Accordingly, Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment (Dkt. Kevin Miller v. Vohne Liche Kennels, Inc., No. 14-1798 (7th Cir. 2015) Mykal McEldowney/IndyStar Police dogs on rare occasions have even killed people, including in Alabama, where a man died of a ruptured artery in his thigh after a bite in July 2018. This settlement is another example of the exceptional efforts of our dedicated special agents, said Frank Robey, Director of the U.S. Armys Criminal Investigation Commands Major Procurement Fraud Unit (MPFU). We encourage you to watch the full 16-minutes to understand the whole context. Shimer v. Washington, 100 F.3d 506, 508 (7th Cir. Id. Please visit our online store. Proves absolutely nothing as 90% of dog training should be devoted to proofing the dog against distractions so it is safe in a social environment. In the course of litigating the suit, Mr. Miller sought information regarding the training of Plymouth police officers and police dogs. Bailey's doctor described his wounds as a punctured trachea, cut carotid artery, damaged tissue in his neck, injuries to his shoulder and a broken finger. 226) the Court addressed the similar issue of whether Mr. Miller had standing to seek injunctive relief against former Defendant Paul E. Whitesell. Maybe the movement should be aware of the injuries caused by these dogs. On May 14, 2008, Mr. Miller was pulled over by a City of Plymouth (Indiana) police officer for speeding while driving from Munster, Indiana to Fort Wayne, Indiana. (you can delete but Ive got the same suspicions about some of these pitbull happy video channels, as well, ." My Offices Affirmative Civil Enforcement Unit will continue to require contractors who submit fraudulent claims for federal government funds to reimburse the government for their ill-gotten gains and also pay civil penalties under the False Claims Act.. At the root of this and so many of our problems is the dog worship culture. Loudoun County family to sue public schools over 'negligence' in Defendants' motion for summary judgment on Mr. Miller's injunction claim is therefore GRANTED. VLK West The GSD had been a safer choice. Again, a story for 60 Minutes to consider. Heeling and use of chokers has gone out of style. In June 2011, the judge in the Northern District litigation conducted an in camera review of defendants' attorney's correspondence with Vohne Liche and discovered that Vohne Liche failed to produce responsive material to Mr. Miller's September 7, 2010 request. Traffic stop leads to lawsuit | Local news | In 2014, a titled protection trained rottweiler (level 2 IPO) attacked a 7-year old boy in the head and neck, killing him. Police Dogs Should Be Trained as Officers, Not Equipment, Police K-9 Dog Bite Studies and Regional Investigations -,, 2023 Dog Bite Fatality: Man Killed by Pack of Dogs in Tucumcari, New Mexico, 2022 Dog Bite Fatality: Beloved Church Leader Dies After Being Mauled by Neighbor's Pit Bull in Richmond, Virginia, 2022 Double Dog Bite Fatality: Pair of Family Pit Bulls Kill Two Children, Seriously Injure Mother in Tennessee, Pit Bulls Lead Biting Incidents Across U.S. Cities and Counties, 2023 Dog Bite Fatality: Dog Pack Kills 65-Year Old Man in Jefferson County, Alabama, 2023 Dog Bite Fatality: Man Killed by Three Pit Bulls in Escambia County, Florida, 2023 Dog Bite Fatality: Horrific Pit Bull Mauling in San Antonio Kills One, Hospitalizes Two, Injures SAFD Firefighter, 2023 Dog Bite Fatality: Woman, 58, Mauled and Killed by Her Daughter's Family Pit Bull in Toledo, Ohio, Elderly Man Shares Account and Aftermath of Having His Lip Ripped off in a Vicious Pit Bull Attack on April 15th, 2018 in the Little City neighborhood in Bangor, Maine. Deaths are also rare because the dogs are trained to attack the arms and legs -- not the head and neck. In 2016, another dog trained in apprehension and bite work, a retired police K-9, attacked two people, killing one in San Luis Obispo County, California. In fact, Mr. Miller concedes that he requested information concerning the dog's training on November 3, 2009, so this theory of liability was undisputedly known to him by that date. It would be hilarious except for the poor arrested sods that are the brunt of this canine incompetence. By 9:49, officers are saying "We need medics now!" Because the officers could have removed him from the moped without resorting to grave body harm force. The court did distinguish cases in which defendants are added and relate back to the filing date, from those in which "the plaintiff names a fictitious party, or no party, as a defendant." 2006). The only claims remaining are against Vohne Liche and AWD. Assistant United States Attorney WayneT.Ault handled the settlement negotiations. This was contrasted from the plaintiff who is ignorant "of the fact of his injury or its cause," whether because the injury has not manifested itself or "the facts about causation may be in the control of the putative defendant, unavailable to the plaintiff or at least very difficult to obtain." VLK Europe b.v. The principle remains, though. Alpha Dogs of Vohne Liche Kennels - In 2015, Semyonova offered more insights into the attack dog industry, including the dark side of commercial sellers of "pre-trained" law enforcement dogs, of which Vohne Liche is one, who she believes are not producing reliable dogs. Id. And then, it may wind up being temperamentally unsuited and all that money is down the crapper. Heck no! 1993)). . The K9 Olympics: Vohne Liche Kennels - Unleashed - YouTube The dog attacked his face for 32 seconds and destroyed it (see body cam video).5 The goal of a K-9's training is to render the subject immobile by targeting the arms and legs. I cant speak to his motivation. After the August 14 announcement by the Department of Justice, Performance Kennels Inc., who imports dogs from Solvakia, The man on the bicycle, Richard Schumacher, suffered a "degloving of the right axilla" injury due to the K-9 mauling in Punta Gorda, Florida (See. Indeed, the existence of cross-motions for summary judgment does not necessarily mean that there are no genuine issues of material fact. (See Dkt. See Black v. Rieth-Reily Const. Norfolk is a criminal case, in which defendant sought the return of his property from the Government under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 41(g). Boni, You always give such great examples when you make a point. As we collected more cases, it became difficult to ignore the many videos of police being unable to call their K-9s off people -- in one case the officer screamed "Off" 18 times to no avail -- as well as the dogs being used as a proxy for excessive force (see unblurred version).1, "If you can't control your dog, you're a liability. We will not tolerate dishonest contractors who seek to enrich themselves at the expense of federal taxpayers. - United States Attorney Thomas L. Kirsch II. Northern District of Indiana She also believes that a belligerent drunk on a moped "does not authorize a straight up door pop," when the dog flies out of the vehicle without a handler. Federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies have contracted with Vohne Liche Kennels for their training needs. The dog remained on active duty afterward. A plaintiff seeking an injunction, such as Mr. Miller seeks here, must show a significant likelihood and immediacy of sustaining some direct injury. VLK has trained Police and Military . Todays GSDs and I think this applies to both American and European lines are significantly heavier than the early generation GSDs, which were about the size of todays Mals. As we delve into this post, which contains violent and disturbing imagery, it is important to know three things. It wasnt uncommon to work with dog-aggressive (not murder dogs) dogs (and fix them) but it was *nothing* like todays prevalence where it seems that every second dog is leash reactivewhich means people handling or near the dog are all at risk, as well. Summary judgment is only appropriate by the terms of Rule 56(c) where there exists "no genuine issue as to any material facts and . In Norfolk, the court stated, "The discovery rule starts the statute of limitations running only when the plaintiff learns that he's been injured, and by whom." The Court cannot agree with Mr. Miller that he did not know of his injury prior to January 12, 2010, despite that he lacked knowledge about Defendants' existence. #k9 #vlkproud #vohnelichekennels #k9unit. V.L.K. GSDs, Bouviers and Dobes are far better choices IMO. Under the settlement, Vohne Liche Kennels agrees to repay the $900,000 of federal funds that Vohne Liche Kennels received for the fraudulently billed claims, and also agrees to pay a civil penalty of $450,000. Police/protection dogs are far more prevalent in some places as well as training has changed. Remain mindful of these goals while examining the principal video in this post -- the Lafayette, Indiana police K-9 attack of Richard Bailey that was released in July -- along with the other videos that we link to, where these goals have been forgotten. Vohne Liche Kennels (pronounced Von Lick) is a full service K-9 training facility where the best of the best go for highly trained Police Service Dogs. Dog bites rarely get reported here, at all, either unless something is odd about the story. How many Black people have been victims of this kind of overkill? "With cross-motions, [the Court's] review of the record requires that [the Court] construe all inferences in favor of the party against whom the motion under consideration is made." Vohne Liche Kennels does not account for thin nerves, or dogs with extreme levels of dominance, or those relationship dogs that are held in balance by play and genuine affection in addition to respecting the strong dog knowing what hill you wish to die on, and what you dont. The training techniques and instability of some of these police K-9s, along with "baseless deployment" decisions and excessive force -- described as "barbaric" and "animalistic" by attorneys -- must be reined in. Related articles: The facts of Mr. Miller's alleged injury were indisputably known to him on May 14, 2008, regardless of whether he knew about this particular legal theory or the specific defendants. Contact us with theinformation below. Jun. Mr. Miller filed the instant lawsuit, pro se, on January 13, 2012 against fifty-three defendants, including numerous municipalities and political subdivisions. Thought you two folks might like it. Bingo. It was work. Grab the back legs of the unleashed dog and wheelbarrow it in a circle so it scrambled for balance and dropped the man (wont always work on pitbulls, works on other large breeds)or use a leash/handle and haul the dog straight up, all four feet off the ground. Deaths are a rare event in K-9 maulings because police are present to call the dog off, stop bleeding, and call for an ambulance. "VLK delivers some great dogs to the historic Rikers Island for the New York Department of Corrections. Ind. I.A.E., Inc. v. Shaver, 74 F.3d 768, 774 (7th Cir. In the three I did watch, the suspects were clearly surrendered and standing or sitting still when out of nowhere the dogs attack. Watch how often when police are walking their K9s the dogs are *not* heeling. Go back to Barbra Woodhouse (who, hilariously enough trained Great Danes for police work, none of which every hospitalised a target) and Kohler who *knew* the dangers of the dogs he trained and knew most dogs were *not* naturally inclined to be good at this job as theyd buckle or overreact under the pressure. Sierakowski, 223 F.3d at 443 (quoting O'Shea v. Littleton, 414 U.S. 488, 495 (1974)). Even the ACLU emphasized in this case, referring to police, "Such conduct does not contribute to social peace; in fact, it only allows distrust of police to fester.". Pro se litigants must receive proper notice regarding the meaning and consequences of a summary judgment motion, but must still adhere to the dictates of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. You nailed it, Terry. "There are no human rights in these countries, which could influence the training style to skew towards a high level of aggression/lethal bite targeting of head and neck." LMPD officers Maverick, Ripley, and Luna participated in the 2021 K9 Olympics, taking place at Vohne Liche Kennels in Denver, Indiana. The Court will apply an "understanding eye" to Mr. Miller's summary judgment materials to ensure his arguments receive careful analysis. The Truth About 'Alpha Dogs' - Vetstreet | Vetstreet Even without fraudulent concealment, equitable tolling may apply when claims cannot be discovered with the exercise of reasonable diligence. 2005). We sent the video to a working dog trainer, who provided insight into Eastern Bloc K-9s. Was this excessive force? Pit bulls contributed to 66% (346) of these deaths. (pronounced Von Lick) is a full service K-9 training facility where the best of the best go for highly trained Police Service Dogs. K-9 Boyka was released in a "door pop" at 8:24. "Our desire is to acquire dogs with true natural drives." Dogs that are not taught how to do police/military work but ones that can . Trainers charge big dollars for these dogs with zero guarantee of the dogs resultant behaviour. Without the choker, the handler loses a lot of control. The show focuses on the intense working environment of Vohne Liche Kennels, a rural Indiana training facility that produces a large portion of the country's police and military dogs. No. Web: Visit our main web site at These dogs are assisting officers in apprehension and immobilizing suspects.]. The company was also contracted to provide Field Service Representatives (FSRs) who co-located with military units in Afghanistan. Great dogs and great people! Running away in fear shouldnt result in a person being maimed for life. Ind. A well-trained dog doesnt *bite* until told or the handler is incapacitated. Vohne Liche Kennels pays $1.3M in federal lawsuit 3 "We will not tolerate dishonest contractors who seek to enrich themselves at the expense of federal taxpayers." - United States Attorney Thomas L. Kirsch II. 1996). . Because ultimately it costs more in the long run to pay out on lawsuits. On June 8, 2012, because Mr. Miller lacked subject matter jurisdiction or failed to state a claim, the Court terminated the action against all municipalities and political subdivisions. Rather, the process of taking the facts in the light most favorable to the non-movant, first for one side and then for the other, may reveal that neither side has enough to prevail without a trial. Malis are too high drive and once turned ON they often wont turn OFF. 1) disarming+holding 2) creating a diversion to allow the handler time to respond. Here, the facts known to Mr. Miller-such as the existence of this theory as early as November 2009-even from the viewpoint of a pro se plaintiff, were sufficient to indicate discovery of his claims against Vohne Liche and AWD. Specifically, Defendants argue that Mr. Miller knew of his injury on May 14, 2008, the date of his traffic stop, and thus the current action filed on January 13, 2012, is untimely. The man in the San Diego police K-9 video, 26-year old David Aceves, was never charged with a crime and was given a settlement for. By 9:38 the dog is inside the cruiser. It means that Pitbull owners are aware that one bite, and their dog is euthanized, no second chancescausing them to act more carefully although they still refuse to muzzle their dogs. Note that he cant seem to get the dog off until he turns his back to the camera. Police K-9 Dog Bite Studies and Regional Investigations - As for Mr. Miller's damages claim, Defendants contend that this claim is barred by the applicable statute of limitations. Kenny Licklider, owner of Vohne Liche Kennels and star of National Geographic WILD's show Alpha Dogs, shares why dogs trained for executive protection may be the best investment you'll ever make. The dog alerted for the presence of illegal drugs and a search of Mr. Miller's vehicle took place. Yeah its mean. Then the case of Spencer Erickson, 26, in Lakewood, Colorado emerged. It was very effective. On September 7, 2010, Mr. Miller served a subpoena upon Vohne Liche requesting documents concerning all training the police dog received. The show followed Licklider and his trainers as they honed their canines drug-sniffing, bomb-seeking skills for police departments and military personnel all over the world. Again, the good ol trainers before toy addictions and cookie wavershad this right. Justia US Law Case Law Federal Courts Courts of Appeals Seventh Circuit 2015 Kevin Miller v. Vohne Liche Kennels, Inc. Kevin Miller v. Vohne Liche Kennels, Inc., No. Official websites use .gov KEVIN D. MILLER, Plaintiff, v. VOHNE LICHE KENNELS, INC., and AMERICAN WORKING DOGS UNITED, INC., Defendants. All we ever hear about is police dogs being heroes. (I hate that over-used term.) Mostly I send the ones that are grievous for other reasons. R.J. Corman Derailment Serv., Inc. v. Int'l Union of Operating Eng'rs., 335 F.3d 643, 647 (7th Cir. The sad part is, the failing dogs might be perfectly suited to do something else with the correct retraining (such as cage release or property guards) the same way failed seeing eye dogs are often amazing companion dogs. Period. Thats barely enough training to pass a basic obedience trial at the CKC. R. Civ. Vohne Liche Kennels - YouTube Occasionally, someone with good media contacts might get a story in about how their dog died in the jaws of a dog but when I was dog trainingI heard about it a lot more back then. Vohne Liche and AWD, Mr. Miller claims, are responsible for his injury because they inadequately trained the police dog that alerted on his car. It isnt about the safety of the officers, considering how many wind up getting mauled by their own dogs. The recent felony charge against Salt Lake K-9 Officer Nickolas Pearce marks the first time we have seen this after an active duty police K-9 mauling. 230) is DENIED. /s. Vohne Liche Kennels - Facebook In the case of Carlos Balli, he was unarmed, but not a low-level offender. On July 22, 2009, Mr. Miller filed suit in the United States District Court, Northern District of Indiana, against the Plymouth Police Department, the Marshall County Sheriff's Department, Officer John Weir, and two Marshall County Sheriff's Deputies ("Northern District litigation"). Mr. Miller contends that he did not know of this particular injury caused by Vohne Liche or AWD on May 14, 2008, because he did not know, and there is no evidence that he knew, of Defendants' existence or conduct that would give rise to a claim before January 12, 2010. In St. Paul, Minnesota, three high-profile police K-9 attacks were captured on video (2016, 2017 and 2018), including two innocent bystanders and two K-9s ignoring "Out" commands. 1:12-cv-00054-TWP-TAB (S.D. 227) is GRANTED and Mr. Miller's Partial Motion for Summary Judgment (Dkt. 2010). Photo of a German Shepherd in 1925. It appears that such emotional bonding is unilateral, and not mutual, as evidenced by the way that the K-9s savagely attack their handlers. The motion is therefore DENIED. Then, if it is properly trained, it will go straight for the weapon hand, accomplishing 2 things. 48. Police/protection work is not a good fit for 90% of large dogs, even those bred for it. 230) is DENIED. So thats one fatality and one very close call from Vohne Liche Kennels. Thirty plus years ago, I associated using a harness with puppies or dogs too young for a collar/choker and with seeing eye dogs. Recently, Vohne Liche was forced to pay $1.35 million to the U.S. Department of Defense for fraudulently submitting claims for labor hours for trainers.3. 1983 seeking damages and injunctive relief. The video put its finger on a problem I couldnt quite describe. Noise Ordinance | Loudoun County, VA - Official Website How do they do it? Contrary to what it appears to the normal eye in that video grabbing the dog by the collar at the sides and shaking it is also a technique called agitating the dog and the reason is to *excite the dog to bite harder* not to force a release.
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