Conversely to balance it out and maintain the harmony of the Logos of Now, the other half of the world is benevolent, called Oslandia. Immediately Nicolas started communicating to me telepathically and said, No no, {or oh, no}. The term parallel universe is just a buzz word title that would gain interest to this document more effectively for anyone searching for this type of information. What kind of current event would you want to watch the news for! He had to study the timelines of the people that he was working with, like me, but in that moment he had almost forgotten that I still had presidents. The nurse took the crying baby from the child and placed it into a metal basin, shaped like a metal bowl tilted upright at a 45 degree angle. I understood this was actually just me in another timeline. They didnt even look like they were at work. It was very casual. The puzzled expression on his face had changed. I put the computer back to sleep and wanted to know where Anaheim was so I looked on the internet. Then somehow I knew that the child Me in the room didnt actually speak English, either not at all or not very well, that she was from some country in Europe where English was not her primary language, if she was even familiar with it at all. Thus far in my visit, Nicolas and Peter always appeared to be human and they always wore, what seemed to me to be regular casual civilian clothing. It wasnt inappropriate at all that this nurse seemed to be naked. I wondered if she had on a special suit so she wouldnt contaminate us with her ET germs, but somehow I knew she didnt have anything on like that. Nicolas jumped to the more present day pressing matters of what I know of as ascension from my holistic training, David Wilcock, and Cosmic Disclosure education. Quora - A place to share knowledge and better understand the world This is where our two spheres of thought pointedly diverge. She was very nurturing, compassionate, and nursely like her whole being radiated, Im a healer, but she didnt look human. I figured this dude knew something that actually correlated with non-fiction events in our history and society having to do with the issue of extra terrestrials. He had to study it from somewhere, but now he was looking at it through my consciousness as well. He looked like he believed me, but something was still amiss or abnormal about this whole situation. Did he mean stay in this one spot where we had appeared after teleporting where there were no people from the public? People often have a recurring dream about a place they never visited, or even heard of. I immediately ran over to some young girls from the public who were ascending some stairs to another part of the hospital on the roof. I looked at my watch, but it was only 1:30am! The multiverse refers to the entire collection of parallel realities, unknown worlds, and different dimensions, beyond the realm of human observation. As I was walking back to him to get answers about the situation, I noticed a large sign. It wasnt going to be as helpful for them so they had gotten some extra tasks. This bedroom had wood floors, a fireplace, cushions on the floor and seemed very similar to the living room of the Soulshine community house where I used to visit almost every Sunday before I started working 2 jobs. The device I held in my hand looked just like the iPod with the purple case I always carry around in my real life. (Im too poor for an iPhone so I use a pay-as-you-go phone for phone calls and an iPod for my smart phone needs.) Maybe I was just north of Anaheim or in the northern part of the city. We may have spotted a parallel universe going backwards in time Strange particles observed by an experiment in Antarctica could be evidence of an alternative reality where everything is upside. Nicolas was standing beside me, but he urgently asked me, Do you know what is going to happen next? I try to get enough rest when I can because, as you can imagine, working 60 hours per week can be tiring. Parallel universes are no longer just a feature of a good sci-fi story. In 2015 I stumbled upon a YouTube video by a woman named Bridget Nielsen who was describing her hypnotherapy experience with Barbara Lamb in which she sought Lambs help to recall alien abduction experiences. I rushed out the door to go to work, and I was quite sad I couldnt just sit on my bed and unpack that telepathic message and the rest of this experience for myself. Our Dreams might come from the Parallel Universe | Core Spirit I got the sense there could have been straws if I wanted them, but these drinks didnt have straws in them. I wasnt exactly sure what he was asking me, but somehow I had the inkling that I knew the answer. Thus they developed large black eyes and pale skin. I got the inkling that I had somehow learned about this event Nicolas was referencing from David Wilcocks education. It appeared to be legitimate. That is why they were abducting humans. It was similar to some kind of experience of being drugged that I knew of from my timeline. I tried everything possibly imaginable but cant find the key to turn it around after 25 years of living like this. Nicolas said to me, We dont have transhumanism here. I read it on Muffins tag, Trumps defeat before you return. Am I going to have to stay here for over a month? He still looked very puzzled and slightly surprised, like he didnt know how exactly to handle or approach the situation. I guess you were chosen to do so. I was still very unsure of this strange land, but I remembered what Peter had said to me on the first day of my visit. I am a heterosexual female, but they must have known that, in my timeline, some females are attracted to females. Quantum theory, on the other hand, explores the behavior of matter on the most minuscule level. Wanderers are souls who have already graduated in octaves of density, but they incarnate into a lower density for a purpose to serve. I cant go back to sleep, what is going on with my computer? I got a sense from my psyche that I was about to get taken and I didnt actually want to go back to sleep. I reached down to pick up a device. The train cars were shaped like large coffins, but they were room sized coffin shapes. But when you do the calculation, you find that for this to happen youd have to wait longer than the lifetime of the universe. Then we were instantly on the roof. Hardcover, 384 pages. This sign didnt seem to have anything on it that was the facility name. What are you trying to do, drug me? I was trying to make a joke because I knew Peter and Nicolas had the technology to make me lose consciousness when they most properly saw fit and then wake up again in the same hospital later. These claims were incorrect. Some of them, most of them actually, were taller than me at teenager or adult size so I wondered if something had happened to me in my timeline to stunt my growth by just a few inches. What might we be doing if we had chosen a different career? Both sides figured they could learn the other sides secrets and eventually conquer them. It only took an instance, no longer than a few seconds of real time, but it was like our brains had a conversation for a moment. It was a dark wooshy tunnel that could have been some kind of time tunnel, for all I know. Short Attention Span Theatre: Parallel Universes They didnt look like airplanes or round disc flying saucers. I thought maybe I should make a YouTube video about it because me in another timeline had made some kind of public videos about timeline experiences or out of time experiences. Clearly I hadnt been drinking and eating the food and drinks they had left for me over the period of my stay because I didnt like it. I tried one of the O cereal pieces and one of the flakes of seaweed. They had dark colored hoody sweatshirts on, and they had dark colored jeans with lots of pockets. The shows host, David Wilcock, interviews Corey Goode about his 20 year career in a clandestine space program for the government. It seemed like I was in northern Anaheim from my vantage point in the city, where I could see the sun coming up, and I could see lots of city further south from the building I was standing on. However, in Nicolas timeline, shortly after 1952 or shortly after this famous UFO sighting event, someone from the American Government told the American people the truth about extra terrestrials and flying saucers. Then they started to ask me about how to make Kombucha (which I had written a book about in my real life). I figured they must have been similar to the hover boards in the movie, Back to the Future. I have also seen every episode of David Wilcocks other shows, Wisdom Teachings and Disclosure on Gaia TV, and Ive read Wilcocks books. Peter always seemed very fond of me, not in a sexual attraction sort of way, but in a caretaker sort of way. I didnt read the new message because I was disappointed that the old message I had clearly read was no longer there. I went after him to the next room to see if he was all right or if I was in trouble for saying that. These three events seemed to be the same in both of our timeline histories, like our timelines were cousins. This seemed to effect my own stereotypes and attitudes I had about skater boys and I was surprised at the strange juxtaposition. They seemed so mean, secretive, deceptive, and sly. It looked like the kind of cereal that is similar to Cheerios, but a little more puffed. As the hiker approaches a mirror, he walks through it as if it were an open door, then turns back to look at where he came from before . So I checked it on my iPod and, sure enough, it was October 18, 2016. The sense in the room I felt was that she was too young to die, but she was dying and they were trying to save her. I wondered if there was World War III in Nicolas timeline, but his consciousness didnt seem to think that was quite correct, and I dont think his peoples called this conflict or upheaval, whatever it was, World War III.. Although the Orion Alliance seems to be negative (militaristic, domineering, conquering, enslavement of peoples and their consciousness), they too have some important role to play in our spiritual evolution. I must have found this video because I was interested in hypnotherapy and past/future life regressions. I could see from the Wikipedia article that Anaheim was not in northern California, so I figured the one boy was trying to give me direction about where in Anaheim I was. It was the most boring show ever that no one would do if they had anything to gain, especially in our high action digital age. This is totally not my type! (and they knew it, I knew they already knew what I liked). It was like all the grains of sand symbolized us as individuals and our different timelines all at once, going into the bottleneck of ascension. Behind her it looked like there were windows in the room even though it was more dim over where we were in the operating room. I was going to eat it anyway. I could see blue sky and just part of another building next door. For a VIDEO Account about my experience CLICK HERE, For My Cosmic Hypnotherapy Session CLICK HERE, For Articles and Interviews on this Experience CLICK HERE. Maybe Id remember something this time and wouldnt need hypnotherapy. It reminded me of the stereotypical house shape that children draw for houses in pictures. Is There Another 'You' Out There In A Parallel Universe? - Forbes Corey Goode had said this is how some entities travel in the universe anyway, and it seemed like I still had a body/consciousness in my native timeline I was somehow connected to even though I was here. Just like all the sand in an hourglass eventually falls into the bottleneck, so too does all of time and everyone in it. Just then there was a voice coming from my left hip pocket. Then WHOMP came a huge giant, mind sending packet of information into my head. Maybe they even had the movie, The Island, in Nicolas timeline but it was a very happy, positive, benevolent movie. They looked to be late teens or early 20s. I figured hed been sitting in the dark with that dim light on his chair, but the lights were somehow connected to my consciousness and automatically came on when I woke up this morning. I looked at the tag and read, in green blocky font, all capital letters, Trumps defeat before you return. In that moment I thought, Oh no, are they going to keep me here for over a month, past the presidential election?. I am so glad to hear this account. In 2014 I got a strong message through map dowsing that I should move to Sedona Arizona someday, but I discounted it because I didnt want to live in the desert. I was unable to attend BridgETs high vibratory food retreat in Sedona, but I signed up for a different retreat in 2017. Parallel Dimensions (album), a 2008 album by Perseo Miranda. I just figured this nurse was a hybrid between one of those greys and an insectoid. [+] It's an incredible notion: that there's a Universe out there for every outcome that . I was also having some resistance about going back, even though I wanted to, because I wanted myself to remember this wasnt a dream. I woke up again, but I was still in the hospital!!! The drinks were also in a glass that looked like a combination between a wine glass and a martini glass with very comfortable rims to drink out of. Such dreams could also be incoming images from an alternate world where you are . I was still laughing. As far as I could consciously remember, I did not have alien abduction experiences or issues associated with suppressed subconscious alien abduction experience like nightmares, phobias, etc. These drinks were all the colors of what I knew of as processed food. The colors were too bright to be natural, but were colored to correlate with flavor, maybe artificial flavor. The closest thing I know of to describe these colors are the colors of the popsicle brand, Otter Pop. Theres an exercise my colleagues and I sometimes present to our Ph.D. students in theoretical physics. If we subscribe to Einsteins relativity theory, the universe is a bubble of some sort that is expanding. I thought- Wow, if what was happening in this hospital was happening in my timeline, the only box we would have to put it into would be conspiracy theory, but these boys dont even seem to know of any such thing as conspiracy theory. I knew that, for some reason, they had brought all these Mes from different stages of life, from different timelines, into this room in order to try and help save the dying girl on the table, that was also Me/Us from another timeline. Its behavior defies our conventional understanding of reality. They are battling in our skies with their ships and advanced technology, but the public in my native timeline is totally unaware that this is going on. One concept that has become the focus of much speculation and wonder is that of other realities, dimensions, universes, whatever. Along with the information I provide later in this document, I did not notice anything flying around high in the sky when I looked out at the city from this vantage point. My conscious really wanted to know how on Earth this could have been possible!!! The cloth had a smooth, silky feel and a light shimmer as I picked it up and got underneath to see what was inside the train car. ? I think he knew very well that I never watched the news, regularly or at all, in my native timeline. Originated by US physicist Hugh Everett in the late 1950s, this envisions our Universe as just one of numerous parallel. You can gain all the abilities with a spiritual/consciousness ascension as you can with technology, but an AI virus had convinced whole societies that transhumanism was better. Its like when someone dies and you dont want to talk about it but you desperately do. I wanted to know if any of the other Mes I had met in the hospital were the Me in Nicolas timeline, but by this time I felt a bit sheepish, like an arrogant little Earth human from a sick timeline, to even be asking about myself here. It was almost as if I somehow had more capability or ability to know the answer to this question than Nicolas did. I held the screen up to Peter for him to see and talk to her. Anyway, it was a fascinating read and it definitely helped me to think differently about certain belief systems. Nicolas said they also had different content in the RA material in his timeline than in ours. I am an average American citizen living in Seattle Washington. The virtual reality in this hospital seemed normal, like it was something I had experienced here before, so it wasnt strange to me. Write a science story set in this utopic and blissful world. In my timeline, ice melts if you leave it out long enough, but I knew the ice in this drink didnt melt like that, so this drink could have sat on this table for at least half a day and still remained cold with full cubes of ice, like you had just taken it out of the refrigerator. I want to know his thoughts, he famously said. MU Plus+ Podcasts. They had the color and texture of jeans, but it looked like fabric that had a bit of a shimmer, like a fabric digital screen. Maybe these were digital jeans, like muffins tag, and they could be whatever color and texture a person wanted. His name was Albert Einstein. Corey Goode says these were German flying saucers flying over in some kind of threat to the US Government. Now you have it. The screen was not brightly lit like our computer screens, but it had a bright shimmer and you could clearly read what was on this digital tag. These two clones escape the facility, only to find out theyre clones and in regular society, the people they were cloned from had paid a lot of money to clone themselves, get their bodies grown and eventually harvest parts, so they could be saved from a life threatening illness. Such dreams could also be incoming images from an alternate world where you are . In my native timeline, Corey Goode says they started working together and everything was Top Secret. It was like it didnt matter because they were both the same, even our time was the same somehow. I didnt know if these machine peoples had been created by people from this liberated timeline or if they were native to some other planet and had come to live on Earth after the disclosure, but Nicolas didnt specify. You are welcome to think what you will about me or my experience. She seemed to know more about what was happening than I did though. When the computer came on a second time after being asleep, I wondered if there was a glitch in the chord or if the mouse had been left on. This package of food was like a round bowl with a white sealed lid. I also had Corey Goodes explanation from Cosmic Disclosure that there are extra terrestrials that look like humanoid insects or praying mantis types of people. One visit helped ancient Atlantians build a great civilization. Most of the people in the next building over looked very human or most humanoid, but a few of them did look like these robot peoples. It was as if she was part of my soul family. A man who has adopted the pseudonym of James Richards claims he was chasing his dog through Del Puerto Canyon in California on September 9, 2009 when he tripped in a rabbit hole and knocked himself unconscious. I had to find out, and over the years I visited libraries to learn more about him. The movie, The Island, is very similar to what the Military Industrial Complex would do in our timeline, but they have no MIC in Nicolas timeline. They first arose in the context of quantum. It was weird because I got the sense that they could change the doorways to this room so that this particular doorway from my regular hospital room didnt always enter into this same operating room, as I know of doorways functioning in my regular timeline. Corey Goode describes that ETs have a treaty called the Muhammad Accord that they will not interfere with our free will, they will not have open contact with us, and they will let us develop on our own until, perhaps, we have matured enough to join galactic society. In the quest to meld two opposing perspectives of the universe, were left with a host of deeply unsettling questions. She said it just like the people did in my timeline. You cant just call in sick because you had visited a parallel timeline for three days! I do not think the Orion group, the Draco, the Archons, or whatever you want to call them would want us to awaken to the information that people like Corey Goode have to share. I tried to recall the last thing I remembered since I didnt remember getting taken to a hospital. Instead of the sand going down, as it does in an hourglass, the white substance was moving up into the bottleneck and out. I think theres no point in putting our primitive weapons into space because theres always going to be some other society (or timeline) that has had millions of years more than us to develop technology. I could even draw the floor plan for this room that I was in. Imagine that our world in the . Perhaps they had appearance altering technology, so I said to them, If you can make Peter into a young handsome, sexy man he should get down here and I might have sex with him. I was half joking, but then I was afraid they might actually go through with it. In my timeline it was also about these three things though. Id had that explanation from BridgET. After 3am, just before I was taken, I figured I really needed to go back to sleep. I decided to put this written account up on the webpage for my book, New Paradigm Planet, that I wrote in 2014. Parallel Universe, the eighth studio album by American band Plain White T's. "Parallel Universe" (song), a song by the Red Hot Chili Peppers on the 1999 album Californication. You can hear only the station that is coherent to your radio; in other words, it vibrates in unison with your transistors. The mysterious man arrived at Tokyo International Airport and presented a passport that had been stamped with a place of origin called Taured. By now I knew that she could possibly be talking about non-fiction issues having to do with alien abduction and human-ET hybrid children. I was trying to tell it I didnt want it to scan my head too! But no, Nicolas said the machine peoples could traverse the cosmic web {like the one I had read about in David Wilcocks book, Ascension Mysteries, where Earth has an address similar to an IP address for the internet.} I tried to lighten things up for them and their jobs, perhaps joke around a bit. I wondered who Nicolas and Peter were going to try and make me have sex with this time, but it was like I never actually got to have sex in these scenarios, kind of disappointing. I said to them, You guys! The process could be sped up for us to only 3-5 years, if only someone from the American government would let the cat out of the bag, so to speak. When I started watching Cosmic Disclosure, there were only about 5 episodes. Dimension Jumping: How To Travel Between Parallel Universes It's been said before: if you change your beliefs, you change your world. I tried to convince these girls not to let this device scan their head and turn into robots. Nicolas seemed to think that the negativity left behind by the Draco/Archon/Orion group was also important for spiritual growth and awakening, even though it could have also been the reason why we didnt all jump into ascension right in 2012. Everyone knew because they already knew that ET was real. I couldnt tell whether or not she could see me falling down the tunnel or if she was just looking at her floor like I had disappeared. As I walked around the table I could see it was another Me from another timeline. I tried to convince them not to let the government put chips in their hand or augment their bodies with technology. Do you know what is going to happen next in my timeline? I thought that was a very strange question. Imagine You Visit A Parallel Universe | by Fahri Karakas - Medium I knew they must have all the nutrients that I needed, as if perhaps they had materialized this food out of one of those quantum 3D printers I remember Corey Goode talking about that were similar to the replicators on the Star Trek show. The Logos of Now was akin to what the RA group describes as The Law of One in the RA and the Law of One material (available for free online). I know its out there in a timeline with my friend Nicolas. Explore the latest news & podcasts. Nicolas had been sitting in his chair at the foot of my bed with a dim light somewhere near the chair, either attached to the arm of the chair or on the back. I also had my normal cosmic clothing on. There is a portal from our universe to at least one other parallel . I could do that! The times were the same. He was facing me, ready to attend to me. This is the reason people who have had alien abduction experiences often dont remember them after they have returned. Could I go up to the street corner front entrance of the hospital where all the people were? He continued on to say, Sometime after the UFOs were sighted over Washington DC, someone from the American Government told the American people the Truth. He meant the truth about extra terrestrials and flying saucers. As an adult, after watching Cosmic Disclosure, I asked my father and step mother if they remember these tests. Maybe hed actually been there all night instead of come in earlier than I woke up and didnt turn the lights on because he didnt want to wake me. The truth about extra terrestrials and flying saucers. I found it interesting that Nicolas called them UFOs to describe them before the disclosure, and he called them flying saucers to describe them after the disclosure. By this thinking, the universe is a symphony of strings. She looked a little less scared though. It looked like the morning sun was coming up so I knew I could tell where east must have been, but I tried not to get too caught up in the newness of it all. The answer I somehow knew in myself was that all these people had souls, they werent just robots, even the robot people had souls and werent only machines as they had appeared to me. In this scenario, a Big Bang could perpetually happen in distant regions, representing the collision or merging of these bubble universes. We ascend up in the octaves of density. In this scenario, Peter and Nicolas were dressed like spiritual people or the modern hippie types of regular people I know of and hang out with in Seattle. This message of working together towards disclosure inspired me to contribute to Dr. Steven Greers upcoming film, Unacknowledged, because I felt this would be a good step towards public disclosure of our governments clandestine special access projects. Perhaps I knew the answer from David Wilcocks information. Thank you so much for sharing, I wonder if my other me has no agoraphobia, so I could see how she deals with life and I could learn to do things different. The tag part was on the same side of his body that my disguised iPod device had been on the first day. I briefly noticed when I turned toward him, that we were on the roof of this hospital, but there was clearly a lot of activity going on here. {Please attain the authors permission before including this document or its contents in your publication or media.}. After Trump won the presidential election of 2016, I figured this particular message could have also meant that somehow Trump was going to get defeated during presidency or that his craziness was going to be toned down or reigned in somehow after becoming president, and the message meant that this event was going to happen before my next visit to this hospital. The nurse in the room said to me, You remember that glazed over look all too well, dont you? By that she seemed to mean, You remember being scared here too, maybe you should go over to them and comfort them or make sure theyre doing all right.. According To Scientists We Can Sneak Into The Parallel Universe Through I lay back down and tried to go back to sleep. I figured I needed to write down everything that happened to me because if it was actually more dream like, I might forget later. These Time Travelers Claim They've Visited Parallel Universes - Slapped Ham May Peace and Love in Light of The One Infinite Creator Be With You. This time I got out of bed. Nicolas said that, The American government felt it was in the best interest and safety for the American peoples to know the truth about this knowledge, and because they had done the right thing they received benevolent assistance from off world races during this conflict/upheaval/social unrest. Eventually there was some sort of peaceful settling down, resolution, liberation of peoples/their consciousness, and release of advanced technology.