Rebeccas a bit of a public figure over here.. What, that youre a couple? Roy questioned, gruffly making a pfft sound with a shrug. Rebecca noticed that Catherine didnt shorten his name, and it amused her just a little, hearing him groan a touch whenever she said it. Okay. She breathed out quietly, a little nervous, adjusting her skirt as she turned around on the spot. Hannah Waddingham and Jason Sudeikis share some holiday cheer in a Christmas episode of "Ted Lasso.". She and Ted had only been together for three months at the time, and it was just shy of six months now. Lover? Im not exactly dressed for Twister, She had on a pair of red suede pumps to go with her green dress and a pair of sparkly, red pompom earrings Keeley had given her. Developed by Sudeikis, Brendan Hunt, Joe Kelly and Bill Lawrence, "Ted Lasso" takes a couple shortcuts to breeze . Bert suddenly guffawed, his laugh shaking his whole body in a sound reminiscent of Santa Claus iconic ho! All of Richmond? She smirked and Rebecca faltered, frowning, a little confused for a moment. My mom really likes you. He commented, watching her with a smile as she glanced over her shoulder, shimmying out of her dress. Fuck me, thats disgusting! She coughed. Ted pulled back, arms still around Rebeccas waist as he looked into her eyes - alight with joy and excitement with a dusting of pink on the apples of her cheeks. Oh yes. She responded and Ted stopped pacing, looking at her with a soft smile gracing the corners of his lips. She didnt really have board games. I like them too. She commented with a faraway look coming into her eyes. This is Teds family. She didnt bother giving him any of their names, not like hed care to know them if she did. Notes: As Roy Kent might bark: "Oi, 'Ted Lasso' fans, listen up! Foolproof, a soft-opener - let her get her bearings before dropping a new potential daughter-in-law directly in her lap. Algebra wasnt really his thing. You get this dumbfuck look on your face whenever shes in the room; she clocked that., Baz, Paul and Jeremy. Beard added, with Roy nodding along in agreement. Mother. Rebecca greeted, a little surprised as Deborah stepped through the door as soon as she opened it, a large blue Le Creuset pot in her hands and a heavy tote bag bursting with presents, hanging from her arm. Its good isnt it? She questioned. She was cut off by the exuberant shout of Dad! coming from the doorway to arrivals, and Ted was suddenly under the railing and bolting for the little boy in an AFC Richmond hoodie a good two sizes too big, running towards him with outstretched arms. Have you ever had a dog, Rebecca?. Its getting late, we can finish up this discussion tomorrow.. The show follows a similar mentor-mentee dynamic that Ted Lasso offers his players as Johnny . No, Ted, its alright, were almost done.. Its eggnog. Catherine added, handing Rebecca a glass and smiling at the exact same look of disgust that crossed the blondes pretty features. I love you too, Ted. Actually, its about Rebecca and I.. But I really, really appreciate it, Rebecca.. Shes gonna love you, honestly.. Once she worked with Dani, she starts working with other Richmond players who finds it beneficial. Ted Lasso Recap: Season 2, Episode 10 - TVLine Rebecca glanced down at her patent pumps and fitted navy blue dress. Come and stay with me.. Ted Lasso burst on the pop culture scene in 2020 as a laugh-out-loud, heart-warming comedy at a time when we really needed it. Just try it, Sausage. Wheres Rebecca?. What? Ted whined with a chuckle, giving Rebeccas knee a pat as he moved to follow Roy. Well its just, my apartment is enough for us. He gestured between them and the touch of pink that dusted across her cheeks made him smile. Would you like a beer, Roy? She questioned and his lips quirked up just at one side. Rebecca snorted a laugh, gently smacking his shoulder as Roy appeared beside them, Phoebe balancing on his shoulders with her arms out wide, singing along with Richmond til we die! Tom Howe. Ted didnt move, just stood there, hands in his pockets beside the coffee table, worry set between his brows as he studied her. in love with the shape of you - Chapter 1 - starrynight2901 - Ted Lasso Keeley knew about them, mostly, though they hadnt actually told her and by association and the way Roy growled under his breath when they were in the pub together as a group and Teds hand brushed any part of Rebecca, theyd assumed Roy knew as well. Just remember your manners, youre a guest in Rebeccas house.. And her bedroom is still exactly the same as it was when she was fifteen.. AFC Richmond, Ted chuckled as he maneuvered the cart. Especially Hayes.. Good, you had me worried there.. Rebecca was about to follow, when the doorbell suddenly rang again and she frowned, completely stumped as to who it could be - shed been expecting her mother at some point, but that was it. This portable projector plays your movies in crisp, high-contrast, 1080p detailno matter where you are. The Lumineers. Merchandise Here are some of our favorites, as the show ends its second. $69.95. I grew up in the owners box, watching those games. Good, you had me worried there.. Its a home game, thank goodness; because beating Rupert in her home stadium was going to be such a wonderful feeling if they could pull it off. It was freezing outside, but the longer they waited, the more she started to feel like she was sweltering. Being woken up so early on Christmas Eve to the sound of blaring christmas carols - to be annoyed was right in her wheelhouse. 17 Shows Like Ted Lasso That Should Be Your Next Watch - BuzzFeed She loved Keeley dearly, but she knew exactly who to blame for her smile-related self-consciousness. They werent scheduled for a Boxing Day match; a whole ten days wide open from the twenty-third to the first for him to take her to Kansas for the very first time and it had surprised him just how excited she was for it, spending three days hunched over a suitcase with her entire wardrobe spread out in one of the guest rooms as she methodically packed and repacked everything she thought shed need. I was a little disappointed, but Im glad of it now. Jamie scored a goal and the whole Lasso clan, plus the Higgins jumped up to scream. Rebecca struggled for a moment longer, before rolling her eyes and moving over to him, gesturing to her back for him to unzip it for her. Ted shook his head, cutting her off with a stern expression. Merry Christmas, Ted. Jessie offered, pressing a kiss to his cheek as she followed her husband through the door. On the other side, there was a man a couple of years younger than Ted, with the same shaped face, same shaped eyes, but his shoulders were a touch broader, his hair was a few shades lighter and his green eyes were shared with the child on his hip, her russet coloured brown skin a warm contrast to her fathers peachy complexion, just like Teds. Ted Lassos most contentious has been Nates (Nick Mohammed) slow heel turn. Ahead of the new batch of episodes fueled on biscuits and believing in. He waived his hand triumphantly, like that news would change her mind. Seven? Happy Christmas, Sausage. Deborah leaned forward to press a kiss to the apple of Rebeccas cheek. I want you all to myself for a minute.. I didnt know we were coming to your house, so Dad taught me so Id have a present for you. He gave her a bashful little smile. No youre not, He hissed, steadying her movements with broad hands on her hips. The first episode of season 3 is set to drop on March 15th, 2023a mere two weeks away. I need you to take a deep breath and tell me what the hell is going on., He did as instructed, breathing in deeply with his eyes set on hers before letting the breath out between them with a little nod, calming himself to explain. So you dont want to?, Rebecca rolled her eyes. I thought you only had five. He started to count on his fingers and Rebecca giggled. She could hear the rumble in the stands as she made her way through the lower floor of the club, listening to the rattling walls like thunder rolling in - boots stomping in the stands. Rebeccas house hadnt felt so festive in years. Ted noticed Rebecca hanging back as his family filed through the door, shucking off their coats as they listened to oohs and aahs through the door as they saw the breakfast spread before them. When Ted stopped spinning and turned towards the doors, Rebecca noticed a stately looking woman in a soft grey trench coat with round, tortoiseshell glasses, grey hair and impeccable red lipstick for a woman who had just gotten off a ten hour flight. The ring that Keeley helped him choose for Rebecca had a stone perfect in cut, colour and clarity and was fit in a stunning, yet modest setting, ideal for a woman who didnt expect the world, but deserved it. Henry had surprised her, receiving a few gentle words from his father, a kiss on the forehead from his grandmother and a surprised hug from her, before hed taken himself to his room without a fuss. In the coming installment, Rupert (which is possibly a nod to his Buffy The Vampire Slayer character, Rupert Giles?) I can do this, if you would prefer., Its your house, Rebecca, Im sure mom would love the tour.. Jason Sudeikis. She was still standing in the middle of the room, her shoulders tight and her eyes set on the frame of the door. She hopped up over him, straddling his waist, leaning over him to press a kiss to his lips. They were all bundled up in coats and scarves, with a little pair of ear-muffs shoved over the top of Hayes wild curls. She was curious, that was all, not probing, not judgemental. She nodded, giving him a little shove and a gesture to look back at his gift. as well as There was an antique chessboard in the study, the pieces so old Ted was terrified to touch it for fear the rooks would crumble into dust. Hayes was on her back next to the mat, just staring up at her mother whose head was hanging upside down. Yes, good job, darling, Julie added. Theyre over for Christmas. Ted sat up in his chair, edging forward a little and resting his elbows on his knees, glancing between Roy in the doorway, and Beard in his own chair. He came to me thinking he had to murder you for touchin her and I had to tell him or youd have been sportin a black eye., Ted cleared his throat awkwardly. Around the corner.. Not exactly new. Ted muttered and Rebecca blanched, worried how his mother would take the news theyd been together for nearly six months and he hadnt told her about them. We did it. He corrected her and she blushed, nodding, feeling her cheeks flush as the wind whipped her hair across her face and he reached up to brush it behind her ear. Ted studied her face. She didnt bother with her long robe, instead pulling her short silk one that matched her pink pyjamas from the back of the chair by the door, before making her way down the stairs. Yay! Rebeccas Dad's girlfriend! Henry shouted from behind the group and Catherine smiled down at the boy, giving his shoulders a gentle squeeze from the side. Rupe-dupes? Artie questioned, looking to Rebecca. Beards eyes nearly touched the brim of his cap. It was freezing outside, but the longer they waited, the more she started to feel like she was sweltering. Ted. Her tone no longer brooked an argument and Teds shoulders slumped, standing there in the hall beside her, the slump making his eyeline level with her throat instead of the tip of her nose, like usual. Course not, Keeley grinned. Music Supervisor. Didnt you blow off McCartneys party last christmas to give out presents with the gaffer. Roy chimed in, throwing his thumb over his shoulder to indicate Ted who was smiling, watching the exchange.
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