The fossil was named Lucy after the Beatles song Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds, which Johanson was listening to the night of the discovery. This Southeast Asian country is the worlds largest island nation, but no one knows exactly how many islands it contains (thousands and thousands, to be imprecise). This former Soviet republic is one of only 26 countries in the world with a 100 percent literacy rate among adults. In 2014, the most expensive coins were made from 7.1 grams of gold, featured . During Frances 30-year war In the 17th century, King Louis XIII hired Croatian mercenaries who wore a piece of cloth around their necks that the king was particularly fond of. By adding 772,000 square miles of space, the Marshall Islands nearly doubled the amount of protected ocean for the marine mammals. At nearly 6 minutes long, this South American country has the worlds longest national anthem. Still, the 2018 cold spell was blamed for 12 deaths. Dating back to between 500 BC and 500 AD, they are one of archaeologys great enigmas due to their size, quantity and continuity. xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); Take the road less travelled and visit these underrated European cities. This South American country unfortunately has a history with German Aryans dating back to the 1880s, when Bernhard Frster, the father of Nazism, relocated to Paraguay. You might find yourself saying "the" before various countries and place names when referring to them, thanks to grammar and common pronunciation, which is why we say the United States or the Maldives. The British royal family may be the most famous royal family on the planet, but there are still plenty of other nobles out there. The Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite, is said to have been born on a beach in this Mediterranean Sea island nation. That's it for our list of world facts, but be sure to check back in with us soon for even more trivia! 25 FASCINATING COUNTRY FACTS FROM AROUND THE WORLD - Pinterest Cricket is incredibly popular among residents of these islands, a holdover from Britains colonial rule. With so many people packed into such a small space, it's the most densely populated island in the world, according to The Guardian. That would make them far older than the Egyptian pyramids, and Bosnia would be the cradle of European civilization. This African nation has one television station, Tele-Tchad, and its run by the state. This East African nation was the site of an archaeological discovery that rewrote human history. But thanks to dedicated work by scientists at the Horn Point Laboratory, the Army Corps, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Nature Conservancy, the state is now home to the world's largest man-made oyster reef. To find the bulk of the world's freshwater, you need to trek to the poles, as 68.7 percent of it is encased in ice caps, permanent snow, and glaciers. The panda at your local zoo may look like it's at home in its cozy sanctuary. Well, almost anywhere. With 221,800 islands, Sweden is thought to have more islands than any other country in the world. The Western Hemispheres oldest botanical garden is located within this Caribbean island country. You might think twins are a rarity, but they're actually becoming more common than ever. But during the Napoleonic wars, the British transplanted nutmeg trees to many other locales, including Grenada in the Caribbean. Pew Research Center's surveys have shed light on public opinion around some of the biggest news events of 2022 - from Russia's military invasion of Ukraine to the overturning of Roe v. Wade to Americans' experiences with extreme weather events.Here's a look back at the past year through 15 of our most striking research findings, which cover these topics and more. That number is expected to reach 22 percent by 2050. A third of world's languages are spoken in Africa! Some countries, such as Japan, South Korea, Germany, and Italy, are struggling with ageing populations, meaning that . All Muslims are encouraged to visit it at least once, and because of its holy status, only Muslims are allowed to enter. Camels are extremely important to the people of this African nation. The only known habitat of the dodo bird it of human-induced extinction fame (dont go the way of the dodo) was on this African island nation, although the cause of its demise is debatable. Kwame Nkrumah, who led this African nations independence from Britain in 1957, is known as the Father of Pan-Africanism, which sought to unite all people of African descent to create a politically independent continent. There are estimated to be 72 million deaf people around the world. At the same time, there are 10 quadrillion (10,000,000,000,000,000) individual ants crawling around at any given time. While four babies are born on Earth every second, it's estimated that around two people pass away at the same time. Mongolia has the world's sparsest population Mongolia's horse population outnumbers its human population 15) Rwanda has the highest percentage of women in parliament Established in 1765, the gardens contain native flora and breadfruit trees first brought to the island from Tahiti. Their version of the Lords Prayer? These range from mass-produced disposable chopsticks to high-quality sticks that can take up to (yes) a month to painstakingly make. if( 'moc.enilnoefiltseb' !== location.hostname.split('').reverse().join('') ) { Everyone associates this European nation with chocolate, and for good reason. Crocodiles have a narrower snout than alligators and an extra tooth that sticks out the lower and powerful jaw. At 20 times longer than the Odyssey by Homer, the Epic of Manas is considered the longest poem in the world. Since many time zones only differ by 30 or 45 minutes, they don't fit into a neat and tidy 24-hour span, which means that there are more than 24, though it's hard to say exactly how many. This former republic of the Soviet Union is considered the most digitally advanced government in the world and was the first to offer its citizens online voting, all the way back in 2005. Category 1: Nature The deepest place on Earth is the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. Not all bacteria are bad. Though there are short people and tall people everywhere, Indonesia is home to some of the shortest people in the world, according to data compiled from various global sources by the Telegraph in 2017. Today, it has the most foreign-born players in Major League Baseball, at 102. Both won Nobel peace prizes. In terms of the likelihood of a natural disaster, this Middle East nation is the safest country in the world. 55 Fascinating World Facts You Need to Know, 175 Random Facts So Interesting You'll Say, "OMG! Though the Japanese were hesitant at first, it became a raw-seafood staple for them by 1995. You can also sign up for our newsletter to enjoy hit pieces on health, entertainment, and travel. He was assassinated in 1987. 25 Fascinating Country Facts from Around the World That set the Guinness World Record for the most expensive coin ever sold at auction. Co-residential living is also popular, and men and women both have multiple partners and children with different people over the course of their lives. The lyrics were composed in 1833 by the same man who wrote Paraguays anthem and the music was added in 1848. 125 Geography Facts That Will Blow Your Mind | Far & Wide Fin whales are basically the Barry White of the ocean. Of the 14 million camels in the world, more than half reside in Somalia. Africa has 54 countries! 15. Although the vast majority of Bolivians are Catholic, they still hold many indigenous beliefs, such as sacrificing llamas to the goddess of the Earth, Pachamama. This coastal nation in North Africa gained independence from Ethiopia in 1993 after a 30-year war, yet it has not held an election since. From Japan's penis festivities to the baby-jumping revelry in Spain, experience some weird holidays and bizarre festivals from . 23. 2. About one-third of the population in this West African nation adhere to an ancestral form of belief, including voodoo. The next largest city is Delhi, India (population of 29 million), followed by Shanghai, China (population of 26 million). You might think you're accustomed to frigid air and blustery winds, but the average winter day has nothing on the coldest day ever recorded, which was -144 degrees Fahrenheit. China also has an impressively large rural population, with 578 million living outside of major centers. Aside from each other, they share three other countries at their borders - Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and North Korea. More chocolate is sold at the Brussels airport than anywhere else in Belgium. The first examples of it were flat and unleavened, most closely resembling what we know today as chapatis in India or tortillas in Latin America. Country that Produces More Oxygen than Any Other - Russia: Siberia is home to approximately 25% of the world's forests that span an area larger than the continental United States, making Russia the largest converter of CO2 into breathable compounds. And what better way to use that free time than by cramming your brain full of interesting random facts. Another former Yugoslavian republic, North Macedonia is the birthplace of the Cyrillic alphabet, which is used in more than 50 languages. READ THIS NEXT: 40 Facts So Funny They're Hard to Believe. This Caribbean island nation has no snow or winter-like conditions at any time of the year, but it does have whats arguably the worlds most famous bobsled team. In 2012, Russian scientists were able to regenerate a plant from a seed found in Siberian permafrost that was more than 30,000 years old. This tiny country sandwiched between Austria and Switzerland is the worlds top producer of false teeth. Bicycles are much more prevalent than personal automobiles in this European country. Agriculture is so important to this African nation that 90 percent of the population depends on jobs in this sector to make a living. "From about 1915, when the statistical record begins, until 1980, about one in every 50 babies born was a twin, a rate of 2 percent," writes Alexis C. Madrigal of The Atlantic. Residents of this South American country cannot legally watch The Simpsons because their former president, Hugo Chavez, deemed it unsuitable for children. READ THIS NEXT: 50 Summer Facts That'll Make You Even More Excited for the Season. After Christianity, Judaism is the 2nd largest Religion in the U.S.A! This former Soviet republic was the largest country in Europe in the 15th century. These days, Interpol (or the International Criminal Police Organization) may be well-known for tracking down outlaws around the world. Step aside John, James, Mary, and Janethe most popular name in the world is believed to be Muhammad. If this seems weird, maybe reading some cool facts about snakes will change your mind. 10 Valentine's Day Facts From Around the World Do a little math and you'll find out that means there are approximately 250 births each minute, 15,000 each hour, and 360,000 each day. Now you're ready for the facts. July 23, 2021 15:37. Many cities around the world are trying to figure out how to accommodate cyclists and encourage more residents to use the environmentally friendly mode of transportation. Canada has a lower population density than that. Many people still make their homes outside of bustling locationsespecially in India, which has the largest number of people living in rural areas (approximately 893 million people live outside of the city), according to Reuters. Only about 1,000 of them are inhabited. During his lifetime between 1162 and 1227, Genghis Khan fathered countless children. A 2021 study published by the American Meteorological Society noted that the area's "mountains produce sharp gradients in clouds and rainfall, which are key to abundant rainbow sightings." The olympics is an event that many look forward too and countries around the world start to wear their colors! Its constitution was suspended in 1997 and there is only one political party in the entire country, the Peoples Front for Democracy and Justice. Cars and bikes are needed to traverse it, and the same road rules apply underground as above ground. In fact, over 12 percent of people on Earth are 60 years old and older. Mount Chimborazo in this South American nation is not the tallest mountain in the world, but it is the highest spot on Earth and thus closest to outer space. Once considered some of the shortest people in the world, the Dutch are now the tallest. Some 5 to 10 percent of the indigenous population of this Oceania island nation have blond hair. Then after the war, Paraguay became a Nazi hideaway. But South Sudan in North Africa just gained its independence from Sudan in 2011, which currently makes it the youngest country in the world. The largest petroglyph in the world can be found in this African nation. The Wayuu tribe, one of Colombia's several indigenous American groups, is located at the northernmost point of South America. A new Pew Research Center analysis finds that 79 countries and territories out of the 198 studied around the world (40%) had laws or policies in 2019 banning blasphemy, which is defined as speech or actions considered to be contemptuous of God or of people or objects considered sacred. Europe has been experiencing serious dry spells and extreme heat since 2015, which has caused major droughts. Fascinating Facts About Every Single Country on Earth 25 Fascinating Country Facts from Around the World There are also about 300 different sign languagesincluding American Sign Language and International Sign Languageas well as 41 countries that recognize them as an official languages. The tallest people among us live in the Netherlands, where the average adult height is 6 feet. The mystery is enhanced by the fact that they are only visible from high above. We are a movement of people from over 100 countries. Or enjoy a day of silence during Nyepi in Bali where both work and pleasure are prohibited for one whole day. Bats thrive on many of the dozens of islands that make up this South Pacific Ocean nation because they are considered sacred and the official property of the ruling monarchy, who are the only ones who can touch the flying critters. This former Yugoslavian republic on the Adriatic Sea is credited with inventing the necktie. Geography Facts That Will Blow Your Mind By Lissa Poirot, updated on October 18, 2022 Getty Images Whether you've just completed school or you graduated decades ago, there are likely many things you don't know about the extraordinary planet on which we live. This Middle East country has a bright history with the tomato. Hassanal Bolkiah has served as Bruneis Sultan since 1967, making him the second-longest serving monarch in the world after Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. This former Yugoslavian republic was once the center of the Roman empire and it shows there were 18 emperors born in what is now modern-day Serbia. It is undoubtedly one of Europe's most underrated attractions. * Population stats were sourced from Worldometer. The biggest source of revenue in this Caribbean island nation is not tobacco, sugar, rum or tourism its doctors. Traditional Christian marriage is largely reserved for the upper class, and its acceptable for men to maintain several households. Folklore and superstition reign supreme in this former Soviet republic. Everyone who lives in this European country, even foreigners, can attend college tuition-free. "top 10 amazing facts of the world" "25 strange facts" "25 fascinating While Im not about to do an interesting fact about all 196, here are a list of 25 fascinating facts about various countries in the world today: Find more interesting lists at The geoglyphs comprise humans figures, plants and animals and are believed to have astronomical significance. 23 Diagrams Reveal How to Negotiate Around the World - Business Insider AfrikaBurn is a cousin festival to the Burning Man festival in the U.S. 20 Fun Facts About the World That Sound Absurd But Are Actually True The worlds largest wine cellar is buried in this former Soviet republic. But has it always been so icy? According to the bureau, the number of people alive today represents a whopping 7 percent of the total number of humans who have ever lived. In one Berlin marathon a few years ago, male runners from this single tribe placed first, second, third, fourth and fifth; women runners from the tribe nabbed first, second and fourth place. 6. For years, people have been taking and then returning chunks of sandstone, fearing that the pilfering cursed them with bad luck. Choose the Flowers You Give to a Russian If you have Russian business associates or friends, be careful of the flowers you give them. 30 Of The Most Interesting Facts About Countries Around The World Home to more than one billion oysters, the area is a no-fishing zone, which will hopefully give the population a chance to recover. Far south from the Peruvian capital of Lima are the mysterious Nazca Lines. During holy communion, for example, Catholics consume a wafer made from unleavened bread. Countries With The Most Summer Olympic Medals. As it turns out, the chili was initially developed to be used in medical treatment as an anesthetic that can numb the skin.'POST', '', true); That's almost seven miles! Completed in 1989, it measures 518 feet tall and covers an area of 323,000 square feet. Theres a small city called Sialkot in this South Asian country that produces 40 percent of the worlds soccer balls. If you ate one, it could potentially cause a type of anaphylactic shock, burning your airways and closing them up. Twenty-two countries (11%) had laws against apostasy, the . Because of pollution, the Earth's ozone layer has suffered a lot. In Spanish, the area's name is Islas Canarias, which comes from the Latin phrase Canariae Insulae for "island of dogs.". Myanmar made a similar commitment, which leaves the U.S. as the lone holdout. And over in Nicaragua, you'll encounter one of the only two flags in the world to feature the color purple. The ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia what is now modern-day Iraq invented the worlds first writing system, called cuneiform, from 3500-3000 BC. This Central American country is the birthplace of chocolate, with ancient Mayans worshipping the cacao tree. 5. He is so popular in his home country that some 120,000 people worship at the Church of Maradona. This ancient Balkan nation claims to have accidentally created yogurt some 4,000 years ago. Located east of the Philippines, Palau is a small island nation and one of the only places in the world that adheres to a strict matrilineal system in which kinship is traced through the mothers family line. Located at Microsoft's headquarters in Redmond, Washington, the lab room measures a background noise of -20.35 dBA, which is 20 decibels below the threshold of human hearing and breaks previous records for spaces that were deemed the planet's quietest places, according to CNN. The Limbo dance originated in the 1950s on this twin-island nation just north of Venezuela. On that day, men are not allowed to visit the souk or sell anything there. They were in Parc National Nouabal-Ndoki, a swampy forested region teeming with flora and fauna. ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb. Although their numbers fluctuate, there are around 1 to 10 billion queleas, which leads scientists to believe that there are more of them than any other bird on Earth, according to Audubon. Located along the earthquake-prone Ring of Fire, this Asian island nation experiences 20 percent of the worlds 6.0-magnitude or higher temblors annually. At 2,000 feet long, 1,400 feet wide and almost 500 feet tall, it is twice the size of Britains Wembley Stadium. 43 Fascinating Wedding Traditions From Around the World Wedding Ideas & Advice Wedding Ceremony Ideas 43 Fascinating Wedding Traditions From Around the World These customs prove there. There are many ideas, including that because of their reverence for St. George, outsiders bestowed that name on the area. Impress your friends with mind-blowing trivia about dolphins, koalas, bats, and more. It first competed in the Olympics in 1988. Theres a sacred fig tree in this South Asian country that was planted from a cutting some 2,300 years ago and has been lovingly tended to ever since. Just a few breaths of air at that temperature would induce hemorrhaging in your lungs and kill you. It ceded 30 percent of its land to Britain following the Anglo-Nepalese War from 1814-16, but the Brits were never able to conquer it all due to the countrys treacherous terrain. The gene that causes this is naturally occurring and totally distinct from the one that gives Europeans blond hair. Its not known exactly when, but it appears to date to at least 1610 and possibly as far back as the 1300s. Which two countries in South America are the Iguazu Falls part of? The flag of Nicaragua features a rainbow in the center that includes a band of purple, while the flag of Dominica boasts a picture of a sisserou parrot, a bird with purple feathers. French pirate Olivier Levasseur is rumored to have buried tens of millions of dollars worth of treasure on Mahe, one of the islands that make up this country off the east coast of Africa. This European country is the birthplace of Miguel de Cervantes, whose iconic Don Quixote is considered the first modern novel. Previous readings have ranged from 29,002 feet above sea level in 1856 down to 20,029 in 1955, according to NPR. The South American country has the unfortunate distinction of being the site of the worlds largest mass suicide. Very faint sounds become audible because the ambient noise is exceptionally low. According to the BBC, a majority men and boys around the world share this name. Crocodiles are found on the American, Asian and Australian continents. They were so extensive that by their peak in the 12th century, they wouldve made up the largest empire on Earth. Even better, they are inverted flowers! 1. Desire O is a freelance writer who covers lifestyle, food, and nutrition news among other topics. Fertility treatments such as in-vitro fertilization likely also play a role. Fun Fact About Every Country in the World - Part 2 - YouTube It involves some 10,000 people simultaneously hopping while another 40,000 look on. Its more than 2,000 years old and lives among several other olive trees that are 500 to 700 years old. Well, at the bottom of a 1.4 km core sample, which was taken in 1966 at Camp Century, researchers found "well-preserved fossil plants and biomolecules," which means that the massive sheet melted and reformed at least once in the last million years. Although we can't see the color change with our eyes, it is a big problem for pollinators like bees who are attracted to the bright colors that flowers produce.