turkey, and a region near northern Iraq and southern Turkey. mtDNA variability in two Bantu-speaking populations (Shona and Hutu) from Eastern Africa: implications for peopling and migration patterns in sub-Saharan Africa. 1923 - pictured), who won two Academy Awards for Gandhi in 1983. So we know for sure that E1b1b was present in southern Europe at least since the Early Neolithic. The expansion of the Bantu-speaking people (EBSP) during the past 3000-5000 years is an event of great importance in the history of humanity. Distribution of haplogroup E-M81 in Europe, the Middle East & North Africa. The frequency of E subclades has varied geographically over time due to founder effects in Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age populations, i.e. E1b1a (L86.1) This mutation indicates that the population crossed the A1b1 dominated Grassland into the regions West of the great Lakes. Scozzari R, Cruciani F, Santolamazza P et al. Nowadays E-V13 is the only Mediterranean haplogroup consistently found throughout Europe, even in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Baltic countries, which are conspicuous by the absence of other Neolithic haplogroups like G2a (bar the Indo-European G2a-Z1815), J1 and T (except in Estonia). Excoffier L, Pellegrini A, Langaney A : Genetics and history of sub-Saharan Africa. [25] Tima was of western Central African ancestry and carried haplogroup L3e1e. The YCAII STR marker value of 1919 is also usually indicative of U175. Haplogroup E-M2, also known as E1b1a1-M2, is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. Google Scholar. We thank all DNA donors and those assisting in sample collection and Professor Mark Thomas and Dr Krishna Veeramah for their support with typing and helpful comments and suggestions on the manuscript. The same haplogroups show up in Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Jordan, accompanied by new haplogroups (H2 and T). Coelho M, Sequeira F, Luiselli D, Beleza S, Rocha J : On the edge of Bantu expansions: mtDNA, Y chromosome and lactase persistence genetic variation in southwestern Angola. Nat Genet 2000; 26: 358361. Table 1 reports the frequencies of all observed haplogroups, including the component haplogroups of E1b1a. As a consequence it is consistent with a late, rapid expansion from south of the Grassfields of Cameroon that did not include expansion along the earlier western route. [15] Using Whit Athey's haplogroup predictor based on Y-STR values both mummies were predicted to share the Y chromosomal haplogroup E1b1a1-M2 and 50% of their genetic material, which pointed to a father-son relationship. He belonged to the subclade E-M34. [12], E1b1a1a1d is defined by a private marker M155. Late glacial migration of E-M78 to Mediterranean Europe It is still unclear when haplogroup E first entered Europe. However, Razib Khan in this podcast says that E1b1a was pretty common among ancient Levantines. BMC Evol Biol 2010; 10: 92. It is interesting to speculate on the possibility that this later expansion was associated with the contemporaneous development of metallurgy. The Fishers exact test was also performed in the R environment. [25] Pita was of Sub-Saharan African ancestry and carried haplogroups E1b1a-M4287 and L3e2b. Visual representation of the distribution of E1b1a component haplogroups in sub-Saharan African groups with sample totals. Genome Res 2008; 18: 830838. Am J Hum Genet 2002; 70: 265268. Remains found in modern day Israel were analysed and confirmed to carry this haplogroup, dating as far back as the Natufian culture - a peoples living in the Levant (Eastern Mediterranean area of Western Asia . The Etruscans, who may have come from western Anatolia, could have brought E-M34 to central Italy, which would then have been assimilated by the Romans. Karafet TM, Mendez FL, Meilerman MB, Underhill PA, Zegura SL, Hammer MF : New binary polymorphisms reshape and increase resolution of the human Y chromosomal haplogroup tree. So what exactly is the definition of a hamite? More recently, based on over 1300 autosomal markers, Tishkoff et al13 showed that Bantu-speaking groups exhibit a considerable level of genetic similarity, a finding which is in good agreement with earlier studies mentioned above. Wood ET, Stover DA, Ehret C et al. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles "E3a" redirects here. These 2 haplogroups cover ancient Israelites 31-07-17, 19:20 #11. The Phoenicians would have spread E-M34 to Cyprus, Malta, Sicily, Sardinia, Ibiza and southern Iberia. The merits of this hypothesis is that it would explain why M81 is so much more common in the Maghreb, and particularly in Tunisia, than in Italy today. [15] It was impossible to determine his cause of death. [12], E1b1a1a1e is defined by markers M10, M66, M156 and M195. Nature 1998; 394: 138140. See also : Southern Neolithic route brought Megaliths from the Levant to Western Europe. But the history of the region is so complex that there might be many separate branches of E-V13 that each came with a different invasion (e.g. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Hum Genet 2005; 117: 366375. This led the authors to suggest that E-V38 may have originated in East Africa. Mitochondrial, Y-chromosome and autosomal DNA analyses have been carried out in attempts to understand the demographic events that have taken place. Nowadays, the highest genetic diversity of haplogroup E1b1b is observed in Northeast Africa, especially in Ethiopia and Somalia, which also have the monopoly of older and rarer branches like M281, V6 or V92. E1b1a1 is defined by markers DYS271/M2/SY81, M291, P1/PN1, P189, P293, V43, and V95. [25] Zimbu was of western Central African ancestry and carried haplogroups E1b1a-CTS5497 and L3e1e. Google Scholar. Of course, the TMRCA is only an estimate and could vary by a few centuries. The basal node E-L485* appears to be somewhat uncommon but has not been sufficiently tested in large populations. Author: Maciamo Hay. E1b1a and E1b1b-V22 tend to have lower values for this STR compared to other E1b1b haplogroups, but still the reported value is very rare in any of these haplogroups, and it looks like another suspicious STR value. [25] Lima was of West African ancestry and carried haplogroups E1b1a-M4671 and L3b3. Montano et al. A back migration from Asia to sub-Saharan Africa is supported by high-resolution analysis of human Y-chromosome haplotypes. Semino O, Santachiara-Benerecetti AS, Falaschi F, Cavalli-Sforza LL, Underhill PA : Ethiopians and Khoisan share the deepest clades of the human Y-chromosome phylogeny. [13][14], Hawass et al. Cavalli-Sforza LL, Menozzi P, Piazza A : The History and Geography of Human Genes. All buccal swabs were collected anonymously with appropriate ethical approval and informed consent. L2 has five main subhaplogroups: L2a, L2b, L2c, L2d and L2e. Recently, Alves et al33 analysing a battery of 14 DIPSTRs (ie, deletion/insertion polymorphisms tightly linked to STRs) in 19 Bantu-speaking groups from Mozambique and Angola concluded that it is becoming increasingly difficult to accept models, suggesting an early split between eastern and western Bantu-speaking populations, whereas Montano et al34 analysing NRY UEPs and STRs in groups from Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon and Congo concluded that the evolutionary scenario is more complex than previously thought. Brief thoughts on the likelihood of finding samples of E1b1a in the Levant._________SOURCES:[0:46] The relevant FaceBook thread:[1:04] Past threads in which this was discussed:-[1:10] Scaled Innovations SNP tracker:[3:46]\u0026searchfor=Israel\u0026ybp=500000,0\u0026orderby=Y_Haplotree_Variant\u0026ascdesc=ASC[3:52]\u0026searchfor=Lebanon\u0026ybp=500000,0\u0026orderby=Y_Haplotree_Variant\u0026ascdesc=ASC The distribution and age of E-V13 clades in central and western Europe are consistent with a dispersal by Hallstatt and La Tne Celts, Italic tribes (including a Roman redistribution) and the later influx of Germanic tribes, particularly the Goths, who may have assimilated additional Proto-Slavic E-V13 lineages in East Germany, Poland and Ukraine before entering the Roman Empire. In 2002 he was named among the 100 Greatest Britons following a UK-wide vote. (2007) suggests that E-M78, E1b1b predominant subclade in Egypt, originated in "Northeastern Africa", with a corridor for bidirectional migrations between northeastern and eastern Africa (at least 2 episodes between 23.9-17.3 ky and 18.0-5.9 ky ago), trans-Mediterranean migrations directly from northern Africa to Europe (mainly in The highest percentage of E-M81 in Europe is found among the Pasiegos (30%, n=101), an isolated community living in the mountains of Cantabria. The American actor and producer Nicolas Cage (born 1964),has been found to belong to haplogroup E1b1b-M84. It might be linked to the expansion of the Kura-Araxes culture from the southern Caucasus to Anatolia and Iran. This is a remarkably fast expansion that would have required a male line of considerable wealth and influence within the Roman Republic/Empire, and therefore probably a family of rich patricians or even a Roman emperor, not necessarily of Roman descent himself. The Harvey Y-DNA Genetic Project managed to retrace the ancestry and identify the Y-chromosomal haplogroup of William Harvey (1578 -1657), the first person to describe completely and in detail the systemic circulation and properties of blood being pumped to the body by the heart. [59] It has also been observed in a number of populations in Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and South America among people of African descent. If the estimate of 2,100 years is correct, that would correspond approximately to the time when the Romans defeated the Carthaginians in what is now Tunisia. This indicates that a single man may have had nine sons who went on to have numerous children of their own. In just a few centuries, that very minor E-V13 lineage had started an expansion process that would turn it into one of Europe's most widespread paternal lineages and reach far beyond the borders of Europe itself, also spreading to the eastern edge of the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, Kurdistan, Iran, and even Siberia. [25] Wuta was of Sub-Saharan African ancestry and carried haplogroups E1b1a-CTS7305 and L3e2b+152. [25] Daba was of West African ancestry and carried haplogroups E1b1a-M4273 and L2c. There is evidence that the Natufians already cultivated cereals like rye before the Neolithic period. Whether origins of M81 lie in the Carthaginian or Roman elite, its parent clades M310.1 and Z827 would have originated in the Levant, and not in Northwest Africa. The Indo-European migrations would certainly have brought some E-V13 early on, from circa 2500 BCE. E1B1A must be the standard for determining whether or not a male is a descendant of the Biblical Israelites. Some of the lineages found in these areas are possibly due to the Bantu expansion or other migrations. BMC Evol Biol 2009; 9: 80. Yet, according to TMRCA (Time of Most Recent Common Ancestor) estimates, all carriers of this haplogroup descend from a common ancestor who lived only 2,100 years ago, about 5,000 years too late for the Neolithic hypothesis to hold ground. (2022) analysed the DNA of the remains of John Corvinus and his son Christopher Corvinus, the two last members of the Hunyadi family. Y-DNA Haplogroup E: E1b1b and E1b1a - Your DNA Guide [28][27] The ancestral sickle cell haplotype to modern haplotypes (e.g., Cameroon/Central African Republic and Benin/Senegal haplotypes) may have first arose in the ancestors of modern West Africans, bearing haplogroups E1b1a1-L485 and E1b1a1-U175 or their ancestral haplogroup E1b1a1-M4732. [25] Kuto was of western Central African ancestry and carried haplogroups E1b1a-CTS2198 and L2a1a2. The first Indo-European migration to Greece was that of the Mycenaeans from c. 1650 BCE. NAP was supported by NERC-Case PhD studentship. Living Descendants of Biblical Canaanites Identified Via DNA The descendants of L791, Y2947 and Y4971, only appeared around 3500 BCE, during the Late Neolithic or Chalcolithic period. Bellwood P : Early agriculturalist population diasporas? . "We must make it very clear that the paternal Israelite lineage E1B1A is the most important lineage of the Israelites but we can include the maternal haplogroups of L2 and L3. E1b1a is also known as E-M2 and E1b1b is also know as E-M215 or as E-M35. Rare deep-rooting Y chromosome lineages in humans: lessons for phylogeography. The pooled frequencies of E1b1a component haplogroups, based on their geographic locations, are also shown in Figure 2. E-M78 and E-Z827 originated respectively at 20,000 years and 24,000 years. Correspondence to Haplogroup E-M2 - Wikipedia E1b1b lineages are closely linked to the diffusion of Afroasiatic languages. Slider with three articles shown per slide. E-M2 has several subclades, but many of these subhaplogroups are included in either E-L485 or E-U175. Int J Legal Med 1997; 110: 125129. The weak point of this hypothesis is that it doesn't explain how M81 reached places like France, Britain, Greece or Turkey, nor even northern Spain. Y6923 also emerged around 3500 BCE, but became almost extinct. The expansion of the Bantu-speaking people (EBSP) during the past 30005000 years is an event of great importance in the history of humanity. E-M34 lineages experienced a much more dramatic expansion during the Chalcolithic (Copper Age) period. E-M81 is found at an average frequency of 45% in the Maghreb and Libya, with peaks at over 60% in Tunisia as well as central and southern Morocco. A good example is represented by some lineages internal to the E1b1a-M2 haplogroup, such as E1b1a-M10 and E1b1a-V5280, which are observed mainly in the Sahelian groups (D'Atanasio et al. 2002 ). volume21,pages 423429 (2013)Cite this article. wiki: E-V22 Concentrated in Northeast Africa and the Near East. Z830, M310.1's . Am J Hum Genet 2002; 70: 11971214. There are at least three distinct sources of E-V13 in Italy. [22], At an Anson Street burial site, in Charleston, South Carolina, there were 18 African Americans found who were dated to the 18th century CE. Sir David Attenborough (b. In either case, it is likely that more M81 came into the Iberian peninsula during the Moorish period, when the Maghrebian Arabs conquered most of what is now Spain and Portugal, where they remained for over 700 years. Castri L, Tofanelli S, Garagnani P et al. Gjergj Kastrioti Sknderbe, also known as Skanderbeg (1405-1468), was an Albanian feudal lord and military commander who led a rebellion against the Ottoman Empire in what is today Albania, North Macedonia, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia. E1b1b used to be E3b, but always is E-M215 or E-M35. [10][11][12], At Taukome, in Botswana, an individual, dated to the Early Iron Age (1100 BP), carried haplogroups E1b1a1 (E-M2, E-Z1123) and L0d3b1. We conclude that analysis of NRY in 43 widely distributed population groups from across sub-Saharan Africa provides evidence of multiple expansions from West Africa along the western and eastern routes and a late specifically eastern expansion at some time during the past two millennia during a period in which male-mediated gene flow from East-Central to West-Central Africa does not appear to have taken place, at least to any significant extent. As the EBSP shows a clearer genetic legacy in the paternally inherited genetic system compared with mtDNA (evident from high and similar frequencies of E1b1a) in sub-Saharan Africa,32 it is possible that, as suggested by de Filippo et al,31 fine-scale E1b1a typing of Bantu-speaking communities throughout sub-Saharan Africa may add more structure to the geographic distribution of haplogroups. These lineages continued to expand around the Middle East, Greece and Italy during the Bronze Age. M310.1 itself dates from the Late Paleolithic and could have come to Italy via Anatolia and Greece any time between the Late Glacial period and the Iron Age, including with Neolithic farmers, the Minoans, or the Etruscans. They would have brought typically Germanic lineages like I1 and R1b-U106, but also the Proto-Slavic R1a-CTS1211, which is now found uniformly in 1 to 2% of the population. Wairak people in Tanzania tested 4.6% (2/43) positive for E-M10. E-V38 joins the West African-affiliated E-M2 and the Northeast African-affiliated E-M329 with an earlier common ancestor who, like E-P2, may have also originated in East Africa. Nei M : Molecular Evolutionary Genetics. Previously collected buccal-swab DNA samples from ethnic groups across sub-Saharan Africa were extracted by the standard phenol-chloroform method. (2005) and Rosa et al. Genome Res 1997; 7: 9961005. These are the mutations, "M", or mutation 2 = M2. It would be unthinkable that over 1,500 years of Hellenisation and Byzantine rule in Anatolia and the Levant didn't leave any genetic trace. Am J Hum Genet 2004; 74: 532544. Mol Biol Evol 2009; 26: 15811589. Beleza S, Gusmao L, Amorim A et al. Perspective pg. In this scenario, M81 could have been the lineage of Carthaginian kings, or of a particularly prolific aristocratic familiy during the Carthaginian Republic.
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